"Golden Lion? What are you old guy doing?!" Kaido wouldn't worry about what the three legendary pirates or senior masters were in front of him, and immediately yelled at him.

However, Shiji didn't even throw his eyes to the rear. He stared straight at Sakazuki, and his words were extremely indifferent, and he did not know whether it was for the entire navy or himself: "Take a truce for now," Red dog, otherwise, everyone will die here."

"Joke! When you have the advantage, you chase and intercept, do everything you can, lest you can kill me and the navy! Now that the situation is bad, you want to leave?" Sakazuki, which stopped at the same time with the white beard, turned his head. Come, looking up at the golden lion in the sky, all mockingly said.

This pirate overlord, who has been in the world for decades, did not take the words of Sakazuki at all to his heart. He just sneered and grinned: "Aka dog, you think I and Newgate are not capable of dragging there. Do most of the navy go to **** together? Or do you think we old pirates are greedy for life and fear of death?"

The golden lion's eyes were not shaken or fearful, even if he knew that he was in a dilemma, he still looked down upon the heroes.

He spoke again, adding to the tone between the words: "Take a truce for now, otherwise, [everyone] will die here!"

At this point in the battle, the courage of the golden lion will naturally not be temporarily afraid. Even if he was about to die here, it would not make him frown.

If he and White Beard are the only two left here, then in any case, Shiji will choose to spend his best to let more of the navy die with him.

But on the battlefield, there is one last hope.

Even if the New World faces a cruel situation in the future, the blood of these new generations of pirates can survive, even if one more is good.

[Don’t fold it all here...]


Unexpectedly, Sakazuki, which has always adhered to the principle of eliminating evil and doing everything possible, did not issue instructions such as a full-line attack.

Golden Lion Shiji and White Beard Newgate dare to let everyone die here. He doesn't believe it in Sakazuki at all.

But I dare not believe it.

These high-ranking generals may be able to survive these two madmen's decisive counterattack, but he cannot shelter others on the front battlefield.

He knew clearly that perhaps after his order, today would really be a memorial day for Baibeard, Golden Lion, Kaido and others.

But the buried with these pirates will be most of the naval officers who have been exhausted physically and mentally on the front battlefield.

He silently stared at the earthquake man standing opposite him, and for a long time, he suddenly twitched his mouth: "White beard, today's scene is completely upside down from the time when it was on Murloc Island."

What the Golden Lion thought, was it not Edward Newgate’s true plan in his heart?

The pirate emperor who has dominated the New World for decades just clenched the large naginata in his hand that had been with him for many years without expression.

"President Sa! Can't let them leave like this! In this way, there will be endless troubles!" Ghost spiders are still reconciled. From the beginning of this war to the present, they have lost so many talents to fight to this advantage. Who will change? There was a bad breath in my heart.

Everyone knows, in fact, the one who is most unwilling is Sakazuki himself.

To eliminate the pirate forces entrenched in the new world, this is what he tried his best and hoped to accomplish.

Once everything is done, there is really such a choice waiting for him right now.

Is it to use these soldiers who are fighting for the navy and order as stepping stones to complete the feat of eliminating the New World Pirate Group?

Or let the tiger return to the mountain, waiting for the other side to breathe? But it is very likely that the Navy will hardly have such a good opportunity to annihilate the three [Four Emperors] at the same time.

Sakazuki took a deep breath. War is doomed to bloodshed and death. When the horn of battle is sounded, sacrifices are destined.

"Let go." The iron-blooded general scanned the battlefield and waved his hand.

At least for today, death will draw a short pause for the time being.

Watching the golden lion land in the area where the white beard stood, pulling the place where the two were standing straight to the sky, and then fleeing away, until the remaining floating island groups gradually disappeared into the cloud sky.

"President Sa, we can obviously win..." The ghost spider has mixed feelings, and it is inevitable that he will be a little bit pounded.

Sakazuki stared blankly at the fragmented battlefield. On the third front, every seaman's face was filled with rejoicing and languid fatigue.

The undisguised fatigue came out from the bottom of my heart, and after tense nerves for several months, it almost crushed everyone.

Sakazuki turned his back to his subordinates and stood with his hands holding hands, seeming to recall something: "Ghost spider, do you remember the question I asked you back then? I hope you answer it for me again. [What is the navy?] "

I was stunned by this sudden problem, and the ghost spider immediately recalled something: "We are a military organization directly under the government of the world. We maintain law and order around the world in the name of absolute justice, as well as maritime military offensives and attacks. defense."

Different scenes, different years, exactly the same dialogue.

Sakazuki repeats the question that year: "Then, we are the army, right."

The same words and the same conversations on both sides are no longer the original confusion.

"Yes, general, there is no doubt about it." The corner of the ghost spider's mouth wiped a knowing arc.

"What I want is not just a few or dozens of powerful combat power, but thousands of soldiers who have fought with me life and death for decades." The man stretched out his arms and seemed to embrace the entire battlefield: " If you are not with you by my side, go and **** the merits and honor!!"


The war came to an end for a while. At this time, the most rushed and exhausted people on the front were the medical troops.

These battlefield angels who have been tossing around the front several times carefully bandaged the wounds of many wounded comrades, and dealt with the serious injuries of the seriously wounded.

Many marines were already extremely tired and didn't care about the occasion. They collapsed on their backs and fell asleep.

The general is still patrolling the battlefield. The waist of Sakazuki is as straight as before, but the exhaustion and fatigue that can't be concealed on his face reveals the general's current physical and mental state.

From the beginning of this battle, the majestic mountain-like lava giant was shaped and the meteor volcano composed of the Hellfire Legion was thrown away.

To single-handedly pick the strongest man in the world, and then to launch fruit awakening to carry out large-scale killings... These extremely physical and mental tactics are frequently used by him.

Even if it is as strong as Sakazuki, it is a little too much.

"Fox! Fox! Is your kid still alive?" An old black-bellied dog raised his feet and kicked his **** and fell on the gun barrel, the adjutant who was still sleeping soundly.

Upon hearing the extremely familiar voice, Lindeman jumped up and saluted Sakazuki upright.

Seeing that this guy was okay except that his face was darkened with ashes, Sakazuki was a little relieved, and he was about to kick: "Come on this set, I'll ask you, when the army is reorganized, the last How many people have not come out on the second front?"

Speaking of this, Lindemann’s expression was also a little bleak: “General Sa, because the Templar Watchers on the front battlefield had been fighting very hard before, so the defensive battles on the second front were basically taken by the brothers of our expeditionary army. "

He suddenly paused and let out a sigh of relief: "The two thousand death squads that were stationed on the second front and delayed the Pirates' attack, came out, but less than nine hundred."

"...Nine hundred people?" Sakazuki turned his head and looked at the invisible ashes, his expression was full of sadness in pride.

Lindeman grabbed the officer's clothes abruptly, his eyes full of nostalgia: "General Sa, my brothers said, they don't regret it. Also, they asked me to tell you that they did their best."

This indomitable man turned his head for the first time, not wanting his subordinates to see his red eyes.

After leaving Lindeman a word, he strode towards the second front.

Fujitora, who had just stepped down from the warship, stared at the burly figure that went further and further, and asked inexplicably to the well-known fraudster: "Sa is probably the most laborious person in this battle. Why doesn't he? Take a break?"

The chief of staff of the expeditionary army tilted his head and taught this "recruit egg" a lesson.

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