"You didn't kill a member of the Don Quixote family wearing a black feather coat?" Sakazuki held his breath, quietly waiting for the other party's answer.

However, with a rather uncertain tone, Xiliu almost made Sakazuki bring his heart to his throat: "There seems to be this person during the battle, and his clothes made me almost confuse him with Doflamingo. Confused, it seems...have a slash, but his life depends on his death."

"Lindeman!! Go to check the battlefield immediately, and see the corpse!" The tone of Sakazuki was unprecedentedly serious and anxious.

The Chief of Staff of the Burning Legion, who doesn't know what happened, looked confused: "Then if the opponent is still alive, do I need to make up for it?"

"..." Sakazuki was almost suffocated by this guy's words. The legionnaire gave a punch to the side of the ship and gritted his teeth and roared: "Then you wait to collect the bodies for me and Xiliu! Fox! "

Lindemann was so scared by the sentence Sakazuki that he ran away, and even the former deputy director of Impelton Grand Prison with an indifferent expression was a little curious.

It is very rare to be able to make a gloomy guy like Sakazuki look almost desperate. It is said that he has always kept calm when he fights with White Beard.

Following this inference, Hiliu became even more excited: "Who has the courage to take the lives of you and me? This is a rare opponent!"

"The guy in the black feather coat is an agent dispatched by the Navy to the Don Quixote family!" The words of Sakazuki made Hiliu curl his lips. He felt that the legionnaire might have made a fuss too much.

Every year the Navy sacrifices a large number of soldiers and agents for spying work, even if he accidentally hacked to death a member of the Navy?

In time, the disdainful expression on his face completely solidified with the next sentence of Sakazuki: "That is the only son of the general of the Warring States period!"


Xiliu, sweating coldly, joined the fox's corpse search army. .

On the other side of the phone, Sakazuki thoroughly realized what it means to pay for a report.

In Xiaohuayuan, when he reported the life and death of the two giant leaders to the Warring States period, he had a very horrible and interesting experience of the heart roller coaster for the Warring States period.

And now. . . He can only say that history is always surprisingly similar.

But fortunately, with the help of a short-term high-speed explosive force, Hiliu and Lindeman brought him a piece of barely good news within ten minutes: "There is no black feather on the field. I want to escape in the melee. ."

"Huh..." Sakazuki took a deep breath and secretly slandered someone: Damn, Hiliu!

Xiliu squinted his eyes. Although Doflamingo escaped from him, it does not mean that he has the right to chase and kill without authorization. He who joined the expeditionary army has to give the commander of the army Sakazuki enough. Majestic respect: "Sakazuki, do I need to continue chasing him next?"

Unfortunately, the legion commander did not give a clear answer: "Since the Don Quixote family is almost annihilated, let the ghost spiders know that he must dispatch the fleet to completely destroy Doflamingo’s remnants within ten days. ."

"Wait, Sakazuki lieutenant general," the thoughtful Lindeman found a problem. Since the opponent can see through the first half of their plan and take the initiative to attack in advance, a smart person like Tianyasha may not know how to guess. To the next encirclement and suppression by the navy.

The phone worm vividly simulated his smiled expression: "What if he directly abandons the power of the North Sea and enters the great sea route?"

What should I do? The red dog was a little relieved when he heard that, this subordinate who pulled up with one hand became more and more like a qualified general.

For generals, who have no knowledge of astronomy, geography, seas and rivers, and unknown military strategies, they are also mediocre. The most important point is meticulousness before many things are important.

Sakazuki turned his head and stared at the numbers of troops rising from the frigate. Suddenly he felt a little sympathy for Doflamingo: "If this wise man chooses to march on the great route, then he may have no future. That day."

The Burning Legion, which has 30,000 soldiers in battle, is responsible for expeditions and annihilation operations.

Guard the deep-sea ship joint submarine force that leads to the only entrance to the new world

Led by the name of the temple watcher, he holds the navy's most cutting-edge scientific research force and a unique giant force.

If you add Shiliu, the No. 2 character of the Burning Legion who is eager to chase from the North Sea, the high-level combat power of the three newly-built legions in the headquarters will be gathered here.

Whether it is the three most powerful navy in the future: Green Pheasant Kuzan, Yellow Ape Polusalino, Red Dog Sakazuki

He is also a veteran head lieutenant general and chief naval staff officer-Crane.

Anyone who sits in command is a ruthless character who makes the pirates headache and terrified.

Not to mention Yu Zhiliu, who had beaten Doflamingo to the point where he had no temper.

In addition, Jinping, who had taken the lead in naval battles, and other murloc navies were still swimming at the front end of the great route.

Perhaps his imagination is poor, Sakazuki really can't figure out how Doflamingo can escape such a luxurious lineup that is enough to fight a top battle.

195. When I fall into a dream... Sleeping you are paralyzed.

After a meal is a lazy time, especially after eating a lot of carbohydrates.

Considering that this is a rare sea banquet for the Navy, the dining table in the warship canteen is exceptionally rich. Sea animal meat is an excellent choice for protein intake, and it is also an indispensable delicacy for these carnivores on warships.

But the most eagerly anticipated is the rice taken from the granary of the headquarters, and the soft glutinous rice steamed by the chefs, made into a rare rice ball in the maritime army.

Of course, the banquet is also inseparable from the staple food that is most accustomed to warships: dry fangs and compressed biscuits that may grow worms, brown bread sticks that can be used as temporary weapons in combat and other hard goods that are delicious and convenient to store. However, after comparing this reserve army ration with the soft and delicious rice **** for a second, everyone swept the rice **** decisively.

The result of a large intake of snooze (carbohydrate) compounds is reactive hypoglycemia after a group meal. The total blood sugar load in the human body is very large, and its changes are like a roller coaster.

Within half an hour to forty-five minutes, the blood sugar in the body rises rapidly, which stimulates the secretion of large amounts of insulin and causes the blood sugar to drop rapidly. So the lazy Kuzandang even obeyed the body's natural response-falling asleep. What's more, he only drank a cup of Sa-style oolong tea at the banquet.

But just like a 4/12 green-haired sleeping queen, she will always encounter unlucky events such as men’s tears, mind control, and change of sheep in the process of falling asleep. Those with the ability to freeze fruit, who had not fallen asleep for half an hour, were forced to wake up inhumanely.

"Brother, has anyone told you that disturbing others in a nap is a very wicked thing..." This is probably the second time in history that Kuzan wanted to beat Sakazuki, especially when he was dizzy Half of the pot can be thrown on the oolong tea delivered by the stupid dog.

Sakazuki didn't show any sympathy for this: "You are not a stranger, Kuzan."

Kuzan, who yawned, was rather dissatisfied with this answer: "Oh? Who am I?"

"Party." Sakazuki was a little angry when he mentioned this. He looked at Polusalino, who was testing the third page of the password in the room, and said that he deserved to be shaken awake: "Who asked you to give it? The single-line five-fold encryption arranged by Jinping? In the event of an emergency, no one among us can notify him at all except you!"

"For the sake of confidentiality, after all, the fewer people know about deploying to him..." Kuzan said halfway through, and finally heard the overtones from his brother's words: "Is it a task?"

Are you nonsense? Otherwise he would be interested in shaking up a bewildered stupid bird? Sakazuki blankly placed the encrypted phone worm on the table in front of Kuzan's eyes, and motioned to the young man to dial the phone.

Who knows that Kuzan just turned over: "You two **** didn't mean to wake me up deliberately? For the two of you guys who are full of conspiracies--is it hard to guess seven one?"

I still have eight zeros! ! ! ! Sakazuki is a bit dumbfounding. In all senses, this set of numbers is indeed a national strategic security code.

"Seven... one? 1??" Polusalino, who was still studying how to decipher the code, suddenly turned his head, thanks to Kuzan and Sakazuki who have become accustomed to his usual weird facial expressions. Only the two of them can read that kind of painful sensation.

"Hmm... Seven of them are all 1" Kuzan almost responded to Huang Yuan with a great reading tone.

"You wait for the old man..." Polusalino covered his forehead and tried his best to control his emotions: "Do you know that the old man coded your date of birth to military status... even if you were in Mr. Cap I guessed all the work codes I used to work at work!!"

Kuzan, with a strange expression on my face, casually dialed the number of the former elite officer of the Sea King’s army and now the Rear Admiral: "Hey... Very Ping... A la la, it’s me, you are still talking to Tiger. Reception?"

"Hi! Lieutenant General Kuzan, what's your order?" Shenping replied simply and neatly, without a trace of laziness or laziness in it. His serious and responsible attitude formed a perfect complement to the admiral of the deep-sea ship.

"Ah la la, I don't know what's wrong... Uh! It hurts! Brother Polusalino! Brother Sakazuki!!! Don't be domineering with your head!!!"

Jinping stared at the phone worm with a dazed expression, and then the deep and steady sound of Sakazuki came from the microphone: "Jinpei, I am Sakazuki, can you mobilize soldiers from the bottom of the sea now? ?"

"Lieutenant General Sakazuki! I haven't heard your voice for a long time! I don't know how good you are recently. The changes in Fishman Island have been so great in the past few years. Neptune has talked about it several times-I hope you I can visit Fishman Island again!" Jinping was taken aback at first, but then even as calm as he could not help asking about the current situation of the benefactor of the Fishman Island. Suddenly, he seemed to realize that the call at this time obviously had important mission deployment. The large whale shark man scratched his head in embarrassment: "The murloc navy can be dispatched at any time. Please tell me the details of the mission. Let's go."

Hearing the reply that he could attack at any time, Sakazuki nodded with satisfaction: "I received the news half an hour ago that Doflamingo has a high probability of fleeing to the great route. I want to live in the deep sea. The fleet searched for his whereabouts!"

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