Didi dim, the aperture turned faster and faster, Polusalino suddenly raised his hand and shot the laser, which had accumulated a lot of energy, into the air: "For me, the laser needs to find a balance point for the energy of the photon beam. Then compress it and move it over. But for those scientists, they only need to collect enough experimental data to reproduce this amazing laser on the machine."

"In other words, it is possible to carry a humanoid weapon with a laser weapon?" Warring States' eyes flashed with eager light, he read this material carefully, the various performances of this weapon and what it provides The attack mode successfully turned the Buddha into a fan.

In real conventional operations, this new weapon that can provide firepower, heavy firepower, and precision firepower coverage, and also liberate combat power by the way, make up for the shortage of high-ranking officers in the branch troops, is particularly important in the eyes of the Warring States Period.

Although it is not as good as a general that completely suppresses a large battlefield, the weapon that can reverse the situation in local operations is simply not too good.

When the Zeng Guo's always calm and calm expression read about the budget expenditure, it solidified.

He took off the round-frame glasses he had been wearing, sighed on the mirror surface, and took out a square towel from his arms to wipe them clean.

Wearing glasses with no problem at all, the Warring States period carefully placed his fingers under the estimated value, and counted 0 by 0.

Too special to burn money! The Buddha wanted to scrape off his golden skin to replenish his military use.

The master only knew that oil rice was expensive. According to the original temperament of the Warring States period, he encountered such a blueprint that was both his appetite and the future military needs of the navy. Down.

But this time, the general who also took care of the financial room seemed extremely hesitant.

Because the military is out of money.

Not only did he have no money, but he was too poor.

Because of the impact of the success of the traversers many times, the navy headquarters has also benefited a lot-the additional force of the Murloc Navy, the multiple expansion of the giants, and the re-enlistment of the veterans of the Hundred Wars who have long since retired.

But all this requires money!

Coupled with the high level of the world government's indications, the military department has almost spared no expense in creating three regiments directly under the jurisdiction of generals based on these new sources of troops.

Even though the world government has increased its quarterly military expenditures, it is impossible for the Warring States Period to add another sum to the military expenditures that are almost in the fiscal deficit in a short period of time.

Sakazuki and Polusalino looked at each other. It was not that they hadn't seen the tangled faces of the Warring States period. It's just in their imagination, how can such a brilliant weapon researcher fail to see the pros and cons?

"Huh, if you want to research and develop, you can." The Warring States almost didn't pull the beard off, and finally reluctantly replied to the two of them: "But the funding, you have to do it yourself."

The first time I found out that the military department was so poor Sakazuki was a little unbelievable, but I felt relieved when I thought about it.

In the original book, the Navy did not do so many things. Even if the five old stars did not approve additional funds for the headquarters, the military department still saved some budget.

But now, the landlord’s house has no more food!

Porusalino and Sakazuki can't help but start staring at them. Research is a money-burning job, not to mention the research and development of this high-end military weapon is a golden beast for thousands of years.

The Warring States period asked them to find funding. Where did they go to find this close to astronomical budget? The cost of building another army is estimated to be less than half of this stuff.

Porusalino, who found that he was not capable of banknotes, had to hit the abacus on the golden fruit: "Well, it seems that finding a suitable person to eat the golden fruit is on the agenda."

Hearing that, the current general of the Navy shook his head: "It is unrealistic, even if we immediately find an excellent general to eat it, it will not take a short time from familiarizing with the devil fruit to awakening ability."

Sakazuki did not respond silently. They have practiced and developed it for nearly ten years since they ate the devil fruit. Even the most talented person needs time to temper.

Funding, a large amount of funding, the traveler muttered these words silently, and suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Like Luffy, when they repaired the Meili in the Capital of Seven Waters, Bingberg advised them more than once to buy a new high-quality ship.

At that time, their repair money was only 200 million Baileys, and the cost of a top-notch navy ship was about this amount.

So... where did the gold they exchanged with the bank come from?

Sakazuki was silent for a moment, breaking the dull atmosphere: "If so, I can be sure that a place is buried with gold worth more than billions of Baileys, then can the military department organize an exploration ship?"

He didn't exaggerate the billions of Baileys deliberately, but the traveler was quite confident about it. How much gold did the Straw Hat Pirates bring down from the sky island? But just a few big pockets.

However, the boy Anilu collected most of the gold in the entire empty island and made it into the core conduction device of his spacecraft.

Most of the inside of a giant spaceship is made of gold laying lines, let alone he is still forming a huge ugly face sculpture through lightning metallurgy on the outside of the spaceship?

Compared with the huge reserves of Sky Island, the golden ornaments taken by the Straw Hat Pirates are nothing but a drop in the bucket.

"Really?" Polusalino turned his head to look at his comrades who spoke out surprisingly, feeling unbelievable.

"Now it’s useless to say anything." The Warring States period sat on the floor somewhat sullenly. According to Sakazuki, if there is a huge amount of gold buried somewhere, the Navy must also arrange a strong and trustworthy military execution belt. Team exploration activities.

Sakazuki also reacted: "But tomorrow we will be promoted to general, where our duties are, we must not leave Malinfan more than half a step away."

A finger poked Sakazuki and the Warring States period respectively, and Polusalino looked forward in a daze, as if he had found some rare devil fruit.

Looking at the direction he was looking at, the eyes of Sengoku and Sakazuki couldn't help but light up.

Karp looked blankly at the green eyes, stared at the three of them, scratching his hair.

There will be entertainment on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, so ask for leave tonight

Sure enough, the holidays did not arrive before the dinner. Although I don't like this kind of dinner, I can't speak of a complete disgust.

In the end, in fact, there are still all kinds of human feelings. Since being a reckless hermit, you still need to have one or two basic social skills.

The reality is indeed quite helpless, hoping that there is no external force to interfere with my creative time is like hoping that there will never be unexpected options in my life.

But it is precisely because of the impossibility and helplessness in reality that we are looking for a different life in the novel.

Just finished one game, and is moving to the second game. It’s not bad to be home at 12 today.

Try to make up this chapter tomorrow morning.

All of a sudden, Ulla!

223. The admiral of the navy, the red dog (part 1)

The island on which the navy headquarters is located, Marin Vandor, is hailed by the world as a symbol of peace after the advent of the "Era of the Great Pirate".

It is the most proud barrier of justice for the Navy, and it is also the last line of defense that shuts out the many big pirates of the New World.

Unlike in the past, this busy military port stopped its daily operations.

Not only that, but it is rare that a certain area is opened for the crowds of reporters to stop.

Any newspapers and news agencies with a bit of prestige and fame have already submitted their applications for observation to the world government a few months ago.

Large batches of applications have allowed the world government to earn a lot of reporting license fees, but knowing that a fortune has been slaughtered, these newspapers are still rushing for it, as if they smelled a **** shark.

For these reporters who want to make big news all day long, what else is more eye-catching than the current leadership change of the world's largest and most powerful military organization?

Getting the first broadcast right means greater visibility and subsequent newspaper subscriptions.

In addition to these financial gains and losses, for some newspapers that have good friendships and relationships with big people, they regard the live broadcast authority as an excellent way to please the other party.

The royal families and nobles of various countries, the bigwigs of shipping and commerce, the bosses and businessmen who hold various resources on the black market, and of course, the powerful pirates on the side... these are all the objects of newspaper investment.

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