Moria, who licked the dog with no ethics, said something without shame: Can licking the red dog count as licking? As long as it can give me another 10% chance of winning, that is my dad, understand?

As for the mood of Robin who was robbed of his father, the ghost spider is unknown. But on the other hand, looking at this girl's distressed expression today, the eight-armed general who is a platinum senior member of the Hellfire Club secretly inferred that he might also be very angry.

Robin took a deep breath, took the sight glasses from Lu Qi's hand and reconfirmed the [Saloman Snake] that was swaying in front of the port of the distant town, and then revealed a kind smile:

"Also, tell Mr. Akinu that we have caught up with Gaspardi's scumbag!"

314. The Devil's Son (Part 1)

From a distance, watching the [Saraman Snake] anchored in the town’s harbor, a pre-war briefing began on the warship.

"How about sinking it directly?" a school officer suggested. "Block Gaspardi and the others on the island. I will see how he runs without the boat."

This is a bit tickling. Their light patrol ship ran at sea for nearly a month, chasing and intercepting them, but it didn't catch up.

Gaspardi's character is not very good, but luck is pretty good.

I don't know which port to **** a steam-powered paddle steamer, and let the pursuit troops dispatched by the expeditionary force hang behind its tail to eat ashes.

"No," Robin categorically rejected this most convenient and quick method: "Remember? We have to capture the [Saloman Serpent], and then drive it back to Marin Vando and show it to the Science Department of the Templar Warden Corps. Look."

The steamship of the navy headquarters is still in the pilot test stage, and this steam-powered paddle steamer with excellent overall performance and officially put into use can be said to always affect the minds of design and research personnel.

When the expeditionary army’s wild hunting force heard the exact news, they had always used high-tech military technology to advertise themselves, and by the way, the temple watchers, who showed their superiority to the friendly forces, almost didn’t get their cheeks swollen.

But this is not the first time that the government has been slapped in the face by the people.

The many islands located in the four oceans and on the various routes of the great sea route are affected by climate, sea conditions, and various natural and man-made factors such as national conditions, customs and culture, which have caused serious unbalanced development.

The science and technology of the islands in various regions is not on the same level. Countries with advanced technology such as the City of Seven Waters, Djerma, and the Future Country have achieved trans-epochal and cross-century development.

For the last time, it has also entered the steam age. The basically mature steam power has stimulated the rapid growth of the entire island, led by industry and transportation.

On the contrary, some places are still in the Archaic or Stone Age, and even the buds of industrial civilization have not been born.

It’s no wonder that a ship that was built by an industrial powerhouse [Saloman Snake] can catch up with the research and development progress of the navy headquarters.

Seeing that the general plan has been finalized, Rob Luchi interjected casually: "That ship should need to replenish a large amount of coal in the town, then the situation is very clear."

The members of the hunting squad all showed knowing "kind" smiles-first annihilated the remaining members on the enemy ship, and then went to watch Gaspardi's declining **** who made them eat coal ashes all the way!!

The crew of the [Saloman Snake] was not too slow to respond. When the navy warship observed the situation in the town and port, the watchmen who stayed on the steamship also discovered the expeditionary number that appeared on the edge of the sea.

"Gan! Quickly call the captain to signal! The mad dogs of the expeditionary army are here again!" A pirate wearing a dirty scarf continued to maintain a wait-and-see attitude, while frantically screaming towards the deck below the mast.

These sailors and pirates, who were hurriedly recruited by Gaspardi from several town taverns, suddenly became nervous.

The expeditionary force of the navy headquarters was thoroughly famous after the New World War.

From the famous Pirate Emperor and the new stars in the New World to the infamous Pirate Captains from all over the world, the Expeditionary Forces have never been picky about being picky, and as long as the pursuit is carried out, it is basically an endless situation.

On the contrary, a few pirate groups escaped wild hunting with the help of changing ocean currents and storms, and once made a name for themselves in the New World.

But what comes with fame is the frenzied assassination of [the fraudster] and other legion assassins that lasted for several years.

Another pirate cadre who was obviously more prominent on the ship suddenly grabbed the monocular telescope shelved on the barrel and pulled it to the farthest sight.

Immediately he yelled, "It's really them, these navies are crazy, right? It's almost a month! How much hatred does the expeditionary army have with the captain?"

Without reminding the pirate cadres, the left-behind crew members who had a strong desire to survive had dialed Gaspardi's personal phone worm early.

[Damn it!] Gaspardi, who was instructing his subordinates to carry carts of coal, cursed secretly in his heart that the expeditionary army did not appear sooner or later, but it happened to appear when he was supplying key resources.

"Preheat the boiler! I will arrive in a minute. Don't panic, steam ships can easily throw them away!" After serving as a Commodore for so many years, Gaspardi still possesses the judgment he should have.

According to the observation and estimation of the remaining crew members, the two sides are at least five nautical miles apart. Even so, if you delay for a while, I am afraid that the gang of **** in the expeditionary army will be able to block him.

Pushing the bucket truck full of coal, several pirates looked worried.

They roughly estimated the distance between the ship and the coal warehouse. If they pushed these heavy carbon piles, they would not be able to reach it in one minute.

In desperation, the pirates had no choice but to directly drop the coal that had been loaded with several carts of hard work, and let the bucket truck tip over next to the coal shop owner who had already been killed by a single knife.


Gaspardi took the lead, but a deepening sense of uneasiness swept over him-the coal stock on the steamship was not too large, and there was no time to replenish it in the chase-me-and-escape game with the Navy this month. Now on board Whether the remaining amount of coal will allow the [Saroman Snake] to reach the next island is unknown.

I thought that this group of mad dogs had been completely thrown away, and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but who would think they were like tarsus maggots.

The pirates rushing through the town are in a mess. Even more, many civilians were unable to dodge, and were rammed into the roadside paving by these outlaws.

Shulea Baskud is one of them.

Taking his sister Adele out to purchase ingredients, he was caught off guard by the pirates running wild in the downtown area and threw him into the roadside fruit shop.

And the young girl who has been holding her own clothes corner is even more encumbered in the chaos of the civilian population and lost track.

"Adele!! Adele!! Where are you?!"

Shulea shouted hoarsely and then drowned in the noisy and panicked crowd.

In the chaos, the soft candy real ability who drove back to the steamship by the stride meteor was once again called the phone worm by his subordinates.

"What's the matter again?" the former Brigadier General of the Navy Headquarters yelled impatiently. The cannon fodder pirates recruited by this group of temporary recruits were far worse than the well-trained soldiers of Malin Fando.

Such frequent requests almost exhausted his patience, and the chaotic sound of swords and artillery from the telephone bug made Gaspardi even more upset.

He spoke violently and asked, "The two ships were still several nautical miles apart when reporting, so what are you panicking about!"

A bleak premonition was spontaneously growing in his heart, shouldn't it be so fast, right?

With a weird silence at the microphone end, a slightly young female voice came into his ears.

"Hey, hello, can you hear me?"

"How could you arrive so soon?!" Gaspardi roared in anger, five nautical miles apart, based on his experience, how could he hit him so quickly? !

Remotely operating Huahuaguo's arms, the sergeant controlled several pirates one after another, and asked them to stick their muzzles into their mouths.


More than a dozen pirates who were encircled were tripped and staggered by the arms that grew out of the deck at an unknown time, and these strange things began to grow on their bodies immediately after them.

"Hand! Arm! Why did a hand grow out of my face?" The pirates exclaimed, being restrained by more arms emerging from their bodies.

Compared to Robin's plot in a horror movie, an afterimage simply shuttles through the enemy group, splashing blood.

Clean and neat, without any extra moves, the shot is just one shot.

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