"Okay, I'm not arguing with you. I want to ask you two serious things." Sakazuki is not much better. This kind of act of killing one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred, if there is no need, he definitely does not want to do the second Second: "I trained Little Robin this afternoon and got a dashed punch. This must be the work of two of you?"

Karp stopped dancing when he heard the words, and squeezed his eyebrows toward the Warring States Period. The Buddha coughed slightly, and his words were somewhat arrogant: "Even you are flat?"

The lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters didn’t want to wonder how many people between “lian” and “ye” got caught in the routine. He nodded and admitted: “It’s really a bit surprised. It’s a commander-level navy with the instant explosive power of a killer move. It is difficult to eat it head-on, even some major generals will be somewhat ashamed without preparation."

"Hahaha, it seems that the custom-made moves of our two old guys are still well-versed!" Karp laughed. The kid in Sakazuki does everything in a straightforward manner, and never deliberately changes himself in order to welcome someone. the opinion of. But it is precisely because of this that this assessment of the moves from his mouth is particularly true and credible: "You can tell, the explosive power of that set of boxing is a half-and-half simulation of the shock wave in the form of the fruit of the Warring States period, and most of it was born out of me. The essence of boxing."

No wonder, Sakazuki suddenly realized that Warring States and Karp are undoubtedly reaching the level of combat power on the ceiling of the world. With their vision and accomplishments, a few words of advice can benefit the ordinary navy a lot, not to mention the essence of this kind of close-to-disciple-like summary?

Compared with Karp, the Warring States Period is much more modest. While squatting down to wipe the alcohol spilled on the ground by his comrades-in-arms spirits, he explained to Sakazuki: "This set of boxing methods just establishes a standard. Some of the muscle movement methods for exerting and accumulating energy still need to be refined by a few of us. But in the future, if she wants to become Robin's own thing, she needs to make some adjustments by herself in combination with the fruit ability. "

"As it is," Sakazuki felt the same way. In some of the novels he read before crossing, these traversers came to find the strongest martial arts, such as Wengquan, Fist Bone Meteor, and Dragon. Claw fist. . . After learning all rounds, it seemed complicated in actual combat. Everyone knows that it is a great taboo of martial arts that is abused and not refined.

"Every few days, Karp and I will go to the training ground to optimize this boxing technique. When we become a marshal, we don’t have the idle time," Warring States sighed lightly. He used to work overtime when he was free. There is not much pressure and burden. And once you become the leader of a large collective, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

He will shoulder the future of the navy with the assistance of Sakazuki and others. Brother Kong has always emphasized the research of naval military science and technology, the report on the innovation of weapons and equipment in each branch, and the navy in response to sudden big pirates. The era is pursuing rapid development-the problem of corruption among officers at all levels who have increased along with the rapid growth of naval military power...

Thinking about these things makes my head hurt, but it is a heavy responsibility than a headache.

Warring States comforted himself in his heart. Fortunately, when he was upset, he could still listen to the minor tune played by the violin master. He turned his head and looked at Brooke, who had been in the navy headquarters for almost half a year. This moving skeleton had been trying his best to act as a little transparent during their conversation.

I don’t know if this kind of fear is due to the inherent restraint of the Buddha’s fruit on these undead and skeletons, or because the demon behavior of the Legion who stood at the door had caused Brooke to be indelible by the devil’s actions of Impelton. Psychological shadow.

Sakazuki also slowly turned his gaze to the trembling skeleton not far away. He raised his finger to the big guy who played both violin and guitar: "I found one for you. Good job."

"But... But, Mr. Warring States promised me, my current task is to grasp every minute and every second to master my skills, and finally make a successful debut to attract enough civilian fans." The skull head looked a little stuttered. , He practiced so desperately, all for the Warring States period to propose a star award.

In case the demon lord, who claims to be "I'm not a demon" in Sakazuki, causes his agreement with the Warring States to be invalidated, Brooke thinks he might drown himself with milk.

"An Xin, as long as you keep your promise in the deep sea prison at that time, the old man can arrange for you to see the whale called Rab at any time." It seems that the other party's thoughts have been guessed, and the Warring States Period solemnly promised. Through the intelligence information provided by this skeleton, the Navy’s efficient intelligence network has long since ascertained the location of the whale in front of the upside-down mountain.

Now that the chief has stated that it does not matter, Sakazuki is not polite: "I hope the Navy can make good use of your musical talents and make the world's general change ceremony in front of the Navy as your debut."

Sengoku understood the meaning of Sakazuki and nodded in agreement. "You will direct the military band to match the background music on the live broadcast of the whole world in front of him. This is indeed an excellent step for him to enter the public view in the future. "

"Ohhhhhhhhhh, there is no problem at all. I am quite knowledgeable about conducting the orchestra." Brook seemed to think of the days when he commanded the various crew members on the Rumba Pirates to slap his bones.

"Not only that, I also hope that you will create a unique military song for each of the three legions." Sakazuki finally revealed the second purpose, the horse egg, to improve morale and unite the hearts of the army, a song The popular military music is definitely indispensable.

Seeing that the other party opened his mouth and was embarrassed to refuse, the traveler knew that it would be too difficult to create a finished product independently in the past few days. He shrugged and didn't bother Brooke: "I have some good suggestions and ideas. I will share it with you individually and see if I can find inspiration from it."

Seeing that he still couldn’t get free, the Buddha smiled and asked Robin’s guardian: “Take advantage of the spare time before the change of term these days, and clean up these chores. The day after tomorrow, Karp and I will optimize Baichaquan. Sakazuki, how about your constructive comments?"

Seeing a few people have been emphasizing time, Sakazuki only realized that it seemed that there was a small problem with the arrangement for Kuzan and others.

"Can Kuzan and Polusalino come back? Will it be too hasty?" Sakazuki is a little skeptical, after all, it takes a lot of time to travel from Beihai to the headquarters.

Karp, who had been watching outside the window and not participating in the discussion, snapped his forehead, and casually explained: "The news came from Kuzan last night. They had planned to go to Beihai first, but they were separated from you in less than half a day. Head-on ran into Hiliu, who came from the North Sea with an expeditionary army to kill Doflamingo. Polusalino expects to return to the headquarters at most one day later than you."

"It's just the good thing that couldn't bear to disturb you last night" Karp raised his finger to the military port outside the window with a [you quickly thank me] expression: "No, isn't that Kuzan?"

Following Karp's gestures, the Warring States Period and Sakazuki walked to the window. The three huge fleets under the jurisdiction of the headquarters are clearly arranged, and they are orderly following the arrangements of the headquarters' dispatchers to moor in the deep-water harbor.

On the warship that had docked, the Frozen Fruit Ability with a few kiddies was waving lazily towards this side.

But Sakazuki did not pay attention to Kuzan. He stared at the children surrounding him, and carefully counted the number of people from a high place.

"What's the matter?" Warring States, who was also waving to his long-lost adopted son Luo Xindi, accidentally saw the somewhat confused look of Sakazuki and asked casually.

Sakazuki, which loves abducting high-quality talents back to the headquarter, has an indescribable tone: "Why are there more?"

216. European seals don't need legs

The children formed a circle around Kuzan. From the oldest boy with an X-chin to the youngest girl with emerald hair, all followed the green pheasant towards the main part.

Of course, Sakazuki also quite understands the children's mentality. Compared with the murderous Xiliu next to him, the serious and vicious ghost spider, the wretched Polusalino, and the Lindemann who is smiling and not smiling... .All normal people will subconsciously move closer to the most confused and harmless Lieutenant General Kuzan.

More than fifty warships stretched endlessly on the sea, and heavy coastal defense turrets guarded the front of the military port. Not far away is the largest existing fortification in the world and the iconic building of Malin Vatican-Fortress of Justice.

The naval soldiers standing solemnly in the towers, the lieutenant admirals of the navy giants quietly and orderly helping the warships carry heavy cargo... these scenes that are commonplace in Kuzan’s eyes, have caused violent effects on the young minds of these children. The impact. When have the children from the North Sea and along the Great Sea Route seen such a majestic scene? The little kids stared wide-eyed, held their breath, and looked forward to the various levels of Malin Vandor's buildings.

Not long after, Kuzan's tall figure appeared at the door of the Warring States Office.

The Warring States Period pointed to the group of little ghosts who were looking inward curiously by the door of the office, and took the lead in joking about Kuzan: "I thought you would take them to visit the large and small institutions that introduced the headquarters first."

"Ah la la, Mr. Warring States, you can just bypass me... I don't bother to do this kind of trouble." The number one salted fish in this department has a tired face, and lie down on the sofa, weakly facing the Warring States. Waved his hand.

Before he fell asleep, a familiar low voice sounded in Kuzan's ear: "I know the little ghosts of the original Don Quixote family. Where did you find the other little ghosts?"

"Well, it's a long story..." Kuzan tried to bypass this wasteful topic and continued to fall asleep, but the serious senior who was familiar with his thinking circuit did not intend to let him go.

The bewildered brother squeezed his younger brother's Youzuo face: "Then to make a long story short, and...you just bring the kid back, why did you pick up a white bear cub?"

Kuzan, who was unwilling to lift off the sofa with his face pulled, was used to his brother's slightly strong manner, and reluctantly replied: "You have to ask the fox you raised. When we met on the sea, Linde Man took Misha (Миша)."

"That...I'm Beibo, Lieutenant General Kuzan" a weak voice came from the cute white bear cub in time, trying to correct the curly-haired man who called him the wrong name along the way. "Also, General Lindemann is my benefactor. Please don't call him a fox. This is disrespect for him. The fraudster is his nickname that really resonates in the new world."

Still resounding in the new world? Kuzan rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and directly ignored the little kid's exaggerated words, and he was almost as famous as being offered a reward on the black market of the New World. As for respect? The Frozen Fruit Ability person glanced contemptuously at his senior brother. It seems that this crooked name that fits Lindemann's overall image was first passed from the mouth of Sakazuki.

After being scanned by Kuzan, Sakazuki nodded knowingly, and called out to the empty place at the door: "Fox!"

Before the words fell, a figure suddenly squeezed out of the air, and jumped three feet high: "Here! Your Excellency Lieutenant General in Sakazuki! Please be sure to continue to call the next nickname."

"..." Looking at the shameful thing that almost threw the swollen coat from the back out of the tail shape in front of him.

Although he was slandering the dog's performance of this product, Kuzan was a little envious of Sakazuki for no reason.

On the one hand, of course, it is because Lindemann is a worry-free and excellent military officer who is proficient in intelligence work, pre-war deductions, and staff layout. But the most important thing is the loyalty of the Legionnaires headed by the fox and ghost spider willing to die for Sakazuki.

Such a sense of identity of belief can never be bought by money or power.

"Fur tribe?" Seeing this white bear cub speak, the Warring States period was a little surprised.

The fur tribe has very little information exposed. The original inhabitants of Zou, the country of giant elephants in the new world, are said to be a race that hates humans. Unexpectedly, one would be picked up by the navy in the North Sea.

He and Karp looked at each other. This is a godsend. The Navy can get a closer look at this mysterious country through this child.

"Yes, because the island where I was stationed was cut beyond recognition by Mr. Hiliu, we took a temporary passenger ship to the adjacent Swallow Island, where we planned to join the large fleet led by the ghost spider. Then I went smoothly. Just saved this fur child who was beaten by the locals." Following the questioning of the Warring States Period, Lindeman told the story.

Suddenly he thought of something, and solemnly pointed to the oldest looking young man with a scar on his chin in the imperial pile: "Drake, my father is a college officer of the North Sea Force, and he is helping to resist Doflamingo's invasion. He was killed on the spot."

The meticulous legionary staff deliberately did not mention Diez’s traitor actions. Although Lindeman hated the navy traitor who was inserted into a hollow gourd by Doflamingo, he was deeply affected by the innocent children in the face of The officers affected by Sakazuki still chose to avoid the facts.

But what he didn't know was that the traverser Sakazuki really knew the traitor Diez.

Glancing deeply at Lindeman, Sakazuki said in a compliment: "Your father died like a hero, and you are welcome to join the Navy Boy Scout Training Camp, Drake."

The fox trembled. He was already meticulous. As a confidant of Sakazuki, why couldn't he hear what the chief said? Although I don't know where the lieutenant will find out, this is beating myself and deliberately concealing it.

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