"Say the main point!" Sakazuki can't say anything good to these pirates, no matter whether you are Qiwuhai or Liuwuzhong, let's talk about it.

Moria suffocated when he heard the words, angrily stopped raising the price to prepare for it: "The little girl who led the team claimed to be the adopted daughter of the Ocean King. I think maybe your navy can use it, so I will deliver it to you... My requirements are not high, just three six-layer criminal shadows will do."

"Marine King?" Sakazuki always feels that this nickname is a bit familiar, but for a while, I really can't remember which birdman it is.

"My father's name is Umit, and the shipping king is just a nickname given to him by friends in the New World. Naturally, he cannot be seen by the general." A crisp female voice sounded after Moriah's voice.

Shi Shiran walked out from behind the female leader who had been completely hidden by Molia's tall body.

When this slightly thin figure faced the highest-ranking officer of the navy headquarters and the king's Qiwuhai at the same time, he seemed undaunted, and greeted several people in turn with courtesy and thoughtfulness.

Once reminded, Sakazuki recalls that there is indeed such a character.

He is one of several big figures in the dark world who attended the tea party. Like his nickname, he mainly manages the sea transportation of the New World and the Four Seas.

"What about the evidence? Why should you believe that you are Umit's daughter?" Sakazuki stared at the front with a cold expression. It is not impossible for ordinary merchant mariners to deliberately increase their worth in order to survive in Moria's hands.

"Hmph, I know that after the fall of Doflamingo, the black market business in the North Sea has been completely occupied by the Vinsmok family. I came here for this." This pale girl has a slender arm. The foot is inserted in the waist.

Sakazuki and Sengoku looked at each other. Although the North Sea smuggling trade was occupied by Vinsmok after Doflamingo's fall, it is not classified information, but it is not information that ordinary civilians can inquire.

Moreover, the other party's clothing, etiquette and gestures are indeed circulating among the nobles of various countries.

If the other party is really the adopted daughter of the shipping king who wanders through the shipping trade of various countries, it would make sense.

The Warring States Period coughed slightly, drew everyone's attention back: "The old man had already verified Umit's unique letter when they arrived at the military port last night, and repeatedly confirmed his identity from the guard next to this little girl. ."

Sakazuki hesitated to say something, I'm afraid that the Warring States period didn't have a good rest, right? The evidence unique to the Ocean King is barely a piece of evidence, and can you believe the testimony of the other side's guard?

The girl with long pale hair in front of her seemed to have an eight-faced exquisite heart. As soon as she finished speaking in the Warring States period, she added: "My five guards, except for the two from the New World Pirates. The other three are all originals. The retired officers of the navy headquarters should have files in their headquarters. If you don't believe it, you can bring up the files of several people again for comparison, just like your Excellency the Marshal did yesterday."

Sakazuki squinted his eyes, and suddenly said to the empty door: "Lindeman, check the names of several people again."

The girl suddenly turned her head to look behind her, her eyes widened but she found nothing.

But dealing with people all the year round, from the palace nobles, the big men who deter one side, down to the three religions. Let her develop a good adaptability.

"Lindeman..." The leader of the merchant ship who claimed to be the adopted daughter of the King of Shipping chewed this familiar name in his mouth, and then reacted: "The Navy Headquarters is really rich in background. I didn't expect the new world black market to offer a reward. The person here is just a little man who runs errands."

Moria looked a little restless, he tentatively said: "Then my reward..."

The Warring States period did not answer. If he was to take care of everything personally, wouldn't it seem that the marshal was too cheap?

"What anxious" Sakazuki raised an eyebrow and started to lower the price: "Not to mention that the identity of this girl has not been confirmed, even if she is really the adopted daughter of the Ocean King, it is not worth the 6-tier reward."

"One shadow on the sixth floor will do. [Aka Dog] I really don't ask for much." Moria looked a little embarrassed and was bargaining frantically.

"Up to five floors, otherwise there is nothing to talk about." The Warring States period hesitated for a moment and gave his own standards.

"Deal!" Learing the other party to regret it, the hand-operated mad demon nodded repeatedly.

Before Sakazuki disliked the other party for nothing, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

"President Sa, the investigation is over."

"Why is it so fast?" Sakazuki was a little skeptical, and verifying personal name information has always been a time-consuming task.

A silver-haired fox holding a few piles of materials in his hands, he leaned into the ear of Sakazuki and whispered to explain the reason.

It turned out that the Warring States had assembled the files last night and reviewed the guards several times. When Lindemann arrived in the interrogation room, the information was still in the hands of the school officer who held the guards.

"Falme Shaozuo originally belonged to the third reconnaissance fleet of the Navy Headquarters. During the investigation and contact with the Aunt Pirates, the entire reconnaissance fleet was attacked by fire from the sky created by Nimitz. She is one of the few survivors. "

Lindemann was about to turn to the next page with the information, but was stopped by Sakazuki with a wave.

"Falme... the one with only one eye left?"

"Do you know her?" The fox was a little curious. He glanced at it just now, and only Opie could praise the muscular lady.

Sakazuki finally believed that the guy who claimed to be the daughter of the shipping king was true: "I approved her application for retirement."

Warring States was full of [you guys are too cautious] and waved: "Lindeman, you take Moria to Impelton to receive the reward."

Watching the Warring States begin to clear the field, Moria didn't make himself boring, and simply turned around and left.

"Then, let's talk about it. Daughter of the King of Shipping, I heard that you took the initiative to ask to come to the navy headquarters. What are you plotting?" The Warring States saw and heard a few people walking away and went straight to the subject.

The slender girl leaned slightly politely: "The girl's full name is Koko Umit. Of course, you can just call me Koko."

"Umit, hum." Sakazuki sneered, but as long as he uses his ship, or the goods on his road section, safety is guaranteed, but a high profit must be drawn. It is possible that it is not just money, but something as a deduction.

Koko Umit, who has an extremely outstanding temperament, didn’t care about the navy’s disgust. He just kept a small smile and expressed his intentions: “My father originally intended to cooperate with King Vinsmok Gage, so he specially sent I went to the North Sea to negotiate. But if the navy headquarters needs it, Kou Kou will definitely do my best."

Warring States did not comment on this: "Do you want to cooperate with the navy on behalf of the maritime king's industrial group?"

"Why not?" The young girl is exceptionally mature: "Since the Navy can cooperate with the bald eagle of the World Economic News, why can't it cooperate with us?"

The admiral slowly stood up from the sofa. He leaned over and stared at the silver-haired merchant leader, as if looking at a delicious prey: "It seems that Morgans' success has made some people jealous."

He pretended to be disdainful, and mocked: "Why do you think the Navy will agree to your request for cooperation?"

"Because the Navy needs an excellent arms dealer, and I am very good at it." The girl straightened her back and looked up at the other party.

"Crazy," Sakazuki commented concisely and concisely: "The Vinsmoke family is the military-appointed partner. In terms of technology, it is hundreds of times stronger than a maritime king."

Koke was not afraid of the slightest, and looked at the powerful admiral with a smile: "But, can the navy headquarters be assured that Germa sits big? It's a big North Sea, but he has a monopoly on all smuggling and arms. Mr. Akadog, you Really rest assured?"

"... Then I said" Sakazuki was silent for a moment, and raised his chin.

"If we cooperate with the navy, the arms and navy circulating in the New World and the Dark Kingdom can be controlled. Not only can the hidden dangers in the North Sea be resolved, we can also ensure that the devil fruits traded through the black market channel will be delivered to the navy headquarters as soon as possible. "The white-haired girl smiled knowingly and threw out a great favor.

The Warring States period smiled, and suddenly said: "The King of Shipping can't eat the devil fruit circulating on the black market, can't he? Use this as a bargaining chip, and write a blank check too well? Little girl!"

"Worthy of a wise general" did not have the embarrassment of exposing the lie at all, and the arms dealer nodded and praised: "But we do have a list of most of the goods that have arrived at auctions around the world. How the military can get good things depends on its own methods. NS."

"Arms, why do you think you can compete with Vinsmok?" Sakazuki raises a crucial question.

Koko twisted his hair lightly, and seemed particularly arrogant about this question: "Mr. Red Dog, Vince Mork is just a war house. How can mercenaries compete with professional arms dealers? Besides, our business is not limited to it. North Sea."

"Controlling the arms that flow into the new world secretly, this strategic significance, I think both of them are very clear." The young arms dealer seemed confident: "We are in the light, the navy is in the dark, and the military only needs to satisfy me a little. Is fine."

"Yours?" Sakazuki doesn't believe in this kind of thing that is almost inverted. The navy seemed to have obtained the arms jurisdiction of the dark world without any effort.

"Help me control my [Father] property." The female fox finally showed her tail.

"...Ambition is not small." The Warring States could not help but carefully look at this little girl, who is about the same age as Robin. This decisive and discriminative ability is expected to do important things.

"Although it seems that the maritime transport is dying, not only to help the navy control the circulation of arms, but also to take risks to deliver intelligence. But even if you only give you one-third of the arms from all over the world, you can make a lot of money." (Sakazuki said with his palm: "The last question, why do you guys who lack high-end combat power think you can kill Vinsmoke?"

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