
On the other side, Sam Roberts, who was sitting on a pirate ship with nearly 200 people when he was only 28 years old, was already a well-known pirate nouveau in the North Sea. After several bold plunders, he named himself Started in the North Sea. After that, relying on the modified sailboat that was originally a slave ship, it evaded the navy's interception several times with excellent speed. The Vita with 28 cannons can reach 13 knots under ideal conditions.

Sam, who had looted a town not long ago to maintain his supplies, was dozing off in the captain's room. He was eagerly awakened by his subordinates. He was inevitably a little angry, but the huge naval ship that he observed through the telescope gave him the thought of "just rob." The idea of ​​"a vote for the opposing warship" poured cold water. The North Sea navy does not have such a fine and huge ship. He is a little frightened by the dense artillery that is twice as many as his own ship and the thick steel plate wrapped in the hull.

I have seen many pirates and navy ships when I came to the Great Sea Route, and they are rarely equipped with such sophisticated equipment. "Is this a navy ship?" Sam secretly guessed, combined with the news in the newspaper that the navy slaughter order destroyed O'Hara a few days ago, Sam Roberts didn't want this kind of warship with firepower. . The young pirate ship captain was amazed but not panicked. His own Vita is known for its speed, and it is not difficult to get rid of this huge and heavy warship not far away at full speed. He commanded the troops to tighten the sails with a loud voice and began to prepare to escape with the help of the favorable wind direction.

"Boom", "boom" and "boom" dozens of water jets soared into the sky. The test fire of the naval ship on the opposite side obviously fell on the Vita, but the water jets exploded around the hull reminded him of the power of the guns on the opposite side. "Quickly, move." Sam put down his binoculars, turned his head and shouted at the crew to hurry up.

"Captain!! Look!" the lookout yelled. Then more pirates stared at the direction of the enemy ship, "What's that?"

Sam was a little angry with these fussed subordinates, but when he looked up, he saw that besides the round cannonballs flying to this side in the sky, there was also a crimson figure stepping on the air, rushing towards this side at high speed in the violent blast of air being torn apart.

Author's message:

When Oda draws the characters of One Piece, he likes to draw on well-known figures in the world as his prototypes. This fan will also use this interesting method. Several characters appearing here can also find their prototypes in reality. The name of the naval colonel is a combination of the names of two admirals in the real world. Erich Raidel, German Navy Marshal during World War II, Otto Ernst Lindemann, German naval colonel, and commander of the famous battleship Bismarck.

For the same reason, Hessam is based on the 18th century British pirate Sam Bellamy and the pirate prince as the prototype, combined with the famous pirate Basaromiu Roberts.

25. Crush them

Sakazuki stepped on the air, and at the moment of kicking in the air, a cloud of white mist was produced around the toes. This is a peculiar phenomenon that accompanies the object when it breaks through the sound barrier. It was called the Prandtl-Grauer decondensation cloud by the scientific community in the past life, which is also commonly known as the sonic boom cloud. We must know that in the previous life of Sakazuki, humans need to rely on supersonic fighters to do it. Here, they can do it only by relying on the body. The six types are well-deserved as a physical skill that exceeds the limit of human physical ability.

As one of the six forms, the principle of the return of life to the cultivator's limbs, the internal organs and blood vessels, and the external pores and hairs, is very simple compared to the need to use meditation training to perceive and manipulate the cultivator's limbs.

After a short period of power accumulation, a strong kick is used to generate thrust. When the user's movement speed in the air breaks through the speed of sound, the instantaneous thrust can be achieved with the help of this reaction force. When the running speed is close to the speed of sound, there will be a strong resistance, which will cause the object to oscillate strongly and decay the speed. This phenomenon is called sound barrier (SoundBarrier).

The moon step uses the user's powerful physical power to break through the sound barrier, change the moving track before falling, and accelerate again, hitting the enemy without dead ends in the air. If you use Sakazuki, the essence of Moon Step is supersonic kick.

With several short and strong violent blasts that tore the atmosphere, everyone in the Black Sam Pirates was surprised to see a figure wearing a high-collared coat, accompanied by the ensuing cannonballs, approaching here at extreme speed. "How is it possible?!" Sam? Roberts could no longer maintain a calm state of mind, and the dark red figure slammed into the deck of the Vita under his horrified eyes—

The violent impact caused everyone on the pirate ship's deck to sway. As the captain, Sam firmly supported the rudder and stared at the place where the big hole was smashed into the deck. The edge of the deck seemed to be melted, with thick smoke billowing from the center. The young captain with the nickname Black Sam motioned his crew to wrap around the deck breach with his weapon. He knew very well that if he wanted to get rid of this hunt, he had to get rid of the navy that had attacked the ship alone.

Sakazuki finds that he likes this kind of preemptive attack more and more. It is easy to take advantage of the psychological warfare when dealing with these low-power and large-number enemies. The strong deterrence and visual impact are enough to affect The overall morale of those groups that are not aligned. He stepped out elementally and stepped on the edge of the burning deck.

"Shooting!!!" Without waiting for Sam to speak, he cooperated with the already quite tacit understanding of the pirate crew and shook the trigger, intending to shoot this tall figure who dared to appear into a hornet's nest. They did it—the tall navy was full of gunholes caused by shooting all around, but the countless gunholes did not flow out a drop of bright red blood. The inside was faintly visible orange red and dark red wrapped in melted waxy fluid slowly closing the muzzle. On repair, the burly figure exudes amazing heat, reminiscent of the hot lava flowing underground. The lead bomb that passed through the opponent's body was melted by the high temperature, and lost its kinetic energy, turning into a small puddle of lead liquid and falling on the deck, like the metallic silver flower dotted beside the demon god.

But how is this possible?! How can the magma that only accumulates power in the volcano and flows in the earth appear on a person? This is the voice of the pirates who participated in the attack. Sam's eyes widened and he looked at the undamaged navy in front of him in disbelief. Unlike other ignorant pirates, he was born in the North Sea somewhat. He guessed this when he saw the crimson figure crashing into the deck. The navy that hunts alone must have reliance on it, and it is very likely to be a rare demon fruit capable person in the sea. However, I never thought that the opponent would be so tricky. The ability of the opponent to show no fear of bullets is a sign of a person with natural ability. Even in the North Sea where heroes frequently appear, a person with natural fruits is absolutely the top. For that group of people, he never dreamed that this monster-like existence would deliberately come over and strangle himself. There are many powerful pirates offering a bounty of more than 100 million in the world, but the monster in front of him is eyeing him.

Sakazuki stood there, staring at Sam not far away expressionlessly, and stepped heavily on it. From the footing point to the center of the circle, a circle of dark red fluid with choking black smoke gradually formed, rippling like ripples on the surface of the water, suddenly exploding a circle of red magma, almost exploding like an explosion. shoot. Sam looked at it more clearly from a high place. The viewing angle almost made him think he was in hell. He saw a fascinating and deadly **** red lotus blooming with Sakazuki as the heart of it!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"


"Hands, my hands!!! Ahhhhh"

The pirates who surrounded Sakazuki fell horribly, and the terrifying adhesive force of magma stuck to the pirates' skin, melting the skin, melting the muscles and blood vessels, and the toughest bones of the human body could not stand it. The terrifying high temperature scorched and carbonized quickly. Many of the broken limbs and arms fell on the deck, and one or two of the unlucky ones were directly covered by the wanton blooming magma, and fell on the deck with a plop without even making a sound. The few pirates who had escaped by chance crawled around with their farts, and they were so frightened that they just wanted to stay as far away from the disaster star as possible.

The lieutenant admiral of the Navy Headquarters directly expanded the elementalization area, increasing the burned area, and the Vita suddenly fell into a sea of ​​flames. A brave bearded pirate with red eyes went around this blind spot of the tall navy's perspective and carried a machete to the back of Sakazuki. The machete cleanly separated the navy's back, but the beard in the white vest did not have the slightest joy, and there was no sense of barrier that cut the flesh with a sharp blade. The knife went down as if it was cut in the ooze, and the beard Exhausting all his strength but not cutting on the entity, he immediately lost his balance and fell into the magma that was cut and scattered by himself. In just a moment, the part of the blade covered by the lava has begun to turn red, and the beard The pirate's sturdy body fell directly on the burning deck, and the magma above his neck was directly transformed into a burning black skull. Even the unblinking pirates were still shocked by this terrifying scene. Sakazuki, which was slowly moving towards the rudder, was filled with fireworks on the ship, in the eyes of the pirates, it was like a Balrog walking out of the abyss.

Author's message:

emmmm, here is a collection of moves for reference. Everyone speaks enthusiastically

26. Die! insect! (superior)

Sam Roberts had his teeth closed, looking directly at the tall figure who was coming for his life, gently let go of the hand holding the rudder, straightened the captain's hat that had been worn diagonally on his head, and slowly pulled out the bend around his waist. The blade pointed straight at the advancing navy.

From the time when he first followed the old captain to trade slaves to when he was twenty-six years old and truly took the lead of a pirate ship, which time did he win by not relying on his own life? He has always been bold and careful, daring to fight. Bargaining from underground arms dealers to obtain weapons and ammunition, choose the safest channel for disposing of stolen goods, and control the gang of old pirates. At the age of twenty-eight, he is already a veteran pirate ship captain. The merciless attacks on merchant ships, the wanton looting of innocent townspeople, and the merging of underpowered counterparts made Sam gradually become a well-known pirate in the North Sea. After entering the Great Channel, he escaped the navy's pursuit several times by relying on the speed of the ship. But this time he will be chased by the lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters, which is absolutely beyond his expectation.

Can't win! Sam showed a look of despair. He knew very well in his heart that if it was an animal or superhuman demon fruit capable person, relying on the many pirates on the ship and his own swordsmanship might not let him go, but what is in front of him is An incarnation of natural disasters. Sam yelled and encouraged his subordinates, trying to save the morale that was nearly collapsed: "Nothing to fear! The Devil Fruit Ability is just a land duck! Get him off the boat!!" After all, he was never reconciled to his pirate career. The captain of the pirate at the end urged the surrounding gunners to turn around a cannon not far away and point it at a conspicuous target about three meters tall.

-boom! The cannonball hit the opponent accurately, and the spherical iron cannonball smashed half of the monster in front of him. "It's hit!" The gunner who was sweating in cold sweat whispered in exclamation. The deputy who was in charge of pounding and loading the ammunition waved his left hand and shouted loudly, but the others were more self-comforting: "This is the case. No one can bear the injury! Even if the Neptune is shattered most of its body..." Halfway through, the deputy's voice seemed to be squeezed to death in his throat, and stopped abruptly. Under the unbelievable gazes of everyone, the Navy, half of its body being shattered by the shells, seemed to be unaware of it, and it still approached its captain.

"!" This time the pirates can see clearly. Through the broken body of the other party, the internal structure can be easily seen. There are no organs. The whole body is flowing with hot crimson magma. The fiery red magma can easily make the body big. The hole was filled and recovered as before, like a stone thrown on the water, breaking the water and splashing waves, and finally returning to calm.

"Strange... Monster!!!" Finally, a pirate tremblingly threw down the knife and muttered to himself.

"You can't win, that kind of monster navy, you can't win!" A thin and tall pirate with a colorful headscarf on his head turned and ran. There was fire everywhere, he jumped into the sea desperately, a blank brain. Don't think about how to survive in the ever-changing waters of the great sea route without a ship. There was only one thought in the pirate's mind, "Escape! The farther you escape, the better, as long as you can avoid this monster..."

More pirates made the same choice, abandoning the ship and jumping into the sea, even if the prestigious captain is still on board.

The captain of the pirate of course saw the actions of the crew, but he was too busy to take care of himself. Sakazuki had already come to him. The tall figure enveloped him completely. The navy opened his mouth and said the first sentence since he boarded the ship. : "Black Sam-Sam Roberts, offering a reward of 54 million Baileys."

Captain Sam gripped the scimitar with several gems in both hands, and roared like a beast. The pirate who had been unable to retreat took the initiative to attack, suddenly exerting a knife from the bottom up, slamming the opponent's head. . Sakazuki didn't dodge or evade, with one hand protruding like lightning, and a knife with a screaming wind was directly sandwiched between the index finger and the middle finger. With his free hand, a choking black smoke suddenly appeared from his shoulder, and it made a low "grumbling" sound like boiling water. With a soft "chuck", the color of the whole arm changed directly. Muddy crimson orange.

Sakazuki slammed a fist close to the body, punching the brave pirate captain directly into Sam's heart, and the magma punch that protruded from the front of his heart came out from his wide back, and the flesh and blood around him It was so hot that it was rolled up, and a faintly burnt odor came from his body. Sakazuki lowered his head to the ear of the opponent so that the pirate could hear clearly, and the capable person slowly said, "Die, bug!"

Author's message:

emmmmm, I have been on vacation these few days. Today, I started from 9am to 8pm to reach the destination. . . . It’s really troublesome to travel by car

27. Die, bug (we got a traitor)

``(Sakazuki)'' stands with arms folded, standing on the side deck of the warship and looking at the pirate ship not far away into a torch violently burning sea coffin. Most of the hull of the sailing ship has been submerged into the sea, and it has previously jumped into the sea. The pirates who escaped are like moving black spots on the vast sea, trying to free the ship that is about to sink completely.

"Report! Lieutenant General! Major General Ghost Spider asks you for the next step." The colonel stood beside Sakazuki and saluted and asked. Sakazuki didn't look back: "Let the warship approach the drowning sea thief."

"Uh... Lieutenant General, do you need us to rescue those pirates?" The colonel seemed a little hesitant and couldn't help but ask. This instruction always sounds a bit of a violation. After all, Lieutenant-Admiral’s usual style is against pirates. No mercy, even merchant ship hostages or civilians captured by pirates were executed at the same time, but he suddenly remembered the dialogue between the lieutenant general in ``(Sakazuki)'' and the major general ghost spider after the operation of the slaughter order, which made him unable to guess for a while. The intention of his own lieutenant general.

"Did your head be damaged by the artillery fire just now? Colonel Lindemann?!" Sakazuki looked back a little surprised. He remembered the demon-killing order that helped him before the operation." The soldiers informed the soldiers. Point the rifle at the pirate falling into the water, not leaving one. Remember, civilians are civilians, and pirates are pirates. Don’t get confused!!!”

"Yes!" Colonel Lindemann was so frightened that he nodded hurriedly. The last trace of disobedience in his heart dissipated, and he slandered in his heart: "Sure enough, I think too much, so I will say when will Lieutenant become Lieutenant General Sauro is the kind of old man...

"What are you doing here in a daze!?"

"No...I'm very sorry!!" The colonel who was distracted in front of the lieutenant general saluted as fast as he could, turned and ran towards the rudder, lest he would get a magma punch. While running, he loudly ordered the marines on the deck along the way. : "There will be an order in Sakazuki! Each battle sequence on the deck will aim the muzzle at the falling pirate, and shoot freely after the warship arrives in the designated area, without leaving one!!!"

Soon the warship adjusted its rudder and headed towards the pirates who were struggling at sea.

The marines raised their rifles and aimed at the figures struggling to swim in the waves.


"Bump! Touch!"

Chaos of gunfire on the warships one after another. The soldiers fired at the sea from high ground, and many pirates blossomed with blood blossoms and slowly sank into the sea, but there were still some experienced pirates desperately diving down to escape. With a bullet, the round lead bullet quickly loses its kinetic energy when it enters the sea, but the purpose of Sakazuki has been achieved. This blood-soaked water will become a stage for fierce ocean hunters. Maybe there are pirates. Free from bullets, but facing this **** feast, there is no chance of surviving.

``(Sakazuki)'' noticed that a soldier's hands were shaking a little, and he seemed to be engaged in a strong ideological struggle.

The ghost spider who was in charge of commanding the marines naturally noticed the strangeness of this soldier. The major general who wanted to stab the coward off the ship with a knife directly saw Sakazuki staring at himself somewhat meaningfully, and he "tsk". With a sound, he turned his hand and pulled out the scabbard together, and slapped the soldier on the back with a "pop", and the dazed sea soldier staggered with a not-so-light force. The ghost spider retracted the scabbard and said coldly: "If you still Remember the declaration that you called yourself {soldier} the other day, then execute the order! Soldier!"

The voice of Sakazuki came in at the right time: "If you have any questions about the order, I will explain it afterwards, but now, I order you to shoot, Sergeant."

"Yes!" The sergeant took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and pointed the muzzle at the pirate who was crying in the sea, and pulled the trigger.

``(Sakazuki)'' nodded slightly behind him, knowing that obeying orders is not a slogan that screams loudly, but an absolute order that soldiers can implement even in such a sudden crisis.

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