The three elite legions under the command of the generals have a total of 100,000 troops and are the main force in this war.

On the whole, it seems that these middle- and grass-roots marines belonging to the three major military forces, their strength level can even stabilize the pirates of the same level in the New World.

However, these naval forces dispatched from various branches have repeatedly lost battles in small-scale wars.

At one point, the Pirates had a tragic loss ratio of 1:5.

The words of Sakazuki are quite admired, and there is also the general Huang Yuan who has personally seen the gap between the enemy and us.

The Templar Watchers force, which was responsible for resisting the Whitebeard's attack, was suppressed by the strongest pirate regiment in the world and retreated again and again.

The white beard had never done it himself, and confronted Huang Yuanyao. Only his captain and many captains of the New World Pirate Regiment worked together to penetrate the first and second lines of defense arranged in front of Polusalino.

The loss of manpower one after another, even the old fritters like Polusalino was a little angry: "Yesterday the third line of defense was defeated by the captain of the fifth division of the White Beard Pirates [Foil] Vista. The squad captain [phoenix] Marco almost broke through. If it weren't for the domineering arrow rain from the Nine Snakes and Pirates to shoot at the corners, that area of ​​defense would have to be breached."

The Warring States, He and the other two generals did not blame him, because they knew that if they were to be intercepted by their own regiment, the end would not be much better.

Each legion led by a general would have lost to a four emperor's overall force in terms of physical size.

Even though tens of thousands of navies were supported from the rear to oppose it, they were still beaten hard to defend against the white beard's seismic power.

Porusalino was able to maintain a defensive position in such a disadvantaged situation, basically controlling the damage ratio not to be enlarged. From the point of view of the army's operations, it is enough to be regarded as a meritorious veteran.

The headquarters is able to unite the forces of the entire navy and control the pattern of warfare.

Now even if this line is firmly suppressed, it is passively defensive.

The big sea thief group, which is grasped at the forefront of war and masters like clouds, is so restrained, it seems to be at an absolute disadvantage.

However, as a general of the navy headquarters, or a high-level combat power with a broad vision, Sakazuki has a longer-term and more comprehensive view than the low-level marines around him.

It is by no means limited to the gains and losses of a fleet or even a naval base.

What ordinary soldiers and officers care about is the victory or defeat of the fortress and defense line in which they are located.

What Sakazuki saw was that through the tentative offensive of the two sides, the navy had the endurance and profound armaments far beyond the new world pirate group.

And the first line of defense that basically stands on the heels.

In this inferior situation, the tactics adopted by the headquarters are "dragging." No hesitate to grit his teeth and fill it with human lives, you must get the specific moves of the Three Great Pirates.

The Warring States period is waiting, and when the world conscription is fully launched, the naval intelligence department and CP0 will find out the monster-level masters who are lurking beside the people but whose strength is so strong.

The current wear and tear of military power and the loss of manpower, with the background of the navy headquarters, is enough to withstand such consumption.

The higher combat forces are ready to go, but they all maintain relative restraint. Often only played a limited role in intercepting the opponent's same-level masters, and did not entangle the deadly battle.

Because I really want to say that the navy headquarters is currently the weaker side in terms of high-level combat power.

When the navy and the Three Great Pirates clashed in the new world, news quickly spread back to the world government.

The Holy Land Mariejoa, the core hub of power, the world's largest high-level organization, the five consuls looked rather ugly at this moment.

The bald old man first shared the information obtained half a month ago with his colleagues unreservedly: "The deep-sea combined fleet of deep-sea ships that mobilized some of the troops in the past to help defend Polusalino was intercepted by the red hair halfway through Beckman’s calculations. The murloc troops suffered a small defeat.

The Templar Warden's troops also failed to win favor under the guerrilla warfare launched by the White Beard Pirate team leaders. The G-5 was taken down entirely, and the expeditionary force led by Sakazuki rushed into the air. "

In the past, even a trivial contact of these four emperors made the world's top government officials panic.

This time the formation of the Pirate Alliance, before the war really broke out, the five old stars were still wondering if Karp had exaggerated the threat of the New World Pirate Alliance.

But when the navy headquarters came to an end, the world conscription had not yet been fully launched, and the new world had joined forces to fight over.

Wu Lao Xing was truly panicked at this moment.

None of the battle reports sent back from the front lines are good news, and the naval forces advancing into the new world are all in a passive defensive situation at this moment.

Fortunately, fortunately, the naval forces currently still occupy a geographical advantage, and they are stubbornly pinching the pirates into the direction of G-1.

"This is just the beginning. For a war of this scale, it will take a long time for the front line to break through to the G-1 base." CP0 fully assists the naval world conscription and puts those available talents on the battlefield of the new world as soon as possible!"

364. The 171-11 Rescue Team of the Outpost

Gabra was assigned to a battleship to provide the necessary mid-level combat power for this **** mission.

There were more than ten school officers and a brigadier general who led the team on board with him.

And the target they want to **** is a whole ship of civilians who are several times the number of the navy.

"Warship 171, warship 171, please answer when you hear it. This is the 171-11 search and rescue team. It is performing the [Hope] sub-task. The civilians on the two islands have been evacuated smoothly and are going to the settlement point under the **** of the warship, please Confirm the safety of the sea ahead." With the quite old Fu Manzhouhu left, Gabra held the wired microphone of the telephone worm and parked it on his lips, calling his own warship frequently.

In the New World waters, the vast war between the two camps has covered more than 70 islands, and millions of civilians have been affected.

The navy can still replenish the resources, munitions, and foodstuffs stored in the base, and the huge transportation fleet of the world government in the rear is also gradually opening up.

But for most pirate regiments, more than half of the materials originally stored on the ship may be consumed in a fierce battle, not to mention that this outpost was not able to carry a full cabin in order to pursue the speed of sailing.

Frequent harassment of the Navy for more than ten days has greatly reduced their resource reserves, but all this is not a big problem for the pirates.

In the name of fighting to support war, the pirate ship under the command of the Four Emperors is recovering all aspects of reserves by means of looting.

The redheads, white beards and others at least consciously restrain their subordinates to prohibit indiscriminate killing of innocents, and only take away the materials they need, and everything ends.

The Hundred Beasts and Pirates Group never cared about the morality of these rivers and lakes, and its ships frequently attacked ports, towns and even kingdoms.

Gunsmoke was everywhere, and the three infamous disasters encouraged subordinates to implement the terrifying policy of burning, looting, and killing all offensive areas.

After receiving such shocking news, the naval forces stationed in the front line decisively attacked and assisted these islands that were being looted.

It also made the naval forces that had been passively defensive as a whole exhausted.

The expeditionary army guarded the G-5 base and never mobilized, and formed a confrontation with the main force of the beasts and pirates on the opposite side of the Punk Hassad sea area.

Can only send legion members to mix up to support the elites of the branches that have come up, and intercept the multiple pirate regiments under the Four Emperors that burned, killed, and looted.

Small-scale encounters are constantly being staged in the New World Sea. Sakazuki previously worried about this with the Warring States and others in remote video conferences.

These naval forces, dispatched from various branches and put together, have repeatedly lost battles in small-scale battles.

Not to mention the huge disparity in battle damage, the task of rescuing the town has also fallen one after another.

However, the various naval corps expedition to the New World have been suppressed to varying degrees on the front and key bases, making it difficult to provide long-distance and effective assistance.

Therefore, there is this scene now.

After obtaining the consent of the world government, the navy headquarters decided to withdraw the inhabitants of the towns and kingdoms trapped in the war zone to the rear in batches.

This sub-task performed by Gabra and his team is exactly part of this huge plan.

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