When Ge opened his eyes again, a world without sky or earth appeared in front of him.

This world was glittering with dreamy purple, with countless changing things like bubbles floating in it, glittering with colorful and indescribable colors.

He tried to look into the bubbles, and it seemed that he saw all kinds of food beyond his imagination, beauties that made him itch, power that he longed for, and knowledge that made him extremely curious...

These countless bubbles seemed to have bred everything in the universe that he longed for, which moved his heartstrings and made him drift over involuntarily.

And beside Ge, one figure after another had already flown out like a meteor and drilled into the bubbles between heaven and earth.

These were all human souls who came to this paradise together. At this moment, they were attracted to the different bubbles by their different desires, looking like countless sperm running to the uterus.

But after a moment, Ge, who was also rushing towards those bubbles, had tried hard to wake up, looking at the world in front of him with a trace of fear.

This uncontrolled action just now reminded him of those addictive drugs that were once strictly prohibited in society but have been increasingly abused in recent decades, which made Ge instinctively resist the world in front of him.

At the same time, a voice sounded beside him, chuckling and saying: "You are very cautious to get rid of the influence of the dream bubble so quickly."

Ge turned his head, but he didn't see anyone. Just when he thought he was hallucinating, he heard the voice continue: "In this spiritual world, everyone is invisible."

"But you can try to feel my voice and imagine what I look like..."

After a while, a young monk in a monk's robe and with a handsome face appeared in front of Ge. This is the feeling that the voice brought to Ge.

The other party smiled at him and introduced him to the world of bliss.

In this pure spiritual world, people do not need air, water, or any material conditions to survive. The only thing to do is to enjoy, enjoy to your heart's content.

In this world, new fantasy bubbles are generated every moment. These bubbles will rise according to people's desires, and new desires will be continuously generated in them, so that people can continue to satisfy their desires...

Hearing this, Ge unexpectedly said: "What desires can be satisfied?"

The other party smiled and said: "Yes, this is a spiritual world. No matter how delusional, absurd, vulgar, selfish, unbearable, or evil you are... As long as you enter the fantasy bubble, you will be satisfied."

"Follow your own feelings, the fantasy bubble will feel your strongest desire and attract you."

Those bubbles are like a dream world. At first, Ge was just attracted to different bubbles to eat and drink, then various luxury houses and cars, and then various beauties...

After constantly satisfying the instinctive desires of various creatures, Ge began to become a rich man, a big star, a president, a magician, and a superpower in those dream worlds. Sometimes he was the richest in the world, sometimes he saved the world, and sometimes he was famous all over the world...

But after all kinds of desires were satisfied instantly, Ge just felt a kind of emptiness and numbness.

Looking at the sky city in front of him, he no longer had the excitement of designing and building here.

Because there was always a voice in his heart telling him: After all, it's all fake.

He looked at the servants who looked at him with admiration and sighed softly: "You are all fake too."

An idea suddenly came to Ge's mind. These people who daydream every day in the paradise may not be as good as the humans who mess around on the earth. At least the latter's experience is real and has actually changed the world.

Once this idea came up, it became a fierce desire that grew wildly in his heart.

So when he was attracted to the next bubble, what appeared in front of him was actually a planet, a planet with his familiar city and country.

"Am I back?"

At first, Ge played on this planet with a nostalgic mood, but he soon realized that he was not back, because here he could still easily satisfy his various desires.

And those familiar landscapes and humans, although they looked exactly the same at first glance, always lacked changes and intentions.

Ge gradually understood in his heart that these were built based on his hometown in his memory after all, not the real world.

Looking at this false world in front of him, Ge only felt more and more bored, and the feeling of returning to his hometown in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He wanted to go back and see what his hometown, which he once hated and criticized, had become, and wanted to see how his relatives and friends were doing.

So after leaving this bubble, Ge's heart kept surging with the idea of ​​returning, but what appeared in front of him was just a dream bubble of a false hometown.

Ge began to shout and shout about his decision to go back, but no one paid attention to him.

Finally, he began to rush into other people's bubbles, doing evil in them, preventing others from satisfying their own desires, and wanted to attract the attention of the administrator of this world.

And in the process, he saw all kinds of atrocities, all kinds of behavior that exceeded his imagination and far exceeded his bottom line.

One act after another of killing, violence, and twisting is just to satisfy the morbid desires in one person after another that can no longer be satisfied by ordinary things.

Even knowing that everything in the bubble was fake, it still caused strong negative emotions in Ge's heart, making him even more disgusted with it all.

After he disrupted dozens of worlds, an invisible voice finally appeared in his ears again.

Then the handsome young man who looked like a monk appeared in front of him along with Ge's imagination.

"You can easily achieve all your desires here, but you can't leave."

Hearing this, Ge felt a bad feeling in his heart: "Can't you leave?"

The other party smiled and said: "Yes, your physical body should have returned to dust long ago. If your soul wants to go back, where can it go?"

"Of course. If you insist on going back, we can't create a body for you."

"But the premise is that you must continue to satisfy your desires for about ten years."

Hearing this, Ge's heart sank, and he felt more and more that the so-called paradise in front of him was like a huge trap, trapping him in it.

But at this moment, he had no choice but to continue to satisfy his desires in those dream bubbles.

But just like eating to excess, as he satisfies his desires again and again, his spirit begins to become numb, and his threshold for various desires becomes higher and higher.

After he was unable to satisfy his desires for many days, the monk appeared in front of him again and told him that if he failed to satisfy his desires in another month, he would be kicked out of the Paradise and left to his own devices. The soul collapsed in the material world.

In order to survive, in order to return to his hometown.

Ge can only begin to pursue more exciting and crazier actions to satisfy his desires.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what was going on with the crazy figures he had seen in those dreamy bubbles in the past.

"Ten years..." Ge smiled bitterly: "It doesn't take ten years at all. I'm afraid most people in this world where everything can come true in an instant have already gone crazy."

"This is no paradise, this is simply a paradise hell."

But Ge still insisted on doing it.

He felt like he was back when he was young, but at that time he stepped from the mountains into the city, from a beast to a human.

And now, as the environment changes, after entering another world, he also needs to start adapting to this new world again.

The same thing about the two, maybe he didn't have a choice.

At this moment, he seems to have returned from a modern society to the jungle of desire, gradually abandoning his original morals and ethics, and finally turning into a beast that only knows how to satisfy his own desires crazily.

When he came back to his senses, he was already sitting cross-legged on the boundless galaxy, and below was a huge hole, as if it was constantly swallowing everything.

In front of him was a human figure that looked exactly like him, smiling at him and saying, "The ten-year period has come, congratulations."

Ge slowly opened his mouth and said bitterly: "Have I survived ten years?"

The other party laughed and said: "No, you lasted for 126 years."

"When you survived the tenth year, someone said that you had good talents and wanted to see where your limits were, so we let you stay in the Paradise Banner."

"In the 126th year, considering that your spirit had reached its limit and your self-awareness was gradually collapsing, we took you out. After about 12 years of mental treatment, you finally returned to normal thinking..."

Ge stood up suddenly, raised his hand to hit the opponent, but found that his body fell forward uncontrollably.

The other person advised: "Don't worry, you are not used to your physical body yet."

Ge angrily said: "You...are you from the Bliss Star? You have tortured me for so many years..."

"Torture?" The other party smiled slightly and said, "Do you think it is torture? But many people are addicted to it and are unwilling to come out."

Ge sneered and said, "Then why don't you go in?"

The other party smiled and said: "Because I also came out of the Paradise Banner, and the things in it can no longer satisfy you and me, right?"

Ge was slightly startled, as his mind seemed to recall countless past experiences in the paradise world, but he had to admit... that many of the fun behaviors could no longer satisfy him.

He even felt that there was nothing in this world that he cared about anymore, whether it was appetite, lust, power... all his desires were numb and broken.

So at this moment, the only motivation left in his heart is to go back to his hometown and see what those Bliss Star people are.

Ge sat down again, sighed helplessly, and asked: "Why on earth are you doing this? What is your purpose?"

The other party replied: "The purpose of the bliss flag is, of course, to collect bliss."

"As for why you collect Bliss, it's because it's a very useful power."

"Do not understand?"

"It's actually very simple. Like your hometown, the agricultural tools, looms, carriages, cars, air conditioners...these things were invented because humans wanted to pursue a better life."

"And what is the essence of a better life?"

"For most people, it means less effort and more enjoyment."

"Do you understand? For your species, laziness and enjoyment are the driving force for your continuous progress."

"In fact, it's not just you. Most of the species in the starry sky have stepped into the starry sky step by step because of the two advantages of laziness and enjoyment."

"In turn, that is to say, most of the species that can step into the starry sky must have the two major disadvantages of laziness and enjoyment..."

Listening to the other party's story, Ge murmured in disbelief: "You... spread bliss everywhere in the starry sky, "Restricting races that have the potential to enter the universe and trap them in endless laziness and enjoyment?"

"Restricting?" The other party shook his head and said, "No, no, no, we just collect bliss through them."

"Like in your hometown, we only recruit a group of people each time, and we won't pull all of you into the Bliss Banner at once."

"Bliss is a powerful force, but we don't use it against you, we use it against it..."

Looking at the direction the other party's finger pointed, that was the projection below the two people, a huge void deep in the universe.

Ge asked in confusion: "What is that?"

"The Great Void, I don't know what race created this miracle."

"The Great Void is almost everywhere, and it is swallowing our universe at superluminal speed every moment. One day, the universe will be completely swallowed by it."

"But that threat will be billions of years later, and it is nothing to most races in the universe."

"What's worse is that the Great Void has been changing the rules of the known universe."

"And every time a new rule spreads, it will lead to the destruction of countless planets and countless races."

"So in order to stop the Great Void, all the powerful races in the universe are doing their best."

"And our method is to use bliss to slow down its growth."

The other party looked at Ge and said: "As for you, you have been able to persist in the Bliss Banner for such a long time, and you are qualified to become a disciple of my sect and practice the Bliss Dao Jue."

Ge listened to what the other party said in a daze.

All this was too vast and too far away, making him feel like he was listening to a myth.

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