If Sakazuki is present, you can recognize this kind of weapon with a straight blade and a sickle-shaped blade.


This traditional Ethiopian scimitar is the best at hooking and circumventing shields, hitting people's hearts and other deadly organs, and is known as the [Blade of Death].

The navy who saw this strange weapon for the first time suffered a big loss.

A major general who tried to block his blade, covered all the blades of his sword with an armed and domineering general, and used all his strength to block this terrifying blow frontally, providing his companions with a good opportunity to attack from the side.


The saber wrapped in the armed color did block the violent slash of the opponent's power, but the curved and sharp tip of the Schotter knife bypassed the saber's block and came out directly.

The monster power of the ancient giant beast combined with the domineering armed color, almost crushing the iron defense that the general added to the body.

Immediately afterwards, the captain who had been talking and laughing with Salazar had a confrontation.

"Quick! I can't hold it for too long!" The major general who was pierced in his waist simply abandoned the knife, and firmly held the blade of this huge scimitar with both hands.

The other two brigadier generals, one left and the other right, stepped on the moon step volley from Drought Jack's side and took the opponent's head straight.

But the two swords broke in response to a contest with each other's dark and thick neck.

"Damn it. You can't cut him, this **** will be armed and domineering." The brigadier generals gritted their teeth with red eyes at the opportunity created by their comrades.

Salazar bullied himself up in silence and drew two stabbing swords from his waist.

He shook his sword and tried to find Jack's weakness with his own swordsmanship.

But Drought Jack relies on the animal system after awakening-the ancient devil fruit is unmoved.

For Jack, injury is a natural thing. But the most important feature of the animal system after awakening is its extremely strong resilience and anti-strike ability.

The ancient species, which is also extremely rare in the animal system, is naturally the best.

He didn't even bother to wield the Schotter knife in his hand, just so armed and domineering covering the vitals and key positions of his body.

The storm-like stabbing, in exchange for ordinary pirates, has long been poked into a hornet's nest. However, Salazar ran into an ancient species known for its defense and resilience.

"Don't insist on his attack!" Salazar quickly pulled away from the drought without a single blow, reminding the remaining few people aloud.

With the combination of this strange power and armed color, the iron block can hardly be effective in resisting it. On the contrary, when the iron block is maintained, the whole body is stiff and will be knocked down by Jack.

The speed of the shaving did not bring much advantage to the navy, and it could only maintain the weak effect of keeping the opponent in place.

Even at the level of Cat Viper and Duke Inulan, he was still dragged by this giant elephant for five days and five nights. Jack may not be good at attacking at high speed, but he is quite knowledgeable in defense.

The tacit cooperation of the generals in the wheel battle did not cause him any trouble.

An hour has passed quietly, most of the marines who fought with the Mammoth died heroically, and a small part of the pirates who were struggling to resist the Mammoth were several times their own.

On the contrary, with the passage of time, the generals became a little weak, and coupled with the continuous use of several extremely physically-consuming moves, their actions gradually slowed down.

Seizing this opportunity, Jack, who is good at fighting wars of attrition, instantly transformed into a beast that was more clumsy than a human. The proboscis pierced out like a big gun, directly hitting a brigadier who was too late to escape with a bleeding in his mouth and nose.

Immediately after his hairy proboscis curled up, he firmly **** another brigadier general who was trying to attack his eyes in close proximity.

Captain Jack attached the ivory to the armor and hardened it, like two long swords, defeating Major General Salazar's move to save with the sword.

The flexible trunk smashed the admiral who was still **** on the deck like a thermometer.

The Commodore, who was hit by the proboscis at first, barely raised his head, but could only see a shadow above his head.

The mammoth's terrifying weight weighed down.

"[Trample]" Jack's low nasal voice echoed on the boat, and even stepped on a humanoid hole covered with blood on the deck.

He looked mockingly at the only navy that could still maintain a fighting posture at this time.

The ponytail that Salazar usually loves so much is messy, and her long hair hangs messily on both sides of her cheeks.

He couldn't restrain the shaking of his arms, and dozens of fights with that drought had made him feel exhausted.

Every sword was handed out, and it was exhausting, but the other party always used his body to block it lightly.

At most, only white marks could be left on the body of that giant beast.

"I ask if you are breathing? Are you tired? The navy is nothing more than that. I thought you were all monsters like yellow apes." Jack looked at the troop number on Salazar's chest and said with disgust.

The highest commander of that legion had beaten him so hard that he could hardly find North. And this hatred, let the generals under his command repay part of it.

"I haven't tried hard, you all got on the ground." Jack burst into thunder and laughed loudly.

As he was about to resolve the last major general, he suddenly remembered the instructions of the two elder brothers.

Looking up and down the extremely embarrassed navy, the mammoth sniffed Salazar and brought him closer.

"You are much better than them. Now, I can give you a chance to survive, join us, and join the group of beasts and pirates."

"Join you?" Salazar laughed, coughing and dripping blood down the corner of her mouth on the trunk: "Your ivory is worth 900 million Baileys in the pirate group where you think Lao Tzu looks good. Upper eye?"

"...It seems that you are looking for death." The mammoth behemoth, with a trembling nose, threw the disheveled navy into a pool of blood.

Drought Jack regained his human form at a speed visible to the naked eye, and raised the Schotter scimitar in his hand and laughed grinningly.

The knife fell with his hand. Accompanied by the painful grunt of the rear admiral, Jack kicked the man off the ship: "I won't kill you directly. Of course, if you don't have any limbs, you can crawl out of the sea to find me revenge. if."

329. Thousands of Undead at Sea (Part 2)

Of course there will be winners and losers in wars.

Every day there will be the latest war situation intelligence sent to the desk of the Warring States period from all over the world.

Perhaps the so-and-so pirate group was wiped out, or perhaps the navy's so-and-so fleet was defeated by the pirates.

The Warring States period did not like to deal with these cold numbers, because under these black and white words, one after another life disappeared.

It's just that this loss can be called the biggest since 1510.

"What are you talking about??! Only one of the four warships in the reconnaissance fleet remains? The top commanders on the other three warships have all died in battle?"

After receiving the final request for help from the reconnaissance fleet, the responsible persons at the G-1 base and G-5 base quickly dispatched the rescue fleet.

Although the surviving ship of marines was saved, the Warring States also received bad news-three major generals and three brigadier generals, a total of six generals all died in battle.

No one is happy with this kind of news.

"What about Norrington? The other generals all chose to die in a dignified battle. What did he eat?"

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