
Nicole Olvia froze. At this moment, how much she wanted to turn around and hug her daughter, and smile with her head to respond to her! But it is precisely because of this moment, her reason tells her: I can't admit it, absolutely can't admit it! She cannot let Robin be the daughter of her own sinner of the world government. Olvia lowered her head and bit her lip so that Spandane wouldn't see her expression. Because she can't let Spandane see her almost collapsed look. Once they become suspicious, it won't help if she admits that it's not "I'm sorry, Robin...I can't say that it's your mother anymore... Forgive my mother," she thought.

Olvia did not say anything. Robin, who was already in tears, did not get a reply. She repeated the question in a trembling voice: "You are, my mother, right?"

"!" Spandane finally heard the girl's words this time. He stopped and looked back at Nicole Olvia: "That's your girl..." There was a piercing scream that tore the air, booming-an unknown object with a tail flame slammed into the open area between Robin and Olvia, and the strong impact smashed the O'Hara and Spanda It was all shaken down. Only two agents subordinate to CP9 maintained their balance. In the smoke and dust, Spandah cried out strangely: "Asshole! What the hell? We haven't left the island yet, want to blow us all up?!" CP9, who has remained calm beside him, shook his head: "This It's not shelling, sir!"


The CP9 agent with a short beard under his jaw looked at his colleague and seemed to want to confirm something: "That is... a meteorite?!"

Agent Orange Hair, who was closer to the impact, could see more clearly. For some unknown reason, there was some cold sweat on his forehead. He corrected: "It's a large group of volcanic bombs!!"

"What!? There are no volcanoes on this island or nearby!" Spandane was a little confused. The CP9 with this short beard did not explain to himself the chief but the brain, and waved away the exhausted smog. . Only then did Spandane see clearly what had fallen—

Author's message:

ps: Go A, animal husbandry was finally cut! ! Praise the light!

PS2: Yesterday the IELTS speaking test went well, and then there are only a few days left for the written test, happy

09. Let the flames purify everything! (superior)

Under Spandain's almost sluggish expression, a group of tall human-shaped magma slowly walked out of the center of the impact pit. With each step, the magma began to shrink and shape at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dark red shirt was exaggerated by the strong muscles of steel. He was braced tightly, and the open neckline could vaguely see the navy blue lines like magma ashes, and the navy coat behind him slowly swayed with his steps.

"Yes... the Devil Fruit Ability of the Navy Headquarters! Lieutenant General Sakazuki, the holder of the nature system Rock Berry! The curly-haired CP9 said solemnly. CP9, with a short, hard beard like a goat, has a hint of envy in his tone: "Even the rare natural fruits have the most destructive power, walking natural disasters, this time the navy headquarters even dispatched such monsters? ?"

Spanda was dumbfounded: ""Master of Sakazuki! "He naturally knows the name of the lieutenant in front of him. He swallowed and sweated, completely forgetting what he wanted to ask Olvia. This time it is his turn to pray. I hope Sakazuki) "Have you heard his disrespectful remarks just now?"

Sakazuki looked down at the dwarf in front of him blankly, and sneered for a moment; "Asshole?"

Spanda almost lost consciousness as his eyes rolled white. "It's over, I still heard it!!!" he thought. He stammered and explained: "Sir... Sakazuki, what I said just now was not aimed at you. I thought the warships have begun shelling, I...I mean those..."

"Then you mean that the fleet we are here to perform the mission is a bastard?" The expression in Sakazuki is getting worse. At the same time, the navy warships began to test fire, and many shells fell on the open space around the tree of omniscience, causing violent explosions, and the momentum was shocking.

"Absolutely nothing like that!!!" If it weren't for Sakazuki with hot lava surging over his body, Spandane, who was about to burst into tears, would almost want to hug the thigh of Sakazuki and howl. Cried loudly.

Sakazuki said indifferently: "Pressing the order to kill the devil means a devastating blow to the location where the golden phone worm gave the order-whether the person who gave the order is still on the island! I thought you just pressed Next...Do you think this is a child's play?!" The last sentence was almost violent.

The two CP9s glanced at each other, their idiot chief offended this lieutenant. They can ignore and even watch jokes, but the words in Sakazuki express the meaning of annihilating all their personnel on the island together. The two of them have six patterns. , Whether it is "shaved" or "iron block", they are not afraid of the bombardment of artillery fire, even if it is a devastating cover attack, they can escape the area by moonwalking, but if a navy headquarters with top natural fruits really Determined to annihilate them in this environment, they think they can't escape. None of the agents who can be agents are fools, and CP9, who appears very sharp and intrepid, said: "Your Excellency Lieutenant, do you need our assistance?"

The naval fleet surrounding O'Hara has completed the test firing and began the first round of salvos. In the blink of an eye, countless fireballs exploded on the island.

Sakazuki glanced at the vocal CP9, but he would stand in line, but what he needed was practical action: "I have no intention of investigating your verbal faults. Although scholars are concentrated in this area, there are still many civilians. In the bombing zone..." Before he finished speaking, the CP9C agent said, "This will cause inconvenience to you in Sakazuki to perform the'cleaning' work! We will be responsible for the rescue. Trapped civilians, please don’t worry, the chief.” As he used his eyes to suggest that his family was still in a trance, Spandane suddenly realized that he quickly saluted a military salute, and his voice was a little loud and out of voice: "Please... Please rest assured, Lieutenant General, CP9 will assist you in your mission!" Sakazuki couldn't help but admire that there are still some clever people among government officials, and it is really easy to talk to smart people. He no longer paid attention to Spandane, who was holding the salute position, and turned to look at Nicole Olvia, who had been silent since just now: "Nicole Olvia, you have been arrested, Haguval D· Saron (Sauro) sent you out from the naval prison privately. This is a scandal for the navy! Tell me about Sauro's whereabouts!"

Spanda stopped because he wanted to say something. He was going to take Olvia away because there was still some information that needed to be confirmed with her. This woman is the best proof of his achievements, and the lieutenant-admiral made it clear that he wanted to talk to him. Grabbing power, the person who was sent by the navy had a fart relationship with his government intelligence department! But he yelled for a while, not daring to speak, his life was still pinched in the opponent's hand, at this time he was going to question the opponent for grabbing merit! ? He still didn't think his life was too long! ! Spandane turned around and ran towards the outskirts of the island. At the same time, he did not forget to call out to the two agents: "You two hurry up and look for the trapped civilians. I and the other agents are waiting on the ship for your good news!" The two CP9s were obviously waiting for your good news. After being disgusted by his shameless remarks, he snorted without answering, and left with a "shave", looking for civilians.

Nicole Olvia recovered, looked up at the burly lieutenant admiral, and sneered: "Is O'Hara Island in the eyes of your navy and will be erased just because it looks bad? The justice of this is really ridiculous!"

Sakazuki did not answer because it is a ugly fact. This time the killing order itself is the navy's job of helping the world government to wipe their butts, so there is no justice and face. But his Sakazuki will not let Olvia, the old iron, pierce his heart. He stared at the little girl who was half sitting on the ground not far away, frowned and said: "Why are civilians still staying here! What about your parents, son? Did they abandon you and run away?"

Little Robin, who was already in tears, was asked by this "magma monster", and his already sad heart became more uncomfortable, and he cried out wow.

Olvia even covered her mouth, lowered her head and figured trembling.

Sakazuki took the actions of the mother and daughter into the eyes, and looked at the scholars who had been watching the situation here, and said silently: "Or, you scholars have fallen to death and you want to pull an innocent "civilian" little girl. Back-upped?!" He deliberately repeated the word "civilian". Dr. Shamrock looked at the lieutenant general with a complicated expression, and he didn't know what the other party wanted to do. Combined with the words and deeds of the lieutenant general, it shouldn't be a person who likes to kill innocent people. But deliberately rereading the word "civilian", does the other side know what's inside? ! But the most important thing at the moment is to send Robin safely out of O'Hara. As smart as he could not understand the meaning of the opposite, he coughed up blood and shook his head and said, "This'civilian' girl is just joining in the fun. Please **** her to leave this island safely. We will be responsible for the crime of the devil. NS!."

Although there is a slight sense of guilt as an excuse to bully the women and children of the good family, since he chose to execute the order of killing demons, he couldn't help being hypocritical. Sakazuki looked directly at Dr. Clover who was covering his wound with his hand. The character of these scholars made him awe. The attack is regarded as a war, and I personally will not apologize for what I have done now, because everyone is just a soldier in the war. As a soldier, the order is like a mountain, and I did nothing wrong."

Dr. Clover stared at Sakazuki, chewed his meaning, and sighed: "I accept your statement."

"But as a ‘soldier’, I’m sorry, it was our fault to launch an order to bombard the entire island."

For the first time, Dr. Clover's face showed a puzzled look "!?" He may be an authority in the archaeological world and a dean in academia, but he can't understand well-what is the essential difference between soldiers and soldiers in meaning.

Without seeing the other party answering, Sakazuki continued after a short silence: "I will not bear the sins of the entire navy alone, nor can I carry it. I have generals and generals and marshals on my head, and they have Five old stars. So I can only give you a promise that is not a promise: {This'civilian' child will be adopted by me personally, at least I won't give her a future to avoid chasing after having a meal without a meal} ."

Dr. Clover looked at Robin, who was still wiping his tears, and looked around. The scholars were smiling, while Olvia stared at the soldier in front of him in a daze. Here you are!"

Author's message:

Regarding the relationship between the navy and the intelligence departments of the world government, why is there a sense of both military and central unity! ?

10. Let the flame purify everything! (middle)

No more words in Sakazuki, with one hand holding Nicole Olvia between his arms, he walked quickly to Robin and picked up the crying little girl and placed it on his shoulder. .

"Doctor!!? Everyone!!" Robin ran across the shoulders of Sakazuki, and the child's short arms grew from the end of Robin's palm, extending one by one towards the direction of the scholars. She Activating the abilities of flowers and fruits, he stretched out his arms to try to grab Dr. Clover. But in the end, Sakazuki is faster, and the footsteps directly use "shave" to swept the surrounding residential areas. The artillery continued to bombard the island, and he must hurry up to rescue more residents.

The extremely fast moving speed of "Shave" made Robin sitting on the shoulders of Sakazuki interrupt the activation of the fruit ability, and hugged the head of Sakazuki tightly to avoid being thrown off. Fortunately, the bad attitude of government agents when informing residents to evacuate has increased the truth of the situation. Although the streets were in a mess due to the rush of evacuation, at least a few settlements near the center of the island Sakazuki did not find any remaining persons.

Robin finally calmed down and sat on his shoulders and began to look around. Despite the constant artillery fire, he was either evaded and avoided by the magma monster at an extremely fast speed, or he was blown out by a volcanic bomb from his free hand. . She cautiously looked down at Olvia, who was tucked beside her like a big package, and said softly: "You are my mother, right? I am Robin! I have been waiting for you to come back! Don’t you remember me?" She paused, "I...I always hope that one day you can walk with my hand...I have been studying very hard...I" said the little guy Tears began to fall again.

Olvia lifted her head and glanced at Sakazuki, Sakazuki looked ahead and drove forward and calmly said: "There are some things we know we know, some things we know we don’t know, some We don’t know things we don’t know, and there are other things we don’t know we'know'!"



Robin did not understand this seemingly circumstance, but Olvia understood. The lieutenant general called Sakazuki by government officials promised to adopt Robin before, combined with Sakazuki "'S previous statement. Obviously it means that the other party is not ignorant of Robin's identity, or even willing to take this risk. Olvia clarified his thoughts and finally no longer concealed his emotions. Tears rained down, and reached up to wipe the tears from the corners of his daughter's eyes: "I also hope to hold your hand, Robin, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I am an unqualified mother."

"Mom!" Robin suddenly couldn't say anything. She clearly wanted to tell her mother a thousand words. She let go of one of her hands and her mother's outstretched hand, clasped her fingers, and clasped them tightly together.

"You must have worked very hard, Robin, mother, I am really proud of you!" Olvia raised his head and stared at Robin's eyes, with an intoxicating smile.

Although immersed in the short-term family relationship, the dialogue between Dr. Clover and Sakazuki echoed in her mind

"Do you want to drag innocent ‘civilians’ when you die?"

"This ‘civilian’ girl is just joining in the fun. Please **** her to leave this island safely. It is enough for us to bear the charge of the devil."

Olvia smiled, but his tone was a little serious: "Robin, can mom ask you something? Little Robin must follow whatever happens afterwards."-Now the important thing is to let Robin know, With a unified caliber, he killed himself as a "civilian" without letting go. Only in this way can her safety be guaranteed. In other words, Robin is just an "ignorant" civilian abandoned by his parents in the chaos.

"Mom..." Robin hesitated

"Promise mom, okay!?" Olvia said in an almost pleading tone, and Robin finally agreed. "Yeah!"

"You have to remember that no matter who asks after this, you can only answer that you are an ordinary child abandoned on the island by your parents, and you have nothing to do with the scholars of O'Hara. I...I ..... I'm not your mother anymore!" Olvia put her head aside, the last words were low but very firm.


"You promised mom, didn't you? Little Robin"


"There are civilians!" Sakazuki interrupted the warm atmosphere

Although it was his acquiescence, but the two guys hanging on him suddenly showed a romantic drama. He is like a monkey jumping up and down in the gunfire with his cubs. As far as he could see, an old man in front of him was still dragging the heavy large suitcase and slowly moving towards the edge of the island. There were craters scattered all around, Sakazuki slammed into the air, changed direction at the moon, stopped in front of the old man and shouted: "Leave your luggage! Hold my neck!"

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