Fortunately, Kuzan, who introduced the child, diverted everyone's attention.

"The smaller one is called granulated sugar, and the light grass-colored hair over there is her sister Monet." Kuzan continued, "The sister I found on the islands along the great route was bullied by the locals before, so I killed it. The local evil forces brought them both out at the same time.


Sakazuki worked hard to find talents from all over the world, and didn't get a few of them all year round. But Kuzan was not good, he went on duty, and excellent young talents jumped directly on his boat.

Looking at the fox's bulging pockets, Kuzan snarled at Lindeman: "I almost forgot. I asked you to put things away for me before."

"..." As soon as he mentioned this, the fox's expression flashed with hesitation. Although it was indeed the thing that Lieutenant General Kuzan found, but what was in the mouth of the expeditionary army could still be thrown out? But the matter is so important that the legionary staff must be cautious.

The unwilling custodian drew three fruit-like things from the inner pocket of the coat and placed them neatly on the table.

"Devil Fruit!!"

"Three in one breath??!"

"Have you smashed the Heaven Smiting Dragon? Kuzan!?"

Even the Sakazuki, which has been keeping calm, can't sit still. God knows where this guy who likes to lie on the ice and nap got so many devil fruits.

None of the generals in this room are mediocre. The devil fruit picture book in the library for general level browsing has long been familiar to several people, and the three devil fruits in front of them are by no means ordinary.

The Warring States took a sigh of relief. Among the three devil fruits, the biggest difference in shape from the other two is a snow-white devil fruit that resembles a pineapple shape. The baby of this shape has a unified title: nature. Tie!

"Is this a childlike fruit?" Karp picked up one of the fruits and discerned his true body seriously. "This one is indeed a treasure."

Unexpectedly, the Warring States Period shook his head: "You look wrong, Karp."

Even General Zhi could hardly hide the heat in his eyes at this time: "The real baby is not the natural Xuexue fruit, nor the childlike fruit with unique ability."

He pointed to the gourd-shaped devil fruit in a golden coat in front of him: "Kuzan, where did you get the golden fruit?"

"This? It was captured on a pirate ship along the way," the European seal waved indifferently, but almost hit an African dog who was keen to kill pirates but died from nothing.

Organized an expeditionary force to sweep down the North Sea, but the Sakazuki, which never got half a devil fruit, feels particularly slapped in the face. People are more deadly than others, just look at others' freehand brushwork, and then look at yourself.

Let’s move a little bit, let’s take help her dog as an example. The krypton gold krypton Sakazuki desperately smashed a **** road surrounded by a bunch of Caesar’s dead houses, and got the only five-star in the card pool. A Baizhen with zero referee talent. Before he could show up in front of others, Kuzan took the single-pumped Kong Ming and Mei Lin and showed him a caring smile. By the way, he said that he had accidentally passed the black zhen, mad dog, and white gun?

It’s because everyone has a burst of mentality, okay?

If you compare it to a card drawing game, Mr. Sa broke his family for three waves of quality for ten consecutive years and finally got an SSR. Then a certain European master who was silent diving all the year took a gift of two blue tickets and closed his eyes and drew two. Only the strongest SSR in the current version, and by the way share this joy with your favorite brother? ?

Well, European seals don't need legs.

217. Three consecutive qualities of Buddha riding

Looking at the three Devil Fruits neatly placed on the table, Warring States is not surprised why Kuzan took them out so happily. After all, according to the regulations of the military department: whenever the navy finds such rare items, they must be handed in collectively and distributed to them. A loyal naval officer with potential and firm conviction.

Whether it is Sakazuki, Polusalino, Kuzan or Smogg, it can be said that it is the beneficiary. This is why Sakazuki dared to give the two giants a boost in the small garden.

Compared to the holy place of Mary Gioia, although the Navy Headquarters is not the largest storage place for devil fruits, it does have a single-digit inventory.

Zhijiang hesitated for a moment, and pushed the childlike fruit and the natural Xuexue fruit back in front of Kuzan: "Since you discovered it, you will leave the two demon fruits in your custody. Whoever eats it is your freedom. , It can be regarded as a special reward for you to find Golden Fruit."

He flipped his hand and held the whole golden fruit in his palm: "As for this golden must be treated with caution, and placed with me before finding an excellent and absolutely loyal and reliable soldier."

Sakazuki and Kuzan have no objection to this, don't look at the specific ability of the golden fruit just to control the gold.

Once this kind of tasteless devil fruit ability is successfully awakened, turning a stone into gold is by no means a false statement, it can completely assimilate the objects in contact with it into gold.

The reason why this devil fruit is called by the Warring States period is far beyond the childlike fruit is because the people who eat it can easily influence and shake the world economic system.

Not to mention anything else, everyone knows that Pele, issued by the world government, has experienced high inflation in the past few years.

Even in the calculations of some economists, in extreme cases, the country's currency inflation is severe, and banknotes will become like waste paper.

This is the strength of gold as an [absolutely hard currency] since humans began to trade in commerce-no matter which region or country in the world you go to, you can exchange the gold held in your hands for the currency issued by the local circulation in banks or shops.

Gold itself is a precious commodity, and the price of gold will rise with inflation, which means that gold offsets the loss of inflation and ensures that investors' assets will not be eroded by inflation.

Not to mention that it also has an excellent hedging function. When the world's political and economic conditions are unstable, especially when wars or economic crises occur, various common investment tools such as stocks, funds, and real estate will be severely impacted. Gold embodies a good hedging property.

How strong the gold is, and how strong the influence of the golden fruit ability after the awakening is on the world's economic and financial system.

Manufacturing gold, monopolizing gold, manipulating currency exchange rates... There is no need to make friends face-to-face with fists. Lifting your hands can set off a worldwide economic storm.

If the user has a little brain, it is not impossible to start a currency war on his own.

As long as the world government regards gold as a precious metal, as a hard currency that is circulated worldwide and can be exchanged for Bailey, then this person with golden fruit ability is qualified to say with confidence: I am a father in the financial world.

This is also the fundamental reason why Tezolo allowed the navy headquarters headed by Sakazuki to align the rat trap in the original work.

If you go to encircle him, that big deal will drag the world economic system to an end.

At that time, prices will skyrocket and gold currency will depreciate. Under the influence of inflation, even Denon will not be able to buy anything with banknotes, and the world will be in chaos.

The wise and long-term visionary Zeng Guo knows that he must not let this world-wide “Pluto in the financial world”, who can shuffle the tables, fall into the hands of outsiders.

Such a sharp weapon can only be regarded as reassuring if it is held by one's own people.

"Luo, it looks like you have already eaten the fruits of the operation." Sakazuki shifted its gaze to the boy leaning against Baikuma Beibo. The gray markings that had spread over most of the body disappeared completely when we met last time.

At this time, Luo's skin color has returned to normal, which means that the fruits of the operation have been eaten by him.

"Of course, thank you, Lieutenant General Sakazuki." The boy's answer was still so low and short, full of a dead child, but after all, there was a little hope that belongs to the living.

"Surgery fruit!!?" The Warring States had not yet recovered from the stimulation of the golden fruit, and was hit by a precise blow from the medical world. The general took off his glasses and wiped the lenses in a hurry, so that he could recognize the child named [Luo] clearly.

Poor Buddha's Warring States, the daily heart roller coaster.

He couldn't help turning his head abruptly to look at Sakazuki who seemed to know what: "What did you do?"

The lieutenant admiral of the Navy Headquarters directly threw the pot to Luo Xindi: "This child is Luo Xindi's adopted son. He was suffering from terminally ill platinum-lead disease at the beginning, so I brought the fruits of the operation from Beihai to save people."

"Adopted son!??" The heart of the Warring States was hit by heavy artillery bombardment by Lord Xi Dang for the third time.

Luo, who was also surprised, opened his mouth and was about to reject the words of Sakazuki, but the figure walking on the coat and falling on the ground always appeared in his mind.

In the end, he chose silence. The words of Sakazuki poke the softest part of his heart, his family and affection, which he had already lost with the death of his parents and was picked up by Corazon.

A veteran of the three companies who have experienced Jinjin, surgery, grandson, and cardiac arrest, suddenly grabbed the phone bug on the desk and jabbed a few keys quickly: "Hey!! Luo Xindi !! Millet fruit!!!"

The black feather man who was still beside Polusalino helping to lift the wine replied with some doubts carrying the phone worm that rang suddenly: "What happened to the big senbei?"

Sakazuki says that the kid named Luo is your adopted son?? Is that true??" The loud trembling of the Warring States Period came from the phone worm clearly.

Xi Daddy's Luo Nandi was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes softened: "Did you say that to you in Sakazuki? He didn't make a mistake at all."

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