After staying in the navy headquarters for so long, everyone knew the principle of one of the six styles of flying finger guns and landing feet.

Although Xiliu and the ghost spider made tactical evasion based on their domineering look and hearing, the seamen behind them did not have this skill.

Most of the wild hunting school officers still barely escaped the air bomb attack, and only a small number of veterans who could not dodge in the alleys got a [shocking pressure gun] in front of them.

The veterans who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe looked astonished, and their regular rankings allowed most of them to find out the strength of their comrades, but these high-ranking officers were beaten and lost consciousness.

What's more, he was hit in the head and heart and lungs, and he was killed on the spot before he could even keep his last words.

Before the big bear made another move, densely packed sharp threads shot out from the ghost spider's wrist.

Like a cobweb, the road at the entrance was completely sealed, and countless mysterious traps were weaved.

While controlling the field, the ghost spider has already bullied himself up. The eight-handled saber made a stern sound of breaking through the air, bringing bursts of cold light straight toward Basolomi Bear's body.

The extremely sharp silk thread and blade, firmly locked the opponent's throat, heart and other deadly positions.

Even though the power of the flesh ball fruit is amazing, but at the same time the defense power against various positions of the body is limited.

The two knives that were cut on the meat ball bounced back at a faster speed, causing the ghost spider's sturdy body to be directly printed on the ground.

But when he was shot back, the ghost spider's remaining six arms had already made several deep-bone knife marks on the big bear's arms and torso.

Obviously, it was printed on the ground, and the iron defense essence learned from President Sa made his contribution for the first time, and the ghost spider bounced from the ground again with its domineering physique.

The blade like chelating teeth pierced the opponent's head fiercely.

Even if the ghost spider's armed color and domineering are not deep enough to walk sideways, if this blow is real, the big bear may have to become a useless person.

But in an instant, the big bear's tall body disappeared from the ghost spider.

[What?] Don't wait for the ghost spider to think more, Xiliu's sword will block behind the ghost spider.

The armed and domineering [Black Knife] splits the air bomb from behind the ghost spider into two.

"Transportation?" The temptation this time still made the expressions of the two leaders completely gloomy.

They are so familiar with this tactic of evading max. Naval Headquarters Polusalino often uses this tactics when trying against them.

But the bear overlooked one point. In this long alley, the transparent silk thread laid by the ghost spider in advance is extremely difficult to see with the naked eye.

This loyal revolutionary army cadre slammed into the tough blade net in the process of extremely fast moving.

"Hmm!" Rao Shi was as tough as a bear, and couldn't help but let out a painful cry at this time.

Whether it's a ghost spider or Shiliu, they are all pragmatists through and through. This kind of joint effort to beat the water bear, they will not give up because of the lack of face.

The two swordsmen cut more than ten knives in an instant, but the big bear, which was scratched with blood from the silk thread, disappeared again.

"Life is a journey, and we are always on the road." The ghost spider chanted the concept that Sakazuki had accidentally told him, and it was a side-view answer to the question raised by the opponent before the battle.

He slowly raised his head and stared at the powerful enemy standing high in the house.

"Does the navy want to intervene in this war?" As a revolutionary cadre sent by Long to serve as a war zone director, he seemed to completely ignore the wounds around his body and asked.

This kind of pediatric scheming is purely the result of Xiliu's playing in the big prison. He immediately sneered twice: "Look at what this said, Xiong, your revolutionary army is about to declare war directly on the kingdom."

The rescue mission of the expeditionary force itself was the Black Operation, and only fools would report the purpose of the mission.

Unexpectedly, the navy had already grasped the intelligence of his involvement in the revolutionary army, and the bear's expression, which had remained unchanged for years, finally appeared a trace of wrinkles.

Especially when the revolutionary army is still in its infancy, it is the most stupid move to easily expose one's own combat power. It is absolutely impossible for him to admit his true identity to the navy in this way.

In order to conceal his identity as a revolutionary army, Da Xiong thought for a while and finally said: "I have long since resigned as the king. Now it is only a pirate who intercepted you alone. If you want me to be wanted, please feel free to do so."

This is a apt statement. A force that has always been hostile to the navy, isn't it a pirate?

"Pirate, right?" Uncle Xiliu seemed to have thought of something, and took out a phone worm that was on a call from his arms.

The great swordsman shook the little thing lying in his palm with a complicated expression, and signaled that this thing was broadcast live from the beginning: "I have never seen such a strange request."

And the irritated subwoofer on the gloomy end of the phone blasted instantly: "I think you are looking for death! There is a kind of stay there and don't run, I will definitely be there in a day!"

He was shocked by the dictation habit he had kept when interrogating prisoners before, and Da Xiong only felt that the voice seemed familiar.

only. . . What is the difference between the other party's behavior and the fight between the children and the harsh words, and the result is that one party simply tells the teacher?

Brother behavior. . . . . . . .

In the next instant, the bear completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

Lifting his feet and kicking a gangster who tried to break the glass of the bakery with a shovel, the ghost spider seemed a little unbelievable: "He... ran away?"

"Legion Commander, I knew I would not make this call with you." Although it was clear that the few people on the scene could not stop the big bear moving at the speed of light, Xiliu still shamelessly threw the pot on his boss.

"...Are you sure it's not because of the two of you fighting too hard?" Sakazuki didn't take this set at all. With his understanding of Shiliu, these two guys were absolutely forced to join forces again.

No matter how famous he was, he wanted to scare the big bear away with a phone call. Sakazuki thought he had no such skills.

"It's a pity," the two of them led the team out for a while, and Xiliu smashed his mouth, feeling a little regret: "If you master the birdcage, there is at least a 90% chance of killing him in a short time."

"Forget it, the task is the main task." Compared to the deputy commander of the army who ignores killing, the ghost spider is obviously more aware. He scanned the freedmen who were beating and looting a dragon around them distractedly, and lowered his voice: "Don't forget, we are currently in the mob."


The researcher who hid in his own storehouse fought with fear every day, for fear that the protesting people would rush into his house if they were too hot to think about it.

His face full of stubble was tired and tired, and panda-like dark circles hung on his face to tell the hardships of these days.

But when Xiliu kicked open the iron door of the warehouse, he really did not expect that at the most desperate time, the navy headquarters would actually send rescue teams into the hinterland of the rebel army.

And the leader is also the deputy commander of the expeditionary army.

Extreme ecstasy and gratitude instantly rushed to the face of the researcher, just like that for the rest of his life.

But the ghost spider relentlessly stated the purpose of this trip: "Your mentor sent us to rescue you and complete the thesis."

The researcher showed a bit of excitement and smile, and it froze on his face.

Immediately, his facial expression showed obvious confusion and bewilderment.


This graduate student who was about to praise the humane actions of the Navy Headquarters narrowed his eyelids slightly, his eyebrows were gathered together, and his nose bulged to the largest extent.

The smile was only halfway open, and the white teeth were so embarrassingly snarled outside.


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