"What the **** do you want to ask?" Sakazuki gently slid across the table with your fingertips. The rough skin and the touch of the wood formed some imperceptible barriers, just like the child's real barrier to him in his heart.

Compliant and obedient but suddenly grudged.

"Just as you put the shipbuilder who mastered the design of Pluto under your nose, do you have such a mentality to me?" Robin hesitated for a long while, and finally asked the most worrying question in his heart.

Sakazuki did not directly answer her question, but instead asked the worried girl: "Is it happy to be in Malin Vando these years?"

"Before, I would be quite sure that I was happy, but now, I don't know." She shook her head in confusion, as if everything was false, like sheets of paper disappearing in flames, but for ten years, their smiles and But the look in his eyes cannot be faked.

Like the gentle words blown by the spring breeze, smile brightly without any decorations.

The kind-hearted people of the navy headquarters kept her the last flame of hope, and she would not sink in the grief of losing her family.

The girl's expression was quite painful, her fingertips were shallowly embedded in her flesh and she didn't know it: "I don't know how to face this problem. An enemy who arrested my biological mother, but did his best to raise me for ten years."

Sakazuki silently refused. Robin didn't know how to face it. Why didn't he do that?

The child was adopted only to make up for one or two feelings of guilt.

Sakazuki doesn't believe it if he doesn't have the mentality of monitoring the key to the only ancient text in the world.

Guilt, guilt for being unable to turn things around, guilt for attacking O'Hara as a soldier...

Slowly, this lonely girl became more and more important in his heart. Slowly, Sakazuki removed the cold disguise in front of her, and slowly, it stretched into a constant affection.

Robin tried countless times to address the stalwart figure who often turned his back to him, but the words came to his lips and swallowed extremely bitterly.

The most contradictory answer is like a ball of thread that will never be sorted out.

At the end of the answer, there is only a clueless knot.

"Why save me? Why don't you throw me at O'Hara and wait for death?"

She no longer wailed like she did when she was picked up from O'Hara Island.

Even the sobbing sound was forcibly controlled by himself, and his body trembled slightly.

Only silent tears dripped on the uniform with the seagull logo.

This girl, who was privately called the little princess of Motobu, stared at Sakazuki in a daze:

"What the **** am I to you?"

Time seemed to stagnate at this moment, and only this child without a father or mother was left asking in a low voice.

"Is it a tool to control ancient weapons? A doll that can be manipulated? Or a funny clown?"

She feared, that all this wonderful thing was just a grand and deliberate hoax.

She was terrified, fearing that those kind voices and smiles would turn into cold masks in the next moment.

[How great would it be if I had never had all of this] Robin stared at Sakazuki in horror, for fear of expressing the most terrifying assumption in his heart.

If you didn't have it in the first place, you can't talk about losing it.

And when you really have these emotions and expectations, you will really be afraid of losing.

Only then did Robin realize it.

Uncle Warring States, Grandpa Cap, Ace, Nami, Nuojigo...

It turns out that what troubles me is not the endless hatred, but the family love that I can't give up anyway.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Seeing that the other party hasn't answered for a long time, the girl's right to be the other party has already acquiesced.

Her eyes were full of misery, and she softly mocked herself: "This place has become my home, so where should I die?"

Sakazuki is still smoking his cigar bite by bite, and there does not seem to be any emotional fluctuations overflowing from his staid face.

As if he was a monster without emotion.

"In the eyes of others, you can be a tool of war, you can be a joker," as if talking to himself, the admiral who is known for his iron-blooded ruthlessness slowly took off his military cap on his head—— Gently pressed it on the head of the heartbreaking girl: "But to me, you are my daughter, nothing more."

[You have to grow up quickly, strong enough, strong enough to protect yourself, strong enough to provoke the burden of the navy headquarters. The vengeance promise I made ten years ago remains unchanged. 】Sakazuki mute his vows in my heart.

Tears fell, and the girl finally did not suppress her emotions for many years, and big tears fell down her cheeks.

She has always been keen and intelligent, and under the perseverance of hard work, she hides a heart that has long been broken.

"I thought you didn't want me. Don't leave me, okay?"

"Okay, okay?"


This child, who could no longer find his hometown, cried in the arms of Sakazuki and became a little tearful.

Weeping for the past, weeping for the present.

This peace of mind is my hometown.

But the lonely ghost who lost his way home is more than Robin alone?

Only the smoke of the cigar still curls up, seeming to remember his hometown where he can never go back.

293. Why does Karp scream early in the morning?

Monch D. Karp is very wrong today, but everyone who knows him can feel it.

This smiling optimist has changed his previous style.

After receiving a mysterious call in the early morning, his face was somber as if he could squeeze water from the folds of his skin.

He hurriedly summoned the marines, boarded the warship and went out to sea.

Warring States still knows how this old comrade-in-arms has always been amused. God knows if he is so eager to go to sea just to buy two bags of donuts?

Therefore, the Warring States has not paid too much attention to Karp's obviously unusual behavior.

But half an hour later, a call from Polusalino maximized the alertness of the admiral.

"Huang Yuan, are you saying that the Ministry of Science, which is conducting a test ship at Marin Vandor, discovered Karp's traces? Not only that, he also requisitioned a steam-powered experimental ship that is much faster than sailing warships?" Listening to Polusa Li Nuo's report, the Warring States period gradually frowned, and the development of things seemed to start unexpectedly.

The Hailou stone-inlaid steam ship, which was developed by the Temple Watcher and was still under trial, was directly cut off and hurried across the windless zone to the East China Sea.

Finally, in his mind, Karp's weird behavior today merged with the gloomy face of the old man after the unknown call.

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