This time, it was from the bottom of my heart.

It was not until many years later that the [Expeditionary Army Interviews] written by Robin as the editor-in-chief clearly recorded that [Pirate Empress] Boa Hancock, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King, once admitted that that day, in her impoverished world Suddenly there was a lighthouse with a dark red color and not very bright.

Even if it is far less dazzling than the day, she uses it to light up the road ahead.

313. It is said that perverted murderers have their own theories?

"Lu Qi, what do you think the old man would do to that [Pirate Empress]?" Nicole Robin stood on the warship and looked at the islands that were already faintly visible on the sea level, casually communicating with the "big cat".

And if her judgment is correct, the target of the hundred-member team crusade should be on this island for supplies and personnel recruitment.

The young man in a white navy coat didn't want to answer this kind of gossip question at all. On the one hand, he was cold-blooded and arrogant. On the other hand, he thought that this kind of clear idiot question didn't need to be answered at all.

But the black-bellied girl next to him didn't intend to let Lu Qi go. Seeing that some cold guy didn't even have the desire to open her mouth, she tucked the corners of her mouth slightly, sneered and chuckled out a bunch of leaves from her pocket. Jagged plants.

Stretch out a hand and place it under the nose of a big cat.

Rob Lucy, who was holding a single-scope to search for the mission target attentively, suddenly moved his nose, and then he sneezed out a big sneeze.

He slowly turned his gaze to this beautiful girl who could get an "oh-hoo" sound from any action on the warship, almost gritted his teeth and glared: "Take it away! I quit catnip!"

Robin was indifferent to the almost violent low growl of the Cat Fruit Ability, her beautiful eyes flowed, watching Lu Qi, who suddenly swelled up in a circle: "Really? Saying no, but your body Very honest."

The vertical pupils of the cats swept left and right as the mint grass flicked, and the youth's complexion at this time was even more iron-blue, struggling to resist the fanatical impact of biological instinct on willpower.

According to legend, there is a demon hidden in every devil fruit. Today, those with the ability of cats and cats have learned it.

Instinct is constantly launching rounds of whispers to my own sanity-I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat!

【Do not! I do not want! Today is just jumping off the boat, in the Dead Sea, I will not be driven by instinct to eat grass! 】

Lu Qi shook his head vigorously. He gritted his teeth and forcibly shifted the topic to the original question: "How can Sa always be? Is it not clear to you who is a daughter? That Boya? Hancock was either killed on the spot or became a member of the Qiwuhai camp."

The girl couldn't laugh or cry, Lu Qi understood that "what's going on" as a means of disposal, but what she wanted to ask was not at all!

"I mean, Hancock is the world's greatest beauty, do you think he has other ideas?" Robin had to emphasize his question again.

"Ideas? Any ideas?" Lu Qi was a little puzzled at first, but then he understood. He became more and more surprised by the female thinking mode: "What is there to worry about?"

Even if he doesn't have a deep understanding of Sakazuki, he knows that no matter how beautiful a woman is a pirate, for the commander of the legion, she should go to Impelton and play happily with Magellan.

The cross-server chat on the scene reminded Lu Qi of a questionnaire that was collected and sorted out in the 30,000 expeditionary army not long ago, with the intention of testing whether there are essential differences in the thinking logic between men and women.

The topic of the questionnaire is: association through the word [sausage].

Most of the female data collected show that there are only two types of "sausage" written by the female soldiers.

From the perspective of [edible], they will choose one by one from the type, origin, taste, to price, and volume. The discussion starts with the red sausage and smoked sausage of the Navy Headquarters, and then extends to liver sausage, black sausage mixed with thyme, clove, and black pepper, or white sausage made of water and water, small sausage, blood sausage and many other worlds. Well-known sausage type.

Without exception, Lenovo will add an additional category at the end: [Available].

The associations of the great lords of the Expeditionary Army are only concise in two words: delicious.

At this moment, Lu Qicai felt for the first time how correct the heartfelt feelings that Gabra idiot sent after being dumped for the 108th time-there may be half the world between what a woman said and what she thought in her heart.

Seeing that this little Nizi seemed to be still struggling with something, Lu Qi reluctantly threw a stab at him: Well, you women are really hard to understand.

Nicole Robin, who was disgusted in his eyes, simply stuffed the catnip into the mouth of "Lu Miao", and said to the ambiguous "woman, there is no next time!" In this kind of domineering presidential declaration, he obediently tilted his head.

But she clearly read the word [真香] from Lu Qi's facial expression.

[I'm still a little worried...] Thinking that even if a boy like Lu Qi is determined to be addicted to catnip, Robin's settled little heart becomes tense again.

She fumbled out a phone bug with an ancient helmet from her arms, and dialed directly: "Hey, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, are you on a mission?"

The eight-armed warlord on the other end of the phone rarely revealed a rather brisk tone: "I just took the Pirate Empress to finish the 60th area of ​​the Chambord Islands, and I'm about to return to Malinfandu. Why do you call me suddenly? I need to transfer. Pass it to President Sa?"

It stands to reason that, in accordance with military regulations, any non-intelligence officer, correspondent, staff officer, etc., which can play a special role, is prohibited from contacting privately during missions, especially when the gap between upper and lower ranks is so obvious.

But there are exceptions to everything. It is not that ghost spiders are helping Sa's daughter-in-law, but Robin is a member of the Hundred-Man Wild Hunting Tactics Team.

Although Robin is only a sergeant at present, only insiders know how hard-core the area that the sergeant is responsible for—organizing the intelligence review, terrain survey, and tactical formulation of a hundred-man hunting team, with nearly half of the combat content. All are planned by this team.

In the ghost spider's impression, Robin is not the kind of underage child who calls his parents when he has nothing to do. With the force of crushing most of the school officials and serving as a member of the tactical countermeasures team, he can run a hot spring hotel in the headquarters.

This kind of talent far surpasses most adults, and the ghost spider will naturally not treat her as an ordinary kid.

His character is not likable, and his attitude towards his subordinates is almost rigid. But even if he is picky as a ghost spider, she has to admit that this girl is a good hand at performing tasks.

"Wait, you said Hancock is currently on board?" Robin asked hurriedly, "Where is Sa always?"

She wanted to report on the progress of the mission first, but the information that Ghost Spider accidentally revealed to her was incredible.

The ghost spider who had performed the "Flying Dragon" mission quickly sorted out his thoughts, and then came up with the important message of "This Nizi is not going to report to Gion alone", he immediately resigned and strictly upheld the innocence of his boss. Come: "I cleaned up Snake Ji in the windless belt, and stood outside the cabin door in front of everyone, and gave a thought class to that Qiwu Sea."

Suddenly, the girl felt that the amount of information was too large. She was chewing on the blockbuster-like news. She slowly widened her eyes. "You said... Mr. Akadog beat Hancock?"

"The skin is open and the flesh is blooming, and the burnt fragrance is overflowing." The ghost spider thought for a moment, and used these two words to vividly describe the miserable situation at that time.


Robin's delicate smiling face became more and more rigid, and she could already guess what was going on in the Amazon kingdom.

It was certain that the Pirate Empress did something extraordinary, which caused the grumpy Lao Sa to start the film directly on the spot.

When it was over, she didn't have to worry about whether Gion Sister would be careful.

Because the female emperor who was given the thought class was brainwashed 80%.

Based on her understanding of her cheap daddy, it is different from Aunt Crane's devil fruit ability to change her heart, Sakazuki's superb speech skills and profound thoughts.

If you don't speak, if the chatter box is opened, if the person with whom you are talking is slightly weaker in thinking ability, it is easy to be brought into his rhythm and routine.

In Marin Vando’s daily life, Robin’s biggest feeling about Sakazuki is unfathomable.

You must know that the doctoral degree she obtained in the Navy Headquarters was all dry goods, plus a lot of reading in the O'Hara library before. The two are combined into one, and Robin also considers himself a rare rival in the academic field.

But every time she was overwhelmed by the topics given in Sakazuki, she was burnt daily.

The old killer who likes to appreciate the art of human heads just has a mind full of novel ideas. Robin may be better in a single round of professionalism, but in terms of open-mindedness, her adoptive father is truly a fanciful.

In particular, a large number of opinions on philosophy, military science, politics, and eloquence are far beyond this era.

And Robin’s explanation of this strange phenomenon is: if you can think about killing embryos so much, you must have killed too many people. He has shaken his beliefs, and in order to strengthen his will, he has carried out countless identifications of consciousness and philosophical speculation— -Don't all murderers have their own set of novel theories to support them.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, I have an ominous hunch." Robin said, holding his forehead in distress: "You [Hellfire Brotherhood] may have one more die-hard member in the future..."

The spider seemed calmer, and it was not the first time that Qiwu Haijia was a member.

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