Monkey D. Karp looked at the child Lu Jiu was holding in his arms, and the voice of his old enemy, who was also a friend and foe, appeared in his ears in a trance. "Kapu! Can I believe you? My child is about to be born, but unfortunately, I am no longer in this world at that time." Roger didn't care about his own life and death, and smiled openly.

"What did you tell me as a seaman?" As a long-time enemy who has fought countless in his life, he is often the first to guess the other side's thoughts.

"The mother of that child, the woman who is related to you... will definitely be found and executed"

The light of the kerosene lamp flickered, and the man with a few thick chains of sea towers paused, as if he had made some determination, and continued to speak: "That's why I want to tell you." He slowly got up, and the chains followed his footsteps. "The government will definitely investigate my whereabouts this year. Find her and kill her."

The man known as the One Piece approached his lifelong enemy step by step." But she

The kid in the stomach is innocent, Karp!" He clung to the iron bars of the prison, and as he called the name of his old enemy, his saliva almost splashed on Karp's face. But neither of them cared. Roger stared at him. Keep Karp’s eyes "Our friendship is based on countless fights, you are as trustworthy as my companion"

The kerosene lamp suddenly went out, the light source disappeared, the prison plunged into darkness again, and the flame was lit again for a moment, re-illuminating the silent prison.

"It's up to you to protect him" Roger's eyes widened and he made a decision.

"Don't make your own claim," Karp roared, pounced on the iron fence.

And Roger gave him a brazen smile: "No, you will help me."

Karp looked at the woman in front of him, almost bit her lip to bleed, and promised word by word: "I will protect this child, Lu Jiu, I will protect the blood of Gore D. Roger."

The unexpected answer made Lu Jiu a little stunned, she had already prepared for the worst, but this was undoubtedly a surprise. She didn't doubt whether this lieutenant had lied to her at all. It's the way she sees her husband in her heart, without questioning or doubting at all. And Karp, who is Roger's old enemy, said this guarantee, and she has absolute trust in her. When Roger was with himself, he complained about how difficult the navy mad dog was chasing him, but Lu Jiu, who was keen, could always hear a hint of relief and joy from this complaint.

The last burden in her heart disappeared, Lu Jiu couldn't help but relax, boundless exhaustion and pain came like a tide, almost swallowing her, she forcibly maintained her consciousness not to blur her, she looked at the child and gently pressed her face against it. On the child, "Ace" she whispered the child's name. This great mother showed a very happy smile, but her eyes slowly closed, and the arms holding the child slowly fell weakly. Karp caught the baby quickly with his eyes, and hurriedly said: "Cheer up, Lujiu..." The mother did not respond anymore, and fell asleep quietly, with a pink flower on her head gently. Falling down.

Author's message:

The Year of the Dog is approaching, and the Red Dog is here to wish all readers and friends a happy family, all the best, and good health. The Year of the Dog is prosperous~

23. The Naval Headquarters on the Bite of the Tongue (Part 2)

The navy headquarters’ restaurant is different from the queuing at the cafeteria window in the army in the previous life, or the teams eating according to the already arranged tables. The buffet system, which was more common in the European and American armies in the past, is extremely popular here. Obviously it is a Japanese-style building, but it is matched with a European and American-style catering system. In the view of Sakazuki, it is inevitably a bit nondescript.

But from the perspective of nutrition, the customized dishes recommended by the government's nutrition experts can meet the needs of the marines of the headquarters to quickly replenish energy and restore the body after the hard work of drifting at sea and fighting. The navy’s food is enough to laugh at all the Allied forces at the same level, not to mention the pirates who wander at sea every day. Large pieces of beef are smoked so that they are fragrant, and all kinds of sausages are neatly arranged in a row. Salmon, shellfish and other seafood are placed on a layer of ice dregs to keep them fresh, waiting for the marines to take. The soft white bread and baked biscuits in the wooden basket on one side are spread out on clean white paper.

Sakazuki entered the restaurant and went straight to the second floor of the general area. The food on the second floor is not much different from that on the first floor, but there are more kinds of sea animal meat in the meat food. These sea overlords in the eyes of ordinary people are nothing more than a high-nutrition and low-fat delicacy on the table. Sakazuki picks up a dinner plate, picks up a few pieces of sea beast steaks that are just right and fried, tops them with sauce, and walks to the side table.

A lieutenant wearing a navy justice cloak sat crookedly at the dining table for four people, with short black hair curled up on his scalp. This lieutenant’s eye bags are a little big, matching his looseness. His eyes always give people a sense of carelessness. The strangest thing is his mouth shape, slanted pouting, if it weren't for the coat to show his identity as a soldier, most people would think that he is good at acting comedy. Star it. He reached out from his shirt pocket and took out a tin-made exquisite cigarette box with the seagull icon printed on it. He slowly took out a cigarette, and he did not even see him taking out the lighter. The bright light in his hand flashed and the cigarette disappeared. Was ignited.

He took a deep breath, before he could spit it out, the figure of Sakazuki had enveloped him: "How many times have I told you, Polusalino, don't smoke in the dining area!" He was called Pollu. The weird man in Salino slowly exhaled a breath of smoke, his lips twisted into a strange mouth shape, and he sighed slowly: "It's terrible! are still as severe as ever. what"

Sakazuki did not answer, put the dinner plate on the table and sat opposite Polusalino, pursing his lips slightly: "You still do your own way as you always do."

In the future, the middle-aged man who will be called one of the highest combat powers in the Navy with Sakazuki has no temper, with a strange smile: "Then I will accept it as a compliment."

"..." Sakazuki looked at his colleague who was stubborn and didn't want to accuse him any more. His voice was a little low: "You have such an attitude. Teacher Zefa has such a relationship with you. Difference."

Porusalino shrugged slightly to show that he didn't care. He changed the subject: "By the way, I heard that you adopted an O'Hara orphan?"

Sakazuki lightly cut a piece of steak with a dining knife, dividing it into several small pieces: "Your message is very well-informed. I brought it back yesterday afternoon. You knew it at noon today."

Even with meals, Sakazuki still maintains the figure of a soldier. Sitting on the seat without touching the backrest of the card seat, it is straight. In sharp contrast to this is Polusalino, who is opposite him, with his back slightly humped against the chair. Now far from the point where he needs to wear glasses decades later, Polusalino tilted his head, noncommittal: "Tell me? I'm really curious about what kind of child can make you, a hard-hearted fellow, change his mind? You will actually adopt a child? With my friendship with you and my knowledge of you, I really didn't expect you to be soft. Well, it must be a girl." The last sentence was full of gossip and playfulness.

"Ah la la, Polusalino, you really guessed it." Kuzan's voice was near and far. He was carrying a lunch while carrying two glasses of lemonade in his other big hand. He walked slowly to the table of the two of them and sat lazily beside Sakazuki. Handed a glass of lemonade to Sakazuki "Just eat meat, why don't you eat it? Sakazuki.

Sakazuki did not take over the lemonade that was handed over, and looked at this nonsense teacher with angrily: "Give me a chill!"

"Hey~" Kuzan had an expression that you could not help but activated his abilities. A piece of ice scum appeared on the lemonade, and several square ice cubes swayed in the cup. This delicate operation showed Kuzan. Excellent ability control level. Sakazuki took a sip from a glass of water. The taste was just right. The layer of fine ice on the water combined with the slightly sour taste of lemonade made people feel refreshing from the bottom of their hearts.

Porusalino very consciously stretched out his hand, "Is the other cup mine?"

Kuzan shook his head: "It's a pity that this cup belongs to me, ah la la... You were blocked from the previous viewing angle, and you are not seen here, Polusalino."

Porusalino realized that the topic was inexplicably skewed by him, and hurriedly asked Kuzan: "So, it's really a girl!?"

Sakazuki put down the water glass and took the topic: "This girl has no parents since she was a child, and she accidentally ate flowers and fruits, and was regarded as a monster by the residents of the island. When the killing order was launched, it was accidentally rescued by me and Kuzan. Down."

"That's it..." The man who will be called "Yellow Ape" smiles a little wretchedly: "Is there no other reason?"

Sakazuki has a cold tone: "Since your news is so fast, then you must have known what I told you on the warship? Why did you bring this child back...this is my answer."

Polusalino rarely suppressed his smile, and his tone was a little solemn: "Naturally, I heard it, you may not know, how much influence your conversation about'what is a soldier' ​​in the middle-level marines? Short? In one short night, half of the captain-level marines of the navy headquarters were discussing it. I think that sooner or later they will have to be passed to the general and the marshal." He said with a tone of admiration: "It's no wonder that Teacher Zefa has always valued you so much. "Being a soldier does not mean being a soldier."

"?" Kuzan, who was asleep since returning to the room, was a bit at a loss. He didn't understand the conversation between the two. He interjected, "God, it seems that I need to inquire about it later. By the way, what about the kid? Didn't come over for dinner with you?"

"I put her to Jonathan to recuperate for a while." Sakazuki lowered her head to deal with the food in front of her.



Two different tones, with a hint of envy, chanted the name. The generals of the navy headquarters all know that a **** named Jonathan is now in charge and abducted the beautiful chef on the ship under Lieutenant General Crane. Then the cafeteria at the headquarters didn't come, and I ate small stoves at home every day. It can be said that the hatred of the single dogs in the navy headquarters is full.

"By the way, have you heard that?" Polusalino suddenly remembered something. "The death of that fellow Gore D. Roger brought us a lot of trouble. People have all become swarms of things. Pirates, the strength of our navy can be said to be very tight now. The generals may have to send us to guard and hunt the aggressive guys everywhere. It's really scary..."

Sakazuki nodded and said: "The General of the Warring States Period has cancelled the paper-based post-war reports of the lieutenants who executed the Demon Slayer Order and asked us to immediately prepare to go to sea."

Kuzan lazily sighed: "The pirates are eagerly looking for the great secret treasure of One Piece, and countless pirate groups are fighting at sea. This is completely detrimental to our maritime security. It started to swing."

Sakazuki has a firm tone: "That's why we have to take the initiative! Keep the damage to a minimum and kill the pirates in the cradle!"

The three of them stopped talking, silently finished eating, put the plate in the washing place, and walked out side by side. The warships moored and prepared in the military port became the background. The noon sun was very good, stretching the shadows of the three people until they touched the flagpole with the word justice.

24. The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield

Two years have passed since the Pirate King Gore D. Roger was executed in Luoge Town, East China Sea, and the era of the Pirate has begun to emerge. Except for the great pirates who had been famous before the great pirate era, the pirates swarming in the first half of the great route forced the navy and the world government to shrink their forces.

Countless pirates are scouring the sands and scavenge in the fight, bringing the most potential and elite combat power to the great channel, and finally hitting the new world. More and more powerful elites are competing for territory in the paradise of the New World. Several old-brand pirate groups and rookies advancing from all over the world collide fiercely. Under this kind of momentum, the navy was forced to transfer the combat power originally distributed in the four seas to seven routes to chase, suppress and guard, and concentrated a large number of naval elites in the navy headquarters near the gate of the new world to counter these powerful pirate groups. .

Sakazuki removes the daily coastal patrols and is mainly responsible for hunting down the pirates who have a high bounty. He sat in the captain’s room and carefully checked the several reward orders that had just been passed from the headquarters in his hand. These rewards were not too high, generally around 40 million Baileys, and the highest one was only 54 million. Bailey. However, Sakazuki did not dismiss the goal this time as being too weak and not in line with the status of a lieutenant general in his own division.

In his opinion, if the pirate industry is compared to a huge food chain, those big pirates with high rewards are beasts at the top of the food chain: lions, tigers, and sea kings, then those swarming from all over the world The low rewards or nameless pirates of the Great Sea Route are mice and cockroaches running around, endlessly killing them.

Although the fierce beasts at the top of the food chain are fierce and violent, they are few and far between. Ordinary people are difficult to deal with, but as long as the army and the country are concentrated, they can be trapped in cages or even strangled. Although the rats and cockroaches at the lower level of the food chain are low in strength, they have a huge base, like weeds. These gangsters, who only destroy islands and towns everywhere, looting property, and killing innocents but do not know about construction and production, are causing headaches for the world government but unable to effectively manage and improve them.

Coupled with the great threat posed by the big pirates closest to Radruf, the world government has indeed made the world government powerless to take care of the poor pirates in the sea-because in the eyes of the five old stars, it is most likely to collect history. The main body that immediately shakes the rule of the world government is still those big pirates who are entrenched in the new world.

But in the eyes of Sakazuki, like a previous life, the lion and tiger were finally locked up in the zoo for tourists to watch. Even if there are occasional wild beasts, it is not a sense of fear, but a kind of "Oh, It turns out that there is still the kind of wonder and freshness of "wild alive". The daily troubles to the common people and civilians are still the large rats that steal food and bite utensils and the cockroaches that spread bacteria and disgusting people.

He dialed the phone worm to connect with the major general at the helm: "According to the latest news provided by the local residents, the Black Sam Pirates should be in this direction, ghost spiders, have you searched for their ships?" As this ship The deputy commander of the warship, the major general who is in charge of the affairs of the warship, looked up and stared at the colonel on the observation deck. The colonel who was searching around with the spectacles on the heights was named Erich Lindemann, who was regarded as the confidant of the ghost spider. One of the subordinates.

In order to complete the task assigned by the lieutenant-admiral as quickly as possible, the ghost spider directly mobilized his subordinates to seize the lookout work that should have been undertaken by ordinary naval soldiers. The colonel was staring straight at his head. He picked up his binoculars to investigate again and bit his head to report to the ghost spider: "Sorry, Major General, so far, there is still no trace of the Black Sam Pirates... Wait... wait, a suspicious ship was found at three o'clock!" The ghost spider was secretly happy, frowning and yelling: "Quickly confirm the identity of the other party!"

"The other party's flag is a skull with a black captain's hat diagonally, sir, it's the Black Sam Pirates!!"

The ghost spider bowed his head and reported to the waiting phone worm: "Lieutenant General Sakazuki, found the enemy army, and ask for the next step!"

"Very well, Ghost Spider. Tell everyone to prepare for battle. Let the artillery range and prepare for shelling!" Sakazuki got up from the chair, hung up the phone and walked out of the captain's room. Beasts are not common, but rats are common. His Sakazuki is not only a warrior who can fight the "liger", but also an expert in eradicating "cockroach mice".

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