"No! This is my life's property" Unexpectedly, the old man refused directly even though his head was sweating profusely.

Sakazuki almost turned his back, and didn’t talk nonsense with him. With the other hand, he grabbed the old man’s collar and threw him on his back. The stubborn old man instinctively encircled the Sakazuki neck. The lieutenant admiral immediately accelerated away from the ground and jumped into the air. The old man's luggage was directly blown to pieces by the ensuing shells.

At the same time, Kuzan led civilians rushing to the outskirts of the island to run towards the refuge ship. Along the way, he waved his hand as an ice barrier prevented the cannonballs from flying. He has gone back and forth between the buildings on the island and the refuge ship several times. This wave of civilians should be the last wave he can search for. Suddenly he seemed to hear something. He turned his head and stared in the air, and saw a weird figure fleeing in the air, like a circus. Sakazuki carried a woman in his left hand, and a thin girl riding on his shoulder, wide and slender. There were three screaming civilians hanging on his back. How funny it is to be that way.

"Puff!" Kuzan who really didn't hold back still laughed, but he smiled. He didn't move slowly. "ICEBALL!!" With the two cold air shot from his wrist, he accurately encircled the several stars that flew towards them. Cannonballs, these cannonballs can't even detonate, they are directly wrapped in the ice hockey and fall down.

Sakazuki, which was still in the air, naturally knew that he was a little embarrassed like this, but he didn't expect that Kuzan was very shameless and laughed straight out! ! He couldn't help but screamed into anger at his colleagues who were about to laugh out of tears: "Laugh again! I will discount your legs and throw them on the island when I laugh again. I ran away with the civilians!"

11. Let the flame purify everything! (Down)

"Tick!" Sakazuki carried the person beside the lieutenant general with his half-length frosty curly hair, squatted down and motioned to Robin and three other civilians who hung on his back and clung to his cloak and neck. , With Kuzan's support, he can breathe a sigh of relief. Kuzan looked at the white-haired woman who was still tucked around her waist and raised his eyebrows: "This one is?"

Sakazuki has a calm face: "I found these civilians in the center of the island, as for this woman..." He held Olvia by the collar and raised it to Kuzan. Kuzan then saw that it was hanging down. Looking at the face of the white-haired woman with his head, he condensedly said: "Nicole Olvia!" He knew this woman, who was arrested by his friend Sauro on the exploratory ship and was imprisoned in the Navy Prison. However, Sauro, who was a lieutenant general before the launching of the killing order, risked his death to release her for the criminal. So far, Sauro is missing.

"In this way, we can probably determine where Sauro’s hiding place is." Sakazuki looked into Kuzan’s eyes. The round-edged sunglasses well covered Kuzan’s eyes, making Sakazuki a bit of a moment. Can't guess what the other person is thinking. He added a little serious, "If we have determined Sauro's location, Junior Brother, what are you going to do?" This questioning words were rather rude. As a general of the same level, he has no right to interfere in Kuzan's private affairs in Sakazuki, so he directly took out Teacher Zefa and asked as a senior to avoid causing Kuzan's unhappiness.

"Brother..." Kuzan was a little stunned. After all, he didn't know much about Sakazuki, except that he had heard of Sakazuki and Polusalino by chance from Teacher Zefa. Senior brothers of several terms, but Teacher Zefa didn't elaborate, even when talking about Polusalino's name, he was a little unhappy. Kuzan naturally wouldn't ask too much. After being promoted to lieutenant general, he never worked with these two. Kuzan's understanding and recognition of Sakazuki actually originated from the rumors between the admiral and the admiral-being unsmiling, killing the pirates, and even admiring him at the general level.

But this time, Sakazuki revealed in the order of killing the demon was in line with the rigor and reason of the military, the execution of orders without discount, and the reasonable handling of emergencies all made Kuzan look at this senior (in the comics). Kuzan shocked Sakazuki bombarding the refuge ship, saying that "I didn't expect to be so overwhelmed and decisive" and indirectly proved that he didn't know much about Sakazuki. I would like to thank the book friends for their reminders, Sakazuki Personality changes will not be too abrupt, and will slowly show up and change in future events. Generally speaking, it is tough and justice. Most of the hawks are like this. Let me give you the bottom line first.)

"If Sauro resists the arrest, even as his friend, I will still do it directly" Kuzan hesitated and said the answer in his heart.

"Is this a test for me, brother?" Kuzan asked, tilting his head.

Sakazuki has a rare smile on the face that has been squeezed: "Forget it, Teacher Zefa will be very pleased to hear your answer."

Kuzan turned around and walked side by side with Sakazuki, walking behind Olvia and the three civilians. The young Robin originally wanted to hold his mother's hand, but remembering Olvia's previous promise with him, the outstretched hand stopped in the air. Had to follow Olvia's side.

The civilians couldn't help cheering when the refuge ship was near, and the navy personnel on the refuge ship quickly lowered the ladder for everyone to board the ship. Robin looked back at the mothers who were stationed in place with the two navy. Olvia shook her head. Even though the wound on her face came with fierce pain, she still smiled and looked at Robin, using her mouth silently. Saying: "Go up quickly"

"Ah! It's a monster! I don't want to be in the same boat with the monster!" The children lying on the side of the refuge ship made strange appearances.

"I know her. That child is Olvia's child who was listed in the newspaper. Letting her get on the boat might implicate us," a fat middle-aged man with a runny nose helped to hold the glasses of the crooked belt and said in a serious manner. Someone immediately retorted him: "Nonsense, she's just a child! Let her come up!"

Not far away, when he saw this scene, Kuzan looked down at Olvia and asked, "Is this girl your daughter?"

Olvia bowed her head and said nothing, but was extremely anxious in her heart. Unexpectedly, something went wrong at the last joint.

Kuzan frowned and said non-stop: "Ah la la, even the criminal's child, but the child is innocent, these people..."

Sakazuki interface said: "You don't know, Kuzan, this child is a person with the ability of flowers and fruits. It is normal to be regarded as a monster by civilians who have never seen the world on the island." He stared at Robin, so Contemplation is like making some determination. "No matter, our navy has destroyed her home and family. We must not let this child's future life be in tribulation forever, nothing more, I will take this child to the warship. Yes, I will adopt her in the future, so there is nothing wrong with thinking about it."

Kuzan looked at the little girl who was stepping back with some surprise. He didn't expect that she would be a capable person at a young age. Thinking that he was regarded as a monster by many ignorant pirates and even residents in other areas, he nodded in sympathy, "This is indeed a method, guaranteed by our two lieutenants, plus the little girl in Malinfan from now on. Live more, and she will find her new home and family." Putting the little girl under the supervision of the Navy Headquarters, even if someone becomes accountable because she is a child of a criminal, there is nothing to say. (Actually, Karp had the same plan when he adopted Ace at the beginning, but emmmmmmmm Karp’s education method is very problematic.)

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" hurried and heavy footsteps came, and the scholars who were rescuing the precious collections of the O'Hara Library and throwing books into the lake outside watched a panting and desperate giant break into theirs. Vision.

"Where is Robin?!" Sauro looked around.

"Robin and Olvia have been taken away by navy escort, are you?" a scholar with glasses replied with a book in his arms.

"What!!" The giant held his head in his hands and grinned nervously. The dense beard around his chin was mixed with his hair, like a awkward lion.

He had to close his teeth, turned and ran towards the refuge ship, "Never let Robin be caught by the navy!" He wants to rescue the new friend he only knew! !

12. Not all wanderers have lost themselves (part 1)

Unlike the Albaf people who are known for their brutality and bravery, Haguwal D. Sauro is a real moderate. Compared to other giants who are fanatical and belligerent, Sauro is better at maintaining rational thinking. Therefore, he hesitated when he received the top-secret mission sent to him by the general of the Warring States period: as a lieutenant general in the headquarters to participate in the order to kill demons.

Sauro, who has always wondered why the government ordered the navy to arrest the historical exploration ship several times, categorically refused to carry out this mission, and asked his superiors loudly: "The other party is just a scholar, so why do you have to do this? If it is really so dangerous. Wouldn’t it be okay for the government to come forward to supervise the research? We are the ones who killed people! You gave me a **** reason for them?? An archaeological ship, an unarmed ship, an unarmed scholar, Sauro firmly believes that such a ruthless obliteration order is by no means a real act of justice!

"Are you suspicious of the government?! Carry out the order!" The Warring States general shouted back.

Unwilling to reconciled, Sauro came to the cell where Olvia was being held. He needed to get the scholars' exact ideas from this female scholar, so that it might be possible to suggest that the Warring States General would withdraw the military attack. But with this conversation, Sauro understood why the government resolutely ordered the navy to carry out this operation. He knew that this time it was impossible to convince the Warring States anymore, and that the only way to stop this time was the interference of external factors.

"Emergency! Lieutenant General Sauro escaped from prison with a felon!"

"He knows the battle plan this time, to capture Sauro and Olvia!! Must be captured back, life or death is a matter of life" The Warring States period gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"The chasing soldiers are coming!" Olvia, with his head bandaged, looked back at the sea.

Sauro is not afraid: "Leave it to me! Go back to your hometown and notify them, Olvia!"

Olvia took a deep look at the giant with orange beard and chin, a little hesitant: "Sauro...you can't be a navy anymore!"

Sauro looked down at the white-haired woman: "From a legal point of view, this action is too cruel. I want to start my own righteous action."

Watching Olvia leave in a small boat, Sauro certainly knew the consequences of his actions today. It is considered light to be removed from all posts by the Navy and expelled. He sighed secretly, "But I don't regret it!"

"But I, don't regret it!" The ragged giant ran towards the refuge ship. He could already see the refuge ship. It was Olvia and Robin! Of course, what I saw at the same time were several figures standing not far from the refuge ship. Looking at the former colleagues and close friends from afar, but now they can only meet each other in battle, Sauluo asked his heart: "Regret it?"

He knows that his friend Kuzan is amazing, and he also knows Sakazuki which is called the monster lieutenant general along with Polusalino, but the righteousness is directed by tens of millions of people. He laughed and speeded up his pace, repeating his inner words: "Hehehehehe, but I don't regret it!!"

A warship not far away found Sauro's huge figure that couldn't hide. "It's the escaped Lieutenant General Sauro!" The watchman on the warship recognized the giant. The major general under the jurisdiction of Kuzan decisively ordered: "Pull the former Lieutenant General Sauro! Don't let him approach the refuge ship! In the name of justice!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" Intensive shelling blocked Sauro's way to the refuge ship, and a precise shelling directly hit Sauro's chest. But the giant's body soul is not a joke. It is only a black chest and some scratches. "It seems that I can't get through without solving you first! Don't hinder me!" Sauro turned his head and rushed towards the warship.

"That's... Sauro?!" Kuzan frowned when he heard the violent roar not far away, and the Sakazuki beside him had a rough tone: "It saves us trouble, Sa Uro!"

"Sauro! How could he be on this island!" Olvia was surprised secretly

Sakazuki turned to look at Kuzan, who was frowning, with a flat voice: "You come, or me?"

13. Not all wanderers have lost themselves (middle)

With a soft sound, Kuzan directly used "Shave" to rush to his friend, launching an offensive in the air. The piercing cold air surrounds Kuzan, condenses, and takes shape quickly. Two tridents exuding faint blue luster were formed, and the "ice cube? Two thorn spears" shot at Sauro's back at an astonishing speed. But the warning of this blow was too much, and it only brushed the sides of Saulo's body, bringing up two bloodstains.

"!? Kuzan?" Sauluo's huge figure rushing towards the warship stopped abruptly.

"It's Lord Kuzan!" The navy on the warship cheered. The giant's undaunted charge with the artillery fire before really frightened many people. "The shelling of other areas on the island will be handled by Lieutenant-General." The major general on the warship could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He is also about three meters tall. Unlike the burly figure of Sakazuki)," Kuzan looks a little longer. His fluffy curly hair is tied in a dark blue navy turban and draped over his shoulders. The round-edged sunglasses covered his eyes, which made people puzzled. He was not wearing a navy white uniform and a "justice" cloak showing the rank of a general. Simply putting a black jacket with a navy logo on her body, it didn't look like she had come to perform a military mission but went on a beach vacation.

"Oh yeah.... If the killing order is stopped by someone who was once a navy, then the navy will be disgraced." Although it was a lazy tone, the slaughter in the words let Sauro know that he was My friend is serious, "What did you want to do just now?! It's a felony with intent to attack a naval ship performing a mission...Are you going to die?! Sauro!"

Sauro turned to look at his old friend: "Perhaps! I am no longer a navy, and I don't know what ‘justice’ you believe in is what you believe in. I just want to protect my friends now!"

Kuzan was a little annoyed: "Olvia is a repeat offender wanted by the world government, you can't save her! Sauro will catch her! As a former colleague, we can deal with Mr. Karp together, and we can still be with the general of the Warring States period. Save you a way out!"

Sauluo stared at Kuzan fiercely: "What about the scholars like O'Hara?! Can you keep them alive? What about little Robin? What's wrong with her! She's just a child! Why are you arresting? A child?! Is this your justice! Kuzan!"

Kuzan was a little confused: "Children? Who told you that we arrested... Are you talking about Olvia's child?" But he quickly reacted, although he didn't know how Sauro knew their relationship. , It seemed that the upright giant had misunderstood something. He pointed to Robin who had ran back to Olvia not far away and added: Sakazuki) rescued the little girl and several civilians from the bombing in the center of the island. In terms of scope, Olvia is the target of the Navy’s arrest, but her child has been adopted by me and Sakazuki because of his special identity. In the future, she will start her new life in Marin Vandor."

"Huh?! Is that so?" Sauro's expression eased slightly, so that a stone in his heart fell to the ground. He looked a little complicated, and asked in a condensed voice: "Kuzan...Are you proud of this attack...?" Facing Kuzan, he confided his feelings a little bit angrily: "I really can't figure it out. You know, this is just to warn scholars!! O'Hara will perish because of this!"

Didn’t Kuzan think that this action was overkill, but he has his own responsibilities and obligations as a navy: "But this is also for the future of the world, and there is no way, besides, these archaeologists have indeed violated the law."

At present, most countries maintain peace under the governance of the world government. There are few wars to remove the threat of pirates. However, if O'Hara scholars really decipher the text of history, even if scholars only look at it from an academic perspective, it is inevitable. Interested people use these historical texts and even ancient weapons to make a big fuss. In this way, the war will not only sweep O'Hara, but the whole world will face the threat of war. Such a peaceful change will be completely broken, and civilians will be drawn into the vortex of war.

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