Hearing that it was Doflamingo, Jin Ping's expression became gloomy. He hates the human traffickers who act recklessly on Fishman Island the most in his life. After joining the Navy, he even discovered the largest black market suppliers and distributors of human trafficking and human auction houses in the materials of the navy headquarters.

He glanced at Tiger, who was dancing in a ball with his soldiers outside the porthole, and now is the best time to avenge these suffering compatriots.

The murloc, who has only joined the navy for a few years and has become a powerful major general, has a hint of indifference and anger in his tone: "Mr. Sakazuki, do we need us to defeat him?"

"No, I believe in your murloc navy's terrifying warfare in the sea, but the task I want you to perform is more challenging than directly defeating him." Sakazuki ignored Kuzan. "Who is the one of us? It is the admiral of the combined deep-sea ship fleet," he continued to arrange confidential missions.

The head of the Burning Legion, who was suspected of acting as a substitute, did not disappoint Jin Ping. The phone worm was silent for a moment before the voice of Lieutenant General Sakazuki came: "I want you to guide the ocean currents on the bottom of the sea. Send their ship to..."

196. Ming Ge Outsmarts the Birthday Guidance (Part 1)

"Send Doflamingo and the gang to the tribute ship carrying the gold from the sky?" Jinping was a little confused by the plan of Sakazuki, he dug out his ears vigorously, and repeated confirmation to the end of the phone. The battle plan heard earlier.

However, the answer that Haixia got was definitely. Not only that, according to the order, he must also bring the Pirates of the Sun group led by Tiger to go together.

At this moment, let alone being confused, even Kuzan and Polusalino who were beside Sakazuki frowned.

As soon as he put down the phone, Kuzan couldn't wait to say: "Brother, I thought you would let Jinping send Doflamingo to the ambush ring."

Polusalino did not get into the subject like Kuzan. He raised his head and stared thoughtfully at the sea area where the tribute fleet was infested.

After a long time, he suddenly chuckled: "Sakazuki, your borrowing force is really poisonous. I thought you would care about his identity as a dragon, at most let him stay in Impelton for a lifetime. I thought, you really wanted to kill him."

As soon as Huang Yuan, the oldest of the three, spoke, Sakazuki knew that this old fritters with the most thoughts and stability had understood his strategy. He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Don't say so easily, even if this slippery fellow Doflamingo is sent there, he won't necessarily bite. I'm just betting that he won't give up this rare opportunity to turn over. "

"No," Polusalino, who has always spoken ambiguously, is more decisive this time than in Sakazuki: "He will definitely bite. Doflamingo is not the kind of sea that is depressed after being defeated once. Thief. In the face of this kind of adversity, his character will definitely give it a go."

Only then did the traversers realize the greatness of Polusalino, the lofty overall view and the steady ability to deal with things are on the one hand.

He only combined the intelligence files provided by Crane and the recent war in the North Sea to analyze Doflamingo's personality characteristics and even his behavior and thinking mode sharply. And the level of thoroughness is not worse than the prophet-seeker in Sakazuki.

"Heavenly Gold", a bait that seemed to jump out of the game, became the top priority of the real deal.

Polusalino, as the comrade-in-arms and mentor who has been with Sakazuki for the longest time, the tacit understanding between the two is extraordinary. With only a few words, the dumb Jifeng finished the discussion of this set of plans.

"So, what are you two talking about?" By putting on an expression of "I think you must hide something from me", it is rare to stare at the little Kuzan of the two seniors.


"So, what are you talking about, Young Master?" Baby-5 asked a little puzzledly, holding the tray and placing the beer on the short table.

Doflamingo laughed and turned his head to the side, looking at the kid in the wool-brimmed cap who was changing the bandage on his damaged right arm: "Hey, do you know what gold is in the sky? Luo!"

The boy who was named raised his head. The bare skin on his body had large white spots that were pale and different from the usual skin color: "Heavenly gold? I heard you mentioned before. It is the tribute of the heavenly dragon people from all countries, right?"

"Hey, yes, all major franchisees pay the world government. No, they pay the dignified Tianlong people... a lot of taxes and tributes!" Doflamingo tried to move his right hand, and he was slender There was a skeletal wound on his arm, which was a meeting gift left by the madman Xiliu.

The boy called Luo looked at the young master of the Don Quixote family in surprise. In the previous battle, the other party was not cut off his brain, right?

Doflamingo was not angry. He saw his previous shadow on the boy, "Hey, hey, what is your expression, can you conceal the look of idiots a little bit?"

Luo, like him, also destroys the indifferent and cannibal world, hoping to destroy everything in endless despair.

The same talent, the same quick thinking.

The boy stared blankly at Doflamingo: "Since we are not stupid, then why should we bother with the Draco tribute boat? The man you call Xiliu must still be chasing us, at this time you Do you still want to anger the Tianlongren to attract the navy to encircle and suppress them?"

Corason was busy up and down on the deck. Although it was only a small sailboat, but the other cadres died, and only a few naive children and seriously injured wounded were left, he was almost out of shadows.

Hearing this, he stopped tightening the rope and looked here. In a recent call with his father, Luo Xindi learned that the navy had laid down heavy soldiers on the great route.

Not to mention that the Don Quixote family, whose combat effectiveness has been drastically reduced, will definitely be defeated head-on even if the cadres are full.

And his brother's series of abnormal actions caught his attention, and while Luo raised the question, Corrazon was also just listening to Doflamingo's next plan.

Seeing that everyone was a little confused, Don Quixote Doflamingo took out a small map from his arms: "This is the fleet of the North Sea countries that we have business with before revealing that they transported heavenly gold. Course of action."

He laughed softly: "From the very beginning, I entered the great route, and I didn't intend to run towards the new world. Since Sakazuki can set a trap for me in the North Sea, it may not be waiting for me in the sea ahead. Cast the net."

"Woo! According to what you said, the young master, aren't we dead? There is the Burning Legion chased from the North Sea in the back, and the demon red dog in front." The little girl with the beer almost came to tears, and she looked ugly. But Buffalo was full of confidence in his young master. He patted the **** the shoulder: "An Xin, you see that the young master has already thought of these problems. Will he have no solution?"

"Hey, hum," Doflamingo's index finger lightly clicked on the fleet mark on the map: "The family that has lost most of its combat power is definitely not an opponent of the navy, even if we can escape the crane and Sakazuki) by luck. "The encirclement organized by others enters the new world, and our result is only to become a **** of a veteran force."

He has traded with many underground chambers of commerce, underworld, and pirate groups in the New World waters all the year round, and he is very familiar with the rules of the sea where the strong are respected.

If it rushed in like those small fishes and shrimps, the Don Quixote family would only choose to cling to it, even if they were not defeated by the new world pirate forces that came forth in large numbers and crowded with monsters.

What's more, all his forces are in the North Sea, and Doflamingo doesn't even have the capital to bargain with the big pirates.

But right now, it is an opportunity, an opportunity to make oneself comeback and stop the navy from pursuing it.

He looked at the people on the ship and expressed his true plan word by word: "If we can use the fleet of gold transportation as a threat to force the world government and the navy to recognize me as the king of the Qiwu Sea, then the navy will do it again. We are not qualified to hunt us down. Not only can we retake Beihai’s foundation by relying on the title of Qiwuhai, and under the official skin, we can also sway our business in the new world."

Doflamingo said bitterly: "Although hijacking heavenly gold is also risky, compared to being incognito and being chased to death by the navy embarrassingly, I would rather seize this opportunity to make a comeback!"

In addition to avoiding death, the golden signboard of Qi Wuhai under the king is also a hidden big cake.

Give the officially recognized big pirates a great opportunity to build their own power! If the cadre is dead, you can spend more time training, and if the member is killed, there are multiple channels to recruit at any time.

As long as he is still in the same camp with the world government, Qiwuhai will be fearless.

The plan is very full, the reality is very skinny, the wind direction of the great route is changing at any time, and Corazon, who is at the helm, combatant, gunner, sailor, and observer, is busy again.

When he crawled back into the room exhausted, the agents who had penetrated into the enemy for many years noticed that the phone bug hidden in the inner pocket vibrated silently.

Luo Nandi waved his hand quickly, and Quiet Fruit immediately isolated the external sound transmission from the room. He changed his hand and picked up the phone bug: "Millet fruit?"

"Daxianbei. Is it convenient for you to talk over there?" The signal was matched, but it was not a familiar voice in the Warring States Period. This strange and low voice made Coralzon a little wary: "You are not Daxianbei. You are. Who?"

"Of course I am not your father, Colonel Luo Xindi." The somewhat indifferent voice revealed Corason's true identity: "I am Lieutenant Admiral Sakazuki, and this signal is I just got it from Mr. Sengoku."

The highest cadre of the Don Quixote family, dressed in black crow feathers, breathed a sigh of relief. He and his adoptive father had a single-line confidential communication all the year round. If it were not for the true trustworthy confidant of the Warring States Period, I believe that he would never get his own phone bug from the mouth of Zhijiang. The number and the code corresponding to it.

However, the next sentence from the other party made the stab wound on Corazon's shoulder faintly painful: "Hiliu is currently under the jurisdiction of the legion. I am very sorry for your injury, but we need your help at the moment."

"Please tell me," Corazon didn't take the slashing into his heart. After all, it was to fight behind the enemy line, and he was slashed by someone who didn't know the truth. It was still a great opportunity to win the trust of Doflamingo.

Of course, if he knows that even if the opponent is a **** who always cuts at the same time, he might not have such a good mentality.

Sakazuki also didn't say much nonsense: "Two things, follow the current, prepare to record the phone bug."

"Nothing?" Luo Nandi was a little confused. He could prepare for the answering phone bug, but what the **** is following the current?

"May justice be with you." Before he asked again, the phone hung up.

He and Doflamingo were not experienced sea state scholars, let alone standard navigators. There were only some rough basics that Corazon didn't notice.

The ocean current speeded up unconsciously.

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