He walked quickly to the side of a dead body without a head, and knew the identity of the person from the top of his clothes.

When performing the Hundred-Man Wild Hunt before, this brother had previously received himself, the G-5 base commander.

Apparently, the top officer of the base had suffered severe abuse before his death, with his hands and feet broken and all his nails peeled off.

And all of this suffered while he was still alive and conscious.

"Are there any living people in the base?" The legion commander's voice at the end of the phone seemed to be slightly low, but Xiliu could hear that there was endless anger in the depths of the mourning.

Looking at the corpses of the sea soldiers in one place, either their limbs were mutilated, or they were still holding their weapons until they died, Xiliu's iron-hearted heart was also somewhat depressed at this time.

In just four words, it was difficult to speak for a while.

In the end he replied softly, seemingly afraid to disturb the dead souls here: "The whole army is destroyed."

Sakazuki feels heavier at this time, and the departure of his comrades is always heartbreaking: "How are the civilians on this island?"

Since entering the island, only ruined walls have been seen, and Xiliu has never seen half a living person. It stands to reason that even if you die, you should be able to see the townspeople on the island.

But as if evaporating from the world, no ghost was seen.

[Could it be that the Hundred Beasts and Pirates Group is looting the population?] Xiliu pondered to himself that this kind of thing is not uncommon in the New World.

These large pirate forces themselves rely on the collection of protection fees to maintain basic capital operations, and some have also opened factories to attract investment. But in the final analysis, they can't escape the word population.

The sound of fine stones and rubble came from the inside of the fortress, and was barely captured by the domineering Xiliu who had seen and heard.

He winked at a school officer, and several veterans rushed in quickly under his leadership. The last time he stayed at G-5, he had also vaguely heard of these ridiculous seamen renovating the basement.

Perhaps it was because the expeditionary army arrived rather quickly, so that the beasts and pirates group had no time to make further battlefield clearing, and could only end in a hasty way. Even the arsenal inside the fortress was not too late to be emptied.

As you can see, a large number of marine corpses completely cover the bottom like a hill.

Efforts to move away the pile of corpses, the fine voice became clearer under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing.

Suddenly opened the heavy door, a pair of horrified eyes contacted Xiliu.

"Hai. Mr. Haibing, may I ask... Has the enemy been repulsed?" A hesitant child voice sounded from the basement, and this immature female voice seemed to be jumping for joy: "They comforted the big guy earlier and said that they would insist on being invincible for a while. Reinforcements for the expeditionary force of the United States will be there soon, and the base commander is really right!"

"Ah...Reinforcements have arrived..." The several veterans who were on guard suddenly felt sour in their noses, and they wanted to be forced back from the corner of their eyes.

Xiliu dialed the phone again. He looked at the civilians who were leaning out of the basement by Lu Xu and smiled knowingly: "League commander, we have lost G-5, but I think, what we want to protect is not lost. ."

363. The Guardian (Medium)

After thinking about it for a while, Sakazuki gave Lindeman an instruction: "Notice the combat units in the new world that our army has entered the G-5 fortress and will take over the Punk Hasad line of defense."

This war is still in the preliminary test stage, and an important navy base has been destroyed by the enemy's fire. If it is not restricted to spread out, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to the overall morale.

Disappearance of the army This time, although the loss has become an old dog, the military will be unshakable during the current confrontation between the pirates and the navy.

Therefore, Sakazuki used the method of "this wave of forcibly not losing" to his own people.

"As long as G-5 and Punk Hassad are still in our hands, the other side will not want to easily bypass this line of defense." "A general who has experienced many battles is particularly accurate in judging the situation. The Beast Pirate Group will never be so stupid that it will use its wealth and core backbone to rank in the first sequence and consume it with the expeditionary army.

This was the move that the beasts made before facing the aggressive forward army-avoiding but not fighting.

It's a matter of saying whether it can consume too much energy, but the Pirate Alliance, which seems to be powerful and almost covers the new world, is susceptible to each other.

The three large pirate groups all hope that the other party will consume more and weaken each other through the hands of the navy.

It would be even better if the navy headquarters were to stare at one side.

No one wants to be taken advantage of, letting others take advantage of it for nothing.

Only after giving Lindeman an account of the relevant matters, Sakazuki immediately picked up another phone worm and put it on the table: "Where are the reinforcements dispatched from the branches of the Great Airway?"

An old but peaceful female voice came from the phone worm, as if it were the chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters: "It was only authorized by the world government to surpass the red earth continent, but the Qiwuhai under the king has already arrived at the G-1 expedition base. , How is your situation there?"

In the face of Tsuru's question, Sakazuki never concealed anything, and gave the other party a straight answer: "G-5 was dropped."

Suddenly, Crane's suspicious voice rang in the ears of Sakazuki: "Unexpectedly, there will be you..."

"We didn't catch up. The Hundred Beasts and Pirates team fought very eagerly. It was a bit similar to the annihilation war we used in our last raid on the New World. I can stand there for a while, and only the base leader can choose. I can't afford the burden of fighting the high-level combat power of the imperial regiment." Sakazuki very objectively commented on the gains and losses of the unsatisfactory first battle.

Now the expeditionary army knows nothing about the specific movements of the pirates, and their eyes are blackened. Even if he is brave and daring to take the initiative, he can't find the traces of the beasts and pirates even if he goes deep alone.

"It seems that the conditions on the three fronts are similar." With a long sigh, the words of Granny Crane revealed a lot of information. According to what she learned about the intelligence warfare returned by the various legions, almost all of them were harassed by the Pirate Alliance.

Before the outpost was officially launched, the navy forces on all lines lost for a while, and they could only get stuck in strategically important positions and defend them.

Unexpectedly, the room leaked in the night rain, and there was another accident in the first half of the great route.

Rao is as steady as a crane. She has never seen such chaos in the army for many years: "Each branch urgently dispatched elites for thousands of miles to help the new world. On the first half of the four seas and the great route, a large number of pirates took advantage of the navy branches to deploy manpower and headquarters. As I tried my best, I kept harassing the town and plundering supplies in the rear."

[Being attacked by the stomach and back. 】

Sakazuki suddenly these four words appeared in my heart. The navy mobilized combat power to defend in the new world, lacking elite soldiers and Qiwuhai, the great pirates in the first half of the route have been on the rise. In fact, it is normal corresponding to it. Chain phenomenon.

But the timing was so cleverly that it happened to harass before and after the navy's elite was not firmly established in the new world, which is very telling.

If there is no expert guidance among the pirates, he would not believe it at all.

Sakazuki suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. At the beginning, he heard the chaos in the first half of the great route. He was already mentally prepared for the impact of the shampoo group, the pirate group where the fisherman island defense line was gathered.

However, after listening carefully to the intelligence told by Crane, I discovered that the gang of pirates were just fighting on their own. Most of their goals were to make a fortune and run away, or to take the opportunity to smuggle the fisherman island.

Although this situation is equally upsetting, there is always a solution to it.

Since the existing naval forces in the first half of the Great Route are stretched, and the world conscription has not yet been fully launched, it is better to adopt an idea brewed in the mind of Sakazuki.

"I previously planned to send these little ghosts who just came out of the training camp to the battlefield to have a good life, but now letting them into the new world is not called training, it is called murder." He originally had the plan to experience these new navy guys.

However, the average strength of the new world pirates is much higher than the first half. Let these fresh blood that have just come out of the training camp blend into this level and scale of the fierce battle, and the potential seedlings will not be stifled in the cradle. That's weird!

As soon as the voice of Sakazuki fell off, he and the navy chief of staff who had thought of going with him hit it off with one of them: "Let them get the first half of the chickens to practice their hands!"


Fifteen days have passed since the G-5 was breached, and there has been no large-scale collision between the high-level forces of the two sides.

On the contrary, the naval corps enlisted from various branches of the navy were frequently sent to the front lines of the war. Joining in this battle with the New World Pirates who have decided on the general offensive and defensive trend in the next few years, to make up for the losses caused by the previous battle.

"The battle damage ratio is a bit unbearable. Although we had expected the average combat power of the New World Pirates to be higher, we still underestimated their strength." Sitting in the temporary command post of the base Sakazuki) shook his head, and threw a piece of information obtained by statistics on the table.

Polusalino, Kuzan, Warring States and others are conducting confidential remote discussions with him.

The three generals were on their own side, and the Warring States period personally appeared in the G-1 Expeditionary Fortress to supervise the battle. But these days, the contact battles with the Three Great Pirates and its vassal forces have turned out to be unsatisfactory.

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