If viewed from high above, this torn island is like a flower bud on the sea, protected in the center by the petals of the tsunami sweeping from all directions.

The next moment, the invisible shock wave spread from the central area where the white beard and the red dog were fighting.

It dissipated the monstrous sea water carried by the shaking, spreading from the place where the two of them stood, until the endless wave of lava trapped the person with the shaking fruit ability opened up a safe zone with a radius of a thousand meters away.

The remaining force of the shock wave has not disappeared. Whitebeard's full blow not only easily tore the magma sea surface, but also shattered several new volcanoes that were still surging freely in the distance.

The power that shook the world almost completely disintegrated the half of the island on which they stood.

A large number of rocks collapsed, reintegrated into the magma, and merged with the sea of ​​lava that had just been torn apart again.

On the other side of the island, the navy who were killing the remnants of the White Beard Pirates were also forced to stop the offensive due to this devastating shock wave, and to maintain their balance on the ground that was full of cracks and was arbitrarily lifted. At the limit, even if he wanted to chase down the few remaining pirates, he seemed helpless.

"Ski!! Do it!"

Unexpectedly in Sakazuki, White Beard succeeded in a blow and shouted into the air.

Shi Ji, who had only exchanged his opponents with Kaido, only raised his finger when he heard that, even though there were several floating islands hanging down, they could not stop until they almost hit the ground.

The few remaining captains and pirates took this opportunity to hurriedly climb the floating island, which made the navy itch with hatred below.

Until this time, Gion, who was still entangled with Marco, finally woke up-Kaido's real intention to stop the yellow ape and give the golden lion hand.

"After intercepting the old man for such a long time, I see who can stop the island-falling power!" With a grinning smile, the golden lion Shiji, who had been suppressed by Polusalino for a long time, finally found a target to vent.

With the completion of his swing of his arm, a huge floating island slammed down from the heads of everyone on the third front.

When the seamen and soldiers gathered densely on the third front were about to close their eyes and wait for death, a calm and gentle voice came to everyone's ears.

"Green Bull, why didn't you join the navy earlier? The old man will give you the answer. With the bureaucratic system of the world government, I think the navy is just a powerful eagle dog.

Therefore, after so many years, I never thought about joining any navy in the past. "

The high-altitude floating island, which was one circle larger than the remaining half of the remaining island, fell abruptly. Under the approaching shadow, the voice seemed to be calm and slow: "But the old blind man found out that he was wrong today. It's so wrong. Although I am blind, my heart is not yet blind.

What I [see] is not the rumored lackeys of the world government, but the countless souls fighting for order. "

Just when the naval officers on the third front could almost clearly recognize the rock formations on the fallen island, the island controlled by the fluttering fruit came to a halt.

"Your golden lion wants to kill them, I Fujitora, no! Promise! Yes!"

Everyone's suspicious eyes finally locked on the source of the sound. From the direction of the G-1 base, a warship hovering in mid-air for some reason was approaching the battlefield at an extremely fast speed.

On the broad bow stood a tall man in a lavender bathrobe. He was wearing a coat of golden epaulettes that can only be worn by an admiral, but he walked on a pair of wooden shoes extremely casually.

Quite strangely, the wide-faced lion-nosed man who claimed to be "Fujitora" kept his eyes tightly closed.

"What the hell?" Suddenly, the golden lion was furious. He always regarded the airspace as his own territory, but the ability of fluttering fruits that he had always been proud of was incomprehensible by this weird man. The means ceased.

No matter how the golden lion urged the floating island hovering over the naval front to fall, the island remained motionless.

And the purple-clothed man with the rod and knife out of the sheath simply said a word to him.


The debris of the islands that were torn apart by earthquakes and volcanoes before, and several large floating islands that have never been able to fall in mid-air are floating in the sky at the same time

On this day, the general Fujitora is famous all over the world.

380. The Song of the Navy

From the perspective of the news, the Golden Lion, who has been hidden for a long time, may be considered quite closed.

But years of experience and experience working **** the sea allowed him to maintain a keen judgment.

Since the day when he went out to sea as a pirate, the old adversary of the Navy has been in "deal" with the Golden Lion Shiji.

Based on his knowledge of the navy, it is no less than the headquarters of him.

The golden lion stared deeply at the **** in the purple bathrobe on the bow of the High Air Force ship, his eyes intertwined with the colors of fury and fear.

After experiencing the initial irritation, those with the Piaoping Fruit Ability calmed down instead. In other words, it is more accurate to be forced to act cautiously.

That guy has [title].

He didn't know where this **** who could block his moves came from, and he didn't even know the other party's name and fruit ability.

But Shi Ji, who suppressed his anger by force, knew that the other party didn't mention the last name or the first name, and deliberately reported himself with the word "Fujitora" in order to let the pirates on the battlefield know their difficulties and retreat.

As one of the three legendary pirates of the previous generation, the Golden Lion Shiji and the generals of the Navy Headquarters also fought frequently.

The admiral who can be given the title in the world government system, to some extent, is equivalent to a disguised recognition of his extraordinary strength.

No admiral who can have a [code name] is mediocre. [Iron Fist] Karp who defeated the former pirate overlord Locks among the older generations, [Akadog] who is currently praised as the most powerful general in history, and [Peach Rabbit] who has not yet reached the position of general but is extremely powerful. garden...

Although I have not yet fully understood the depth of this [Fujitora], the Golden Lion can foresee that its strength is definitely between those of the admirals who already have code names.

"Mr. Red Dog, [Tengtoru] and [Green Bull] came in response to the orders of the world conscription, and obey your dispatch." It is obvious that the five old stars have promoted these two hidden monsters. I don’t know why, Ke Teng Huyixiao used honorific words for Sakazuki, which was on the same level as him.

Soldiers on the third front had previously speculated who this strong man who helped the navy was? At this moment, the personal recognition of the people from above was even more shocking.

A glimmer of hope was rekindled in the battle situation that had been unknown since the chaos of the beasts Kaido.

No wonder they are so excited, most of the high-level navy forces are currently concentrated on this frontal battlefield.

The legendary veteran seaman Zefa Heiwan has already appeared on the battlefield, and the two current admirals of the red dog and the yellow monkey are also doing their best. Peach Rabbit, Tea Dolphin, [The Defiler] Yuzhiliu, [Secret Weaver] Ghost Spider, and others are all battlefield heroes. What's more, there are still two strong supporters arriving now?

Especially the ghost spiders and others, they firmly believe that if the leader Sa let go and do a big deal, all evil can be put to an end today.

Such thoughts lingered in their minds.

[To fight or not to fight?]

This multiple-choice question of survival is weighed in the hearts of the leaders of both sides.

The White Beard Pirates group was almost completely lighted up, and there were only three captains who had received the most attention from the lieutenant generals. Including the White Beard himself, there were only a few hundred people left in the former strongest Pirates group in the world.

However, the naval forces are also approaching the limit of physical and mental exhaustion.

The entire battlefield stopped strangely because of the arrival of reinforcements from both sides, except Kaido.

This dragon, still in a crazy state, laughed wantonly and slammed into the high-altitude warship.

Isn't such an enduring battle exactly what he dreamed of?

The behemoth, regarded as the strongest creature, has a sense of war in his eyes, and he is not afraid of whether the navy camp will add two more generals [even if they die on the battlefield, this is...]

Unexpectedly, a figure stood in front of him first.

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