[There must be something wrong!] For many years, based on years of experience and sixth sense, the Warring States Period is keenly aware that things are different.

In this special situation, Karp's portable phone is in an unreachable state.

In his eyes, he was surprised that the reputation of Iron Fist Cap was not blown out, but punched out.

But the previous signs of awkwardness, coupled with the inability to connect to Karp, swept over inexplicable shadows and pressure like dark clouds.

In this regard, Zhijiang did not dare to take it lightly, and he immediately assigned a liaison task to his subordinates: "Convene the three generals who are resting in Marin Vandor and the chief staff officer of the headquarters."

After the order, he carefully sorted out whether there were any omissions: "Let the deputy commander of the expeditionary army, Xiliu, also come."

If Karp really had any accident, he would be the person with the highest rank who would be dispatched without asking the five old stars and who could directly lead the army to rescue.

The army’s work efficiency was extremely high, and the five people gathered within a few minutes gathered in the Marshal’s Office of the Warring States Period.

"What do you think?" Zeng Guo looked at the few people sitting on the sofa and asked first.

Seeing that the Sakazuki's eyes turned, Sakazuki didn't think much about it, and first carried out the emergency plan: "First send a reconnaissance fleet to lock in the sea area where Mr. Karp appeared last, and see if there are any clues, and then let the East China Sea divide it. The Ministry will spread the search network."

He stared at Shiliu with bright eyes: "Once I find Mr. Karp's position, I need you to lead the high-speed fleet to arrive in half a day."

Sengoku nodded, obviously the idea and layout of Sakazuki coincided with him.

It's not that he can't handle these things himself, but the action of Sakazuki undoubtedly reduces his workload a lot.

But the look of Warring States did not relax, because whenever Karp got serious, things were often the most urgent.

This was the case when the Golden Lion escaped from prison, the same was true when Whitebeard arrived at Murloc Island, and it was the same when he repelled Kaido recently.

"The most likely thing is that he has discovered some crises that we haven't even noticed, and he will deal with it alone before the meeting has time to discuss it." He interlaced his hands against his chin and said in a deep voice. She is most familiar with Karp's temperament.

If this old guy's daily behavior is an annoying ghost who is casual and likes to make troubles, no one can be more reliable than a naval hero in an emergency. With his beastly intuition, he can always identify the events that need to be dealt with most.

But Kuzan, who was long overdue, had a thick blindfold on his face. Being shaken from the bed, it was all the way to this place relying on seeing and hearing and domineering.

Seeing that the matter basically has a conclusion and a solution, Yu Zhiliu believes in [silence is golden], but every time he speaks as sharp as his blade, he hits the bullet and hits the bullseye.

Without the slightest accident, Uncle Demon Blade's poisonous mouth once again expressed his power: "Tsk, is it possible that the ancestral tomb was planed by the pirates, is this anxious to go back?"

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the intention.

Sakazuki suddenly turned his head and stared at this unintentional sword demon, the five old stars planned to invade the new world and wipe out the nations... One big thing kept him busy, but he almost forgot-the sea In 1510, it was the encounter that changed everything.

The Warring States period raised his hand and picked up the phone worm that Huang Yuanguang sent to the table at the speed of time-it was an exclusive communication device placed on Karp's desk.

He set his sights on Sakazuki. Compared with the yellow monkey who often used black phone bugs as general-purpose telephones, the Warring States period was more at ease to deal with these detailed intelligence work.

As for the green pheasant? Look, he wore a blindfold and beckoned here!

"Brother, don't donate your eyes to other people." Sakazuki took the phone call from the Warring States Period and walked to the intelligence room. There was a little bit of sarcasm.

With the cooperation of dozens of people in the intelligence room, Sakazuki found all of Karp's communication records in almost three minutes.

The number that marks the nearest contact has also been tracked geographically along the route.

"Can you trace that mysterious phone call?" The Warring States period broke in anxiously, and Karp's relationship with him was no different from that of his real brother.

Even if the two pit each other daily, at the real crisis, they are the best friends of the Warring States Period who are willing to exchange their lives.

Sakazuki shrugged and responded to the Sengoku question: "No, in fact it doesn't have any encryption and anti-tracking devices."

"Huh? What did you say?" The Warring States period was visibly stunned. A phone call could summon Karp into an emergency preparedness state.

Regardless of whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, they should have strong intelligence confidentiality. Even from the perspective of maintaining one's own security, communication encryption and anti-monitoring are the most basic operations.

Surprisingly, Sakazuki shook his head flatly to prevent the Sengoku period from asking him to check it again: "No, Marshal of the Warring States Period, in fact, we have traced back to the band location of this phone worm-the border of Dawn Island in the Kingdom of East China Sea."

Mr. Sa picked up the intelligence folder that he found out from many classifications, and signaled that the Warring States period is not to worry too much: "The address of the phone worm belongs to the town of Windmill, and we can even pinpoint individuals through technology."

Sakazuki)," which basically guesses what the situation is, doesn't worry at all about whether Karp has discovered any major crisis again.

The information was clearly written, it was the private phone number of a female bar owner.

Mackinaw, female, Donghai, in the Kingdom of Goya, was born in Windmill Town.

Very good, there is only one truth!

That is--

"Mr. Karp should be safe and sound, the call is one of Mr. Karp's informants in the East China Sea," Sakazuki said very tactfully, but the other party made a transoceanic call, I think it’s probably because of that kid. ?

"Warring States! Karp called!" Lieutenant General Crane's voice came from a long distance. The Warring States had planned to continue to listen to Sakazuki to analyze and judge Karp's situation, but there was no relationship with Karp himself. Is it convenient to ask in person?

The Buddha stepped on the ground repeatedly, and the whole person shot out of the intelligence room.

"I said he should be fine..." Sakazuki, who was left in place by the Warring States, reluctantly closed the information folder.

And the big Buddha of "Lian Sheng" also rushed back to his office in the fastest time.

The previously unsmooth communication was finally picked up, and Mr. Huang Yuan, who was continuously making calls, dialed the portable phone to Karp.

"What's wrong? Karp!" The Warring States held his breath, and was ready to send a fleet to support each other at any time. Whatever the intelligence that Karp can treat so seriously, it deserves the attention of the Navy Headquarters.

But Munch D. Karp's words almost made the Warring States Master take his worrying heart to feed the dog!

"I still want to ask what happened to the headquarters? Why did a snooze on the way to Donghai pick up my grandson and show a hundred missed calls?" Karp grinned in confusion in his voice.

"..." Kuzan looked at Polusalino with a helpless expression [I knew it would be].

Lieutenant General Crane was expressionless, as if thinking about something.

Without waiting for the Buddha to scold him, Kapuna's screams accompanied by funny screams shocked all the people present in the office.

"The red-haired stinky kid actually used bitterness in a despicable way! At the cost of an arm, he wanted to lure Luffy to be a pirate!"

294.Why does the red hair come home with a broken arm?

Although Karp was crying and howling on the phone, the Warring States and others did not take the obvious partiality of complaints from Haijun Ying (hun) and Xiong (zhang) seriously.

This kind of unlucky mentality that his own child was almost taken off by outsiders, everyone has to say something about it.

Lieutenant General Crane shook her head helplessly. She couldn't help feeling that she was worthless for the mental cleansing she used on Karp yesterday: "Old things are really getting shameless."

Still bitter?

Someone else is the grandson of the [Three Emperors] who is full of food in the new world and can stand up against your uncle Karp?

For this reason, I am scheming to break an arm. For the top swordsman, it is strange that the combat power is not compromised!

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