Ge raised his head and looked at the light of the spaceships flashing back and forth in the sky.

More than a hundred years have passed since the arrival of these extraterrestrial spaceships.

Ge still remembers deeply that when the first starship came to this world, people generally showed a kind of tension and panic.

Some people were worried about the invasion of aliens and fled from the city to the mountains, forests, rural areas and other remote places as possible.

Some people advocated preemptive strikes in fear and encouraged countries around the world to besiege the starship together.

Of course, even if more people were optimistic, they did not think they could escape or resist in front of such a spaceship that crossed the galaxy.

Most people would rather talk to the aliens on the spaceship and solve the problem in a peaceful way.

But what happened later was far beyond their expectations.

The spaceship came down with a humanoid life that looked similar to them. They claimed to be from a place called Paradise.

These extraterrestrial life forms, called Paradise Star People by humans, the first thing they did after contacting governments was to provide cross-era agriculture and completely solve the world's food problem.

Then there are energy technology, computer technology, biotechnology...

After having endless food, infinite energy, robots that replace human labor, healthy bodies, and long lifespans, humans seem to have ushered in a new era, an era of great happiness.

Ge lowered his head and looked at the cheering young people on the street. Today is the anniversary of the landing of the Elysian Star People. Many young people have poured into the streets to start a carnival.

In this unprecedented era, everyone can freely choose their own life under sufficient material conditions, and under the care of household robots, they can enjoy a life far beyond the enjoyment of ancient emperors.

Some people study and learn knowledge, and study topics of their interest. Free courses, knowledge, free food, free housing, free medical care... All of this allows them to completely not worry about not being able to afford it.

Some people eat and drink every day, but with the support of biotechnology, they don’t have to worry about obesity and a series of diseases.

Some people explore and travel everywhere, and with the support of nanny robots and advanced medical technology, they have completed various feats that were once incredible in human history.

After getting sufficient material and the most careful care, everyone seems to have bloomed with unprecedented life brilliance and lived a wonderful life.

Thanks to today's medical and biotechnology, Ge, who is 140 years old, still looks young, strong, and even handsome.

Or in other words, with the support of powerful gene modification technology and medical beauty technology, most people in the world are healthy and beautiful. Unless they are some mavericks, everyone has good appearance conditions.

But although Ge looks young, he feels more and more out of tune with this world.

At this moment, he turned his head and glared at his great-grandson, angrily scolding: "Boy, how could you do such a rebellious thing?"

"That's your own sister!"

The great-grandson, who looks like a teenager but is actually over 50 years old, curled his lips and said indifferently: "Are you talking about incest?"

"Please, genetic defects have been overcome long ago, not to mention that there is a uterine hospital. It is not our turn to give birth now. There is no such thing as incest. Everyone is free in this regard..."

Ge was so angry that his face turned red, and he continued to scold: "Then what's the matter with you and your son-in-law? How can you do such a mess..."

The great-grandson's sister who was over 80 years old said: "Grandpa Grandpa, sexually transmitted diseases have disappeared for nearly a hundred years, and the family unit has been disintegrated for more than thirty years. People now pay attention to enjoying life in the moment and love whenever they want. Don't worry about it. "

As she said that, she smiled at Ge, licked her lips and said, "Why don't we try it too? Grandpa?"

The great-grandson beside her laughed and said, "Grandpa, it's a new era now, don't always take age and seniority to heart. There is no difference between a 150-year-old and a 30-year-old in appearance and health, and the ejaculation is just as strong..."

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

Ge roared and drove out his great-grandson, great-granddaughter and the friends they brought with them.

He really couldn't accept that after severing family ties for many years, his descendants came to him just to have sex with him and have fun.

Looking at the gifts they dropped, Ge picked them up and took a look: "This is... customized cultured meat... his customized version?"

Ge immediately reacted that this was the customized artificial meat that has become more and more popular in recent years.

It is said that by copying and modifying the flesh and blood of the eater, the most suitable meat can be created. Not only can the nutritional needs be supplemented in a targeted manner, but long-term consumption can even strengthen the physique and gradually turn into a little superman.

But this is still a food that Ge cannot accept at all.

"Isn't that just eating your own meat?"

And the gift given to him by the great-grandson today is the great-grandson's own meat, which is considered a gift of importance in today's society.


Ge smiled bitterly: "Eating raw meat and drinking blood is against human ethics..."

He suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart, as if he had spent ten years getting used to modernization and washing away the stigma of primitive tribes, which has become popular in society again after more than a hundred years.

Whether it is the collapse of rituals and music or social progress, he can no longer accept it.

Unlike the last time he came to the city from the primitive tribe, Ge's choice this time did not change.

After connecting to the Internet, he began to gather with other old people on the Internet for warmth, criticizing the current social chaos, commenting on how decadent the new generation of young people were, and missing the beauty of the social atmosphere in the past.

All this made Ge feel that he was no longer out of place and felt that he was not alone in this society.

Suddenly, the Internet was disconnected.

Ge felt his body lighten, and there was an illusion that he was about to fly.

"This is..."

He subconsciously lowered his head and saw his body still lying on the sofa.

"My soul left the body?"

Soon Ge felt his soul flying towards the sky under an incomparable suction force.

Not only him, the sky was densely packed with souls similar to his, all of which left the body at this moment, flew into the sky, and flew in the same direction.

"Is it the call of the paradise?"

Ge quickly reacted to what was happening in front of him.

The technology and knowledge brought by the Paradise people are not free.

In exchange, every year, the human souls of a certain area will leave their bodies and go to Paradise to become citizens of that world.

However, in the propaganda of Paradise, this is not a bad thing. On the contrary, in that world, people will enjoy better material conditions than on the earth today, and more fun that goes straight to the heart of the people.

And all this is voluntary.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Ge's mind.

"Do you want to go to Paradise?"

Ge asked a question subconsciously, just like that afternoon in the tribe.

"Why go?"

"There is everything in the universe there, do you want to go and see it?"

Ge looked down at the land below, and seemed to see the society that had made him feel disgusted and corrupt, and finally resolutely embarked on the road to Paradise.

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