"Morlia, Krocdal, are the two Qiwuhai not enough?"

The Warring States Strategy was a bit displeased. The Navy had no knowledge of this incident: "Are you cooperating with Qiwuhai?"

"Morlia needs to prepare fine weapons for the zombies, and Sir Croquedall is also recruiting a large number of personnel and munitions for the Hunter Company, each taking what he needs." Kokoo smiled lightly.

"I said earlier that Qiwuhai can't be a dog for the Navy." Sakazuki is not surprising at all, even the best performers currently have their own plans for Moria and Sand Crocodile.

Then he dialed the number of the barracks: "Lieutenant Colonel Turius, are you on duty today? Let Renault and Jonah come to see me in the Marshal's office."

Kou Kou smiled sweetly and said with palms together: "It looks like you all agree?"

Warring States pointed to the quiet office: "Otherwise, why do you think we let irrelevant personnel go out early?"

In a short while, the sound of rapid footsteps, accompanied by the sound of tense breathing, reached everyone's ears.

"Report! Burning Legion Lieutenant Colonel Reynolds and Burning Legion Major Jonah arrived at the target location and asked for instructions."

"This is?" Kou Kou was a little confused.

Sakazuki sneered twice, and he was completely uneasy about the arms queen who was born: "The guard I sent to you, of course, is also your shackles."

"If she betrays the navy," Sakazuki made a throat-cutting motion, and gestured to the two killers of the legion: "You understand."

"Hey, the little girl will leave. I have to go to the North Sea to pick up the Vinsmok family." Kokoo was a little angry at the straightforward arrangement of Sakazuki, but he also understood that it was a peace of mind, and pouted. Turn around and leave.

After the little queen of arms left the office, the Warring States period pretended to be unintentional and brought up one thing: "Luo Nandi accidentally saw an acquaintance in your legion yesterday."

He wanted to order the arrest of the opponent directly after the military exercise ended yesterday.

But after thinking about it seriously, Chisho wanted to see if Sakazuki really didn't notice it or if there were other arrangements for this.

"You mean the original red heart of the original Don Quixote family?" Sakazuki said the mystery of the Warring States Period, nodded and admitted: "I deliberately did not reveal his identity."

"What's the reason?" The Warring States saw that the other party didn't know everything, but he was relieved and curious: "Are you going to give him a chance to reform?"

It seemed a little indifferent: "It is only one aspect to let him reform, after all, Doflamingo is dead."

He immediately changed his words and his expression was a bit sullen: "Wilgoruo will work hard for the navy in the future. If he had been dedicated to revenge for the old master, I would have arranged a successor."

When the admiral saw this, he didn't talk nonsense. Since the other party said he was prepared, he didn't want to be too careful.

So as not to give Sakazuki a bad impression that the marshal is in control.

It’s not wrong for leaders to pay close attention to details on big things, but it’s not a good thing to have too much control over small things.

Before the two of them could continue to communicate, Capuna's loud voice rang out of the house, lest the two of them didn't know that he was coming.

"Yo! Warring States! We are ready to go! I found a safe way to the empty island."

③The journey of the new generation

228. Reliable Adult Male

Sengoku and Sakazuki listened to the loud voice outside the door, and couldn't help but lift the heart into his throat. .

"Wait! Karp don't take any shortcuts!"

"Mr. Karp! Safety first!"

"An Xin, I'm a reliable adult" Karp slapped his chest without opening the door, and walked downstairs confidently.

"What did Karp say he was?" The Warring States slammed his ears, once suspected that his hearing would decline sharply with age.

"He claims to be reliable...\"


\"... Adults\"


The Warring States period, with a look that you were teasing me, choked silently for a long time.

"I hope they can return safely." Sakazuki seems a little worried. Uncle Karp's hard power is too strong to say, but! But! ! In direct proportion to his fist and kung fu is the unreliable urination of the old naughty boy.

Therefore, for this exploration, Mr. Sa, in his heart, does not expect to be able to return full of gold. It is enough for a boat to return in a neat and safe manner. ——————————————————

"I hope I can return safely." It was Robin, who was appointed by Karp as the deputy navigator of the exploration ship, who said almost similar words.

The girl was full of confidence in this voyage, but Karp only arrived on the ship, and immediately announced their new route-to take an ultra-safe shortcut according to the uncle's instructions.

This unconstrained order made the sailors of a ship a little bald.

Regarding the general's ability to remember the way, emmm doesn't mention it or mentions it.

"Little Robin, I am different from your Warring States uncle! With a reliable adult man like me by your side, you are still worried about whether you can come back safely?" Karp looked at Robin who was talking to himself. Raised his hand and rubbed the girl's little head.

The old and hardened naval hero raised his head and his chest was bursting with self-confidence.

But obviously, morale-boosting words had a counterproductive effect on the deck of the warship.

Many soldiers have begun to take out pen and paper from their inner pockets to write suicide notes.

"Hey!! You look down on people too much, right?!" Karp was so angry that everyone's dejected behavior was blowing his beard and staring, he shouted: "This is the path that the old man found when he drove Roger around! !"

The look of the navy alleviated as soon as it was linked to the One Piece.

They all know that Karp will never talk nonsense about the topics that are involved with Roger.

"Set sail! I'm mad at the old man!"

But facts have proved that in terms of force value, Tekken Karp is indeed a reliable fierce man.

Only a few days after going out to sea, the number of sea beasts planted in his hand exceeded the number of one hand.

But God knows why Karp leads so many sea beasts. Robin once wondered if the Pirate King Roger deliberately led him to the sea beast den to get rid of the brown candy.

Today, the warship is parked on the sea again. Also half-floating in the sea, there is also a huge sea beast with a white belly.

The crew of the exploration ship who had fresh meat all the time felt that they were not floating on the sea, but followed a fist-fighting leader to eat a free king's meal in the butcher shop.

This food is better than the headquarter!

Karp placed a large piece of fresh sea beast meat on the table and began to wipe salt on it desperately.

"Then what, Lieutenant General Karp, don't we have a refrigerator?"


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