The old captain sighed: "It is completely two extremes.

Some towns are grateful to them, and some are jealous of them and regard them as the most alien navy.

In the final analysis, the expeditionary force's style is too harsh. It often gives people the illusion of being sharp but not knowing how to work. "

There is one more sentence, he did not dare to say, wasn't the person who executed the order to destroy O'Hara was the red dog?

Seeing Salazar remained silent on the telephone channel, Brigadier General Norrington spoke softly on the spot: "We respect Mr. Sakazuki, but do not fully agree with his style and views."

In fact, Salazar was not angry, but his attention had been completely shifted to the permanent pointer on his wrist.

In the previous storm, the sails and hulls of the ships were damaged to some extent, and they were also sent out of the original course.

"The situation is not good..." Salazar muttered to herself, always seeming to be so lucky.

He greeted the ships loudly: "Set sail now, no rectification and remaining repair work!"

The major general with a ponytail turned pale at this time: "We have deviated from the channel and entered the patrol area of ​​the Beast Pirate Group!"

Before the words came to an end, with a stern whistling sound, shells exploded around the warship, stirring up a thick water column of more than ten meters.

"Enemy attack!!!"

"Shelling, shelling, shelling." The seamen, who had not been relaxed for a while, fell into a panic under the sudden shelling.

A huge sailing warship slowly emerged from the distant sea.

Its sails are hung with the skull flag of the Beasts Pirates, and its size can even be comparable to the top sailing giants of the navy headquarters.

And on the bow of the pirate ship, it was decorated with a huge mammoth head.

Salazar, Norrington and others know this unique pirate ship, and it is the big sign of Kaido.

"Jack?! [Drought] Jack? Damn it!"

328. Thousands of Undead at Sea (Part 1)

"Tighten the sails!!!" Major General Salazar shouted hoarsely.

Whether it is in terms of per capita combat power or warship firepower, our configuration will lose a lot.

Most of the navy's light reconnaissance ships are patrol warships that are small in tonnage, low in armor, and have average firepower, but are better at low prices and can be built in large numbers.

Compared with those heavy warships with nearly a hundred large-pound artillery and armed to the teeth, the only advantage of this reconnaissance ship is its faster speed.

However, the four reconnaissance ships that broke out of the storm had a lot of damage from the sails to the hull, and even some of the gunpowder reserves were dampened in the previous wind and waves.

Almost wiped out the last hope of this investigation fleet.

Major General Salazar sighed slightly, unwillingly. If he has strong support from the navy headquarters behind him, this battle is not impossible.

As long as a few of them dragged Jack and waited for the three or five lieutenants to besiege and kill together, the [Three Plagues] might have to be wiped out.

Four warships with different damages set sail again, but persevering, the best time to escape has been lost.

The second round of artillery on the Mammoth began to bombard, seemingly not wanting to give the navy a chance to breathe.

This time, what flew out of the barrel of the Beast Pirate Group was no longer ordinary shells, but a large number of chain shells connected by iron chains between two thinner solid iron balls.

"They want to smash the sails!" The commanders on the warship tried to stop the densely scattered barrage.

Despite the efforts of the marines to intercept, there were still a small number of chain bullets that ripped apart the sails, slowing down the warship that had already slowed down.

In the sky full of artillery fire, the three most severely damaged warships stopped directly in place.

Seeing that it was inevitable, Salazar paused for a moment, looking back at the ship's marines. The young faces were full of determination, even if they were trembling nervously.

"Put down the lifeboat! Unmarried people get out of the queue! Get on the boat!"

"Captain! We live and die together!" At this time, the seamen knew their captain's plan no matter how stupid they were. These young seamen shouted one after another, but were suppressed by a stern roar.

Salazar snarled in a rare voice: "Obey the order! Soldier! Brigadier General Norrington! The children will be handed over to you!"

"You guys!?" Started by the sudden actions of other captains, Brigadier General Norrington yelled at the phone worm in surprise, "What do you mean!? Let me be a deserter?!"

"Go! This is the command of the flagship! One ship is one if you can run!" At this moment, Salazar was suddenly somewhat fortunate to arrange the wheel array, allowing the last warship to hide under the wing of the other three warships, almost nothing. How was wounded by artillery fire.

"Salazar!! Fuck your mother!" Norrington's eyes were cracked, and he said solemnly, "We may not have no chance to go together!"

"No, there is no chance, my brother." The eldest major admiral suddenly laughed, even if Salazar had heard more than once about the navy's victory over Drought Jack.

The Supreme Commander of the Templar Warden Army, Polusalino had used his own force to retreat [Drought] Jack and [Moonlight] Moria, the two long-famous great pirates before he became a general.

The most recent result was the Battle of the Five Armies. Drought Jack, who came to aid Kaido after breaking through the blockade, was treated with "small fists punching his chest" by the older generation of naval powerhouses headed by Karp.

All of these have made the Navy’s high-level officers very low on Jack’s combat effectiveness evaluation, but Salazar knows that this low evaluation is only for the top group of people in the military department.

For ordinary major generals and brigadier generals who have not even mastered the two-color domineering, Jack, who is ranked among the three calamities, is still an unstoppable rival.

It is very possible that the attacks of oneself and others will not be able to break through the opponent's armed defense at all.

"Norrington! Don't be like a lady, listen up, your task is to take the remaining brothers home. The hundreds of us may not be able to stop for too long. If we don't leave, we all have to plant. Here!" The roar of another captain suddenly came from the communication channel.

"Prepare for the battle! The school-level officer takes a step forward!" The ponytailed major general looked at the less than two hundred crew members remaining on the ship, and smiled on the phone: "Help me tell President Sa, Salazar didn't shame him. ."

Looking at the approaching ships of both sides, Drought Jack, standing on the bow, watched several small boats converge from the warship furthest away, and had already guessed the plan of the navy fleet: "Order to go down, get the ship Close to the navy."

Hook each other's sails, ropes, and masts with hooks. In an instant, the marines and the pirates intertwined.

Three major generals and three brigadier generals came up and found their target.

Because the opponent is too conspicuous, the physique can no longer be described as strong, and it is piled up there like a hill.

He wears two ivory-like decorations on his head and shoulders, and he wears spiked rivets. This makeup is unique in the world.

The big sign of the Beasts and Pirates, [Drought] Jack.

Seeing the generals besieging him, Jack muttered in a deep voice, but he was full of anger because of the steel jaws on his mouth.

"After the break."

[Drought] I glanced at the only warship that was far away from the Mammoth, and didn't bother to bother about it.

The extremely violent brute force instantly flew the two brigadier generals who were trying to stop him from the front.

A major general slapped a slash covered with armed domineering, but he was also firmly blocked by his firm and rough skin covered with armed domineering, and there were bursts of golden and iron strikes.

Jack held the sickle-like blade in his left hand and raised it back high, preparing to swipe again.

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