Author's message:

PS: My special cat was gank by plum wine tonight, and the stamina of 2 catties was almost ascendant, and the code word was not forgotten in my confusion.

337. Failed Thing (Part 1)

Unsurprisingly, the two teams carrying out the black operations received the latest wanted order from the navy headquarters on their way back.

"[Tyrant] Bassoromi Bear, a reward of 300 million Baileys, life or death." The ghost spider looked at the amount of the reward not pleasing to his eyes, he heavily mixed the burning cigarettes and spit into the sea.

Back then, on Fishman Island, he once expressed his life creed in front of His Majesty the King Neptune.

As long as you dare to be a pirate, he will dare to catch any king of a country to the end of the world.

But Basolomi Bear, the original king, has directly touched the bottom line that ghost spiders can tolerate.

The identity of the pirate can even be set aside for the time being. He and Xiliu have seen [Tyrant] Xiong as a major cadre sent by the revolutionary army.

As a guide on the battlefield, he planned several suggestions for the parade and the rebels, adding another fire to the already difficult chaos.

Although the marines didn't know whether the Revolutionary Army really wanted to help these civilians, they still wanted to profit from it.

But from the perspective of an outsider, the country’s growing chaos is the main responsibility: on the one hand, the current king’s and noble powers’ interest game, on the other hand, the revolutionary army, such as foreign forces who fear the world will not be chaotic, repeatedly intervene. The situation that has stabilized and improved slightly has been dragged into a stalemate again.

On the surface, Xiliu is relatively calm. If there is not a companion who is capable of speed or trapping by his side, even if Sakazuki single-handedly goes to the trouble of the big bear of Basolomi, there will be no trouble. significance.

"I can't catch people, it's useful to offer a reward for opening it high?" The great swordsman gently wiped the blade with a cotton ball until his face could be clearly reflected from the blade of the big sharp knife.

The bear's paw that reached his mouth said nothing, but he was actually no less annoyed in his heart than a ghost spider.

The big guys were itching with hatred, but the school officers on the same ship sat in a crowd, curiously watching a dachshund lying on the deck basking in the sun.

"This is the research result of the gang of technical houses of the Science Force?"

The veterans teased the waxworn dog, stroking the soft fur on the dog's head.

In the research institute of the Templar Watcher troops, regular exercise and excessive feeding are not suitable to prevent it from becoming overweight. From the appearance point of view, this is enough to be called a good dog with shiny fur.

However, starting from the perspective of scientific research results, what is this special?

Hundreds of millions of Baileys were smashed on such a silly stupid dog. Is your scientific unit really full and can't afford to bite their hands, right?

This is the first impression of the veterans of this idiot.

Because the dog has short limbs and easily soils its body when walking, the researcher who was rescued by them used a towel to gently wipe off the dirt on the dachshund's body to keep its coat shiny.

From time to time, I took out notes to record something.

An veteran finally couldn't help but curiously approached the researcher, and looked at the data on the first draft of the paper in the opponent's hand:

At 10:20 in the morning, Rasu had a bowel movement, with unburnt fuel remaining in his excrement.

At 12 noon, La Su has lunch, special dog food, some fruits and vegetables.


"Are you sure it's not an observation diary? It's like the kind of small animal feeding manual for the Boy Scout training camp." The veteran peeking at the records looked awkwardly at the stupid dog that the researchers regarded as important research materials.

He really couldn't think of how the brain circuits of these scientists were built, but in the end it can only be attributed to the broad thinking of the neuropath.

"Emmmm, in a sense, you are really right." The researcher chuckled and scratched the hairy chin of the research product in front of him.

This stupid dog named Lasu is actually a giant revolver that ate the fruit of the waxwurst dog.

It seems that it was scratched quite refreshingly. The winner of this dog, who turned his belly and basking in the sun, opened his mouth and spit out a precision iron ball spinning the second hand.

Raising his wrist to confirm the time, the researcher picked up the iron ball from the deck and made a baseball throw.

The spherical bomb thrown into the distant sea exploded a monstrous water column with a diameter of about tens of meters in the next moment.


The veterans' eyes widened, and they almost dropped their jaws by the harmless stupid dog in front of them.

What Rasu kept spitting out was a powerful time bomb.

While everyone is still studying this dachshund, which can only spit out cannonballs, as an observation of the actual effect of devil fruit infused on objects, another more taboo experiment in the navy headquarters is being quietly carried out.

"What the **** is going wrong!!" Caesar compared the survival data of the three groups of subjects this time, banging his head straight on the sturdy console.

Frustration arises spontaneously.

After Bergapunk handed over the secretly studied cell blueprints and the already mature DNA experiment data of the Vinsmok family to M. Caesar Courant, the experiment progressed rapidly.

The top three genes are constantly researching the latest DNA structure chain through remote communication.

It stands to reason that with the addition of so many mature data systems on the basis of Caesar's original data, people with gas fruit ability at the very beginning are even confident that they will complete this experiment which is only one step away before the new beer barrel is opened.

However, with the accumulation of data and the continuous dialectics and denials of the three scientists, as well as the proofs of a large number of experimental subjects, the research has fallen into a bottleneck.

"So, which step was not done?" Caesar muttered again, reviewing every step of the experiment in his mind.

Dozens of experimental living pirates turned into deformed monsters that are difficult to distinguish in the experiments of infinite cell division and regeneration.

The only semi-finished product is the black misty gas that is locked in the isolation cover.

At this moment, it can no longer be judged as a humanoid creature, it can only float in the air unconsciously like a plant.

Having lost all of its expression ability and ideology, only the cell particles absorb the nutrients supplied in the isolation cover by themselves.

This is the failure product they have developed that is closest to the dawn of success.

"We have to change our thinking. The elementalization of the human body is actually a process of completely disassembling the stable cell structure and finally achieving complete self-reorganization." Although the research is in trouble, Vegapunk does not have any emotions on his face.

To deal with this kind of research frustration, he often likes to start again from another angle.

It is well known that when the capable person loses consciousness, the devil fruit will be interrupted and restored to its original form.

"Consciousness, is it consciousness!?" Begapunk seemed to have found another breakthrough.

The most important thing for people with natural devil fruit abilities is manipulation. No matter how you play with your abilities, it's impossible to control the elements without a sophisticated skill.

Self-consciousness controls everything, and since the injection of modified cells in many previous experimental subjects, there is no insurance measure, no terminal mechanism to interrupt and stop this transformation.

Cells divide on their own, but are not controlled.

As a result, new types of DNA cells breed redundant organs on their bodies, and madly plunder the huge nutrients needed to maintain body functions.

If you compare the pure Devil Fruit to a well-made, smooth-running game, with terminal locks and various optimizations, the inherent bugs will be eliminated.

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