The row upon row of military-industrial buildings on the Malin Vandor Island, as well as the dense layers of coastal defense turrets, all dazzled the reporters.

Unsurprisingly, the five old stars did not visit the scene in person.

Everyone was not surprised by this. After all, in the impression of the world, the highest powers of these world governments have never walked out of the holy land—Maria Gioia.

But CP0, which represents the will of the Tianlong people, arrived as scheduled. These special envoys arrived at the terminal of the military port early in the morning on a special plane.

For this change of term, the navy headquarters has specially customized several elevated platforms, which are structured behind the square that can accommodate 100,000 troops.

This move by the Navy Headquarters was unexpected in the eyes of the audience staring at the live screen, but it was reasonable.

The white beard lay lazily on the captain's special seat, squinting at the screen, pouring drinks.

Although his actions seemed that the overlord did not let the navy headquarters be in his heart, there was an inexplicable expectation in his eyes.

If Roger One Piece’s bitter hand is the veteran who likes to wear a dog's hat, then the old admiral who has been fighting with him on the sea and competing for most of his life is the admiral.

The two admired each other and competed with each other. The white beard ate a large bowl of drinks and showed a happy smile: "Hey la la la, are you going to be promoted to marshal? Warring States period."

He put down the wine bowl with his right hand and motioned to Marco, a professional physician and the strongest captain on board, to fill himself up.

The left hand casually stroked the scratches on the side of the chest that stretched to the shoulders, the burn marks that the flesh turned up.

"Goo la la la, and that crazy dog ​​who likes to set fires, what tricks is the newly constructed navy headquarters going to play?"

There were two other pirates who did the same thing as him.

The devil-like body sits on the ground so casually, and in front of him is the live broadcast screen held high by Drought Jack.

Kaido's nostrils were breathing rough, his eyes widened, looking for a fox face in the naval formation on the live screen.

And on Cake Island, Charlotte Lingling was sitting around a huge tea table with her son and daughters carrying pastries, watching the live screen provided to them by Morgans, and analyzing the war in the navy headquarters. force.

This is the suggestion of her son Kata Kuri, the highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family is a rare all-rounder in the world.

Gao Jue's strength, even if the armed color domineering and fruit development of the stage are awakened, even Charlotte Lingling thinks that he is not as good as this son.

The head of the three generals who likes to anticipate the enemy, how can he give up such a good opportunity?

Whether it is to carefully examine the comparison between the naval headquarters and its own forces, or to interpret the strategic moves of the navy headquarters in the future, it is an excellent opportunity.

In Kata Kuri’s eyes, the navy’s re-election was nothing but a grand military parade facing the whole world.

Show off your muscles to the pirates in the franchise countries and the new world.

"Look, two symphony orchestras have already entered the venue. Good guy, this is the most exaggerated arrangement I have ever seen." A news agency photographer's eyes widened, most of his body leaned over the fence. outside.

According to common sense, the number of large-scale symphony orchestras composed of three pipes is about 90 people.

But this time there were more than 200 members of the military band seated on the high platform on the side of Marin Vandor Square.

The reporter corps located on the outermost side of the Marin Vandor ring military port became restless. A broadcaster carrying a videophone worm made a rough addition: "The total number of people on the high platforms on both sides is more than 500 people."

"Huh, it's rare and weird." The voice was a bald eagle in a tuxedo and a top hat.

Seeing this gangster who was so fluent in the underground kingdom of the New World spoke up, all the tabloid reporters subconsciously shrank back half a step.

The World Economic News, which deals with the major evil forces of the New World all the year round, is not only a hegemon in the dark world, but also the first special newspaper to obtain the latest information approved by the world government.

The bald eagle, which eats all black and white, has also gained a reputation as the No. 1 Newsman in the New World in recent years.

It's just that compared to the little journalist at the joining ceremony of the leader of the Giant Soldier Pirates regiment, Morgans has become the editor-in-chief of the World Economic News.

According to legend, Morgans, who has a good personal relationship with Bigmom, is even more a target that ordinary reporters dare not provoke.

The outside world seems to regard this rookie, who is mixed in black and white, as the best candidate for the future president of the World Economic News.

Morgans, who is familiar with the navy faction, did not deliberately ridicule his colleagues, and readily expressed his own opinion: "If it were not for the symphony to cover up the speaker's voice, the number of military bands organized by the navy headquarters would have to be at least doubled. ."

Excluding the performance seats on both sides, the high platform built in the center is divided into two levels according to the steps, and a piano is placed on the bottom platform that is one section higher than the performance seats.

Regarding the layout and management of the orchestra, Sora, as a layman, did not intervene arbitrarily, leaving the skeleton frame to discuss disputes with other members of the military orchestra of the navy headquarters.

The sound of the string group is cordial and soft, and Brook, who knows this well, chose to rank the seats at the forefront of the square.

There are many types of woodwind instruments and outstanding timbre, so they need to be arranged in a "dot matrix" behind the string group and in the middle of the orchestra.

The brass and percussion instruments have a loud voice, only standing at the back of the orchestra. As for percussion and harp, it is the last side.

The live skeletons that came out from under the main fortress surprised reporters and the audience watching in front of the screen, especially when the skull with an exploding hair-shaped "yooooooooo" smiled and walked to the podium next to the piano. At that time, this surprise rose to the extreme.

"Skull!! It will move!"


"Didn't it mean that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it can't be refined?"

The reporters were in a commotion.

"What does he want to do? Command?"

"Where did the navy find such a strange flower!"

Ignoring the noisy reporters below, he lifted the baton lightly, and Brook seemed to have returned to the past.

Perhaps he is not good at fighting, and the use of Devil Fruit is also half-clawed. But in the field of music, Brook can be able to rebuke Fang Qiu.

After a short audition for each division, the music master began his conduct.

The clean notes and the meticulously controlled harmony act as the opening scene, and the navy's not-so-complex military song seems to give birth to a new soul in his hands.

This familiar military song successfully silenced all skeptical people.

"That skeleton is definitely a great musician." The hero from far away in Alabastan, Krocdal, is a particular person and a tasteful big pirate who held up the red wine across the screen to respect each other in a vain way.

Before entering a bar assaulted, Moria, who was a vigorous body, easily swept the pirate group that is said to have 70 million Baileys as a reward, and glanced at the videophone bug projection on the bar table: "Hehehe, interesting. , I didn’t expect that the skeletons randomly appearing in the Devil’s Triangle at that time actually had a skill."

Accompanied by the military music, there is also a strong old man with a moxigan head.

He sits high on the second-tier platform, even if he is standing there quietly, the kind of innocence and majesty that is hard to ignore-that is the current admiral Kong Kong.

Immediately after floating on the platform were several government special envoys. They did not walk forward slowly as the planners of the navy headquarters designed, but adopted their own methods, as if they wanted to deliberately demonstrate their special identity.

CP0 still has that mysterious appearance, with an empty mask, which makes people unable to see their changes.

The leading agent was holding a beautifully decorated tray, while his companion held the medal in his palm and put it on for the old man.

Even though the agent’s somewhat dry rhetoric still attracted everyone’s attention: "Marshal of the Navy Headquarters-Steel-Bone, overall in overall planning, hard work and high achievements, hereby promoted to the general commander of the army!"

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