The eyes of the professional assassin-born cat-cat-fruit-powerful person flashed with bloodthirsty luster, and dispatching to the expeditionary army was the most wise decision he had made in his life.

Without cp9's various tasks of lurking, protection, and assassination, he was reborn in this camp full of professional pirate butchers. In addition, Hiliu, Sakazuki and many other experts still give pointers from time to time. This makes Rob Luchi, who is already excellent in six types of physical skills, go further than before after a long time of study and killing.

Under its cold and calm face, hides the bloodthirsty nature of cats that is difficult to suppress.

After easily breaking the neck of the last pirate, Robin barely sneered and asked the biggest stain on the navy headquarters on the other side of the phone: "Have you ever played a human cannon with a drug pack?"

In the last few nautical miles, all people were accelerated by manual paddles, not to mention, more than ten Type Six players were filled into the specially-made barrel.

Having already taken the lead in capturing the enemy ship, she was not in a hurry. The traitor was already irresistible, so I might as well choose to wait steadily for the entire crew to arrive at the port.

She hung up the call with Gaspardi leisurely and looked at the steamship at will.

The eye-catching impression is indeed somewhat unexpected.

This steam merchant ship independently developed by the private sector is very different from the light steam-powered warship currently developed by the navy headquarters. It is a composite stable type that mixes sails and steam engines.

Even if the coal is exhausted, the wind power alone can propel such a huge hull without the help of steam power.

It is a pity that this kind of highly practical steamship is not popular.

Some islands and countries are fully qualified to surpass the world-class level of cutting-edge technology, but the degree of technology penetration is almost zero, and there is no intertwining in most scientific and technological fields.

This reminded Robin of a complaint that Sakazuki once brought in the army dormitory.

[The world government intends to control high-end technology in order to better control the situation. 】

Now it seems that something is true.

Whether it is for military or civilian use, its scope is far beyond imagination.

High-end technology is basically in the hands of the world government, and you can see electronic components, chips, and integrated circuits in the research and development departments of the world government.

In the private sector, there is no shadow at all, and it is an old-fashioned situation that still relies on sailing.

It's just that mad scientists occasionally scavenge some seemingly powerful mechanical artifacts that are not mass-produced.

Robin suddenly realized that it is the most favorable situation for the world government to maintain the status of the participating countries and the development of them tends to stagnate.

The red-earth continent traverses north and south, the great sea route traverses east and west, and the ocean area is absolutely dominant.

Most countries in the world are island countries, and they must travel by sea. Therefore, whoever controls the ocean controls the world.

The world government uses the navy to control the oceans and allows the participating countries to have their own armies for self-defense, but they are not allowed to develop their navies.

The navy, which has been stuck in its military budget, is also obedient to this somewhat old but still operating order framework with the mentality of maintaining the overall stability of the situation.

However, the internal affairs, diplomacy, defense and other rights of the participating countries are still limited, which not only reduces the resistance of the participating countries, but also greatly reduces the management costs of the world government.

From the conventional armaments to the major franchise countries where technology has been stabilized and regulated, those who intend to resist are only in vain trapped under the powerful boats and guns.

The flower-and-fruit capable person stroked the wooden guardrail on this ship, and fell into deeper thoughts.

But Robin didn't know that the things she had just thought about were the same as in Sakazuki back then.

Why didn't the traversers who were born in the red country join the revolutionary army led by the dragon?

Because the hope is too slim, in terms of armaments, rigor, high-end technology, and weapons of mass destruction, the world government, a behemoth, is completely crushing better than a revolutionary army that only relies on broken copper and iron.

The ceiling-level combat power in the open and in the dark also basically exceeds single digits.

You can manufacture as much as possible without weapons and equipment, and you can privately raise funds for research and development without scientific and technological support. But without the constraints of weapons of mass destruction, there is no mass base of manpower and material resources, and the revolutionary forces of the participating countries do not receive the slightest support. You take it. What is it against the world government?

Especially in a world where hundreds of thousands of ordinary people can be wiped out by the gathering of a few top combat powers, this kind of move against Liangshan seems even more brave.

"Hellfire Club..." Robin was earnestly chewing on this joke club that was originally established entirely by Sakazuki fans.

She seems to have read some articles from it. There is something in the hidden Hellfire Club!

There are more than ten monarch fans on the Murloc Island Sea Emperor, the Vinsmok family, the Nafirutali royal family in Alabastan, and most of them have their own standing army of more than 500,000. Strong country.

Three people have joined Qiwuhai, and the group of lieutenants in the headquarters, known as the backbone of the navy headquarters, does not need to be elaborated.

In the past, she thought that with so many members, it was just fun to gather together occasionally or make jokes on the phone.

Has ever experienced O'Hara personally, Robin knows that Sakazuki is not absolutely loyal to the world government

【. . . Then this matter is a bit interesting]

She suddenly spoke behind her: "Lu Qi, how many times have I said, don't stand silently behind me."

"You are wandering." The cold young man said concisely, and God knows what the **** the black-bellied woman who has always had a library in her head is thinking about.

But daring to open his mind on the enemy ship is the only one in the world.

Robin looked back, but saw that the [Saloman Snake] was already full of wild hunting elites on board.

She turned to look at these veterans, arms spread out naturally, like a bird flying freely, jumping off the captured ship.

"Go, it's time to hunt down those who dare to betray.

315. The Devil's Son (Medium)

Gaspardi's face was uncertain, and stopped abruptly. The pirates shook their eyes in puzzlement: "They have landed."

The civilians around the downtown area fled in all directions, wanting to escape as soon as possible from this group of uninvited guests who suddenly broke into their peaceful life.

The wicked former navy grinned and seemed to have found a breakthrough. He took the lead in picking up a girl who had been knocked down from the clutter and taking him hostage.

When the other pirates saw it, they naturally followed suit, and they pointed their muzzles and blades at the [Meat Sheep] who were just not worth mentioning.

And this scene was caught by the sniper team rushing to the bell tower to find the commanding heights and crouch down.

"The sniper team reported that Gaspardi and his gang held a large number of hostages in the downtown area."

Rob Luchi, who received the information, is planning to continue to use his extremely awkward all-kill rescue method to deal with this emergency.

But before he could give his order, the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely when he ranked first in the school officer's battle list at a young age.

Because in the corner of his perspective, there is a beautiful girl who is stretching out her hand and making a pinch toward the air.

This silent threat reminds Lu Qi all the time that the most important thing is to negotiate with Robin, and not to arbitrarily ignore the lives of civilians.

"Nearly a hundred civilians were gathered in the downtown area, held in front of them by the pirates one-on-one." Lu Qi thought about it for a moment and said the truth: "If I lead the team alone this time, I will carry out the task. It's really hard to save."

This is not unreasonable. All the veterans present have experienced many battles, and naturally they can see the dilemma they are facing.

Not to mention that they don't have enough snipers, even if the number of snipers is enough to "take care" the pirates one-on-one, if they fail to kill nearly a hundred pirates at the same time, the hostages will still be killed or injured.

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