With an old-fashioned sense of vicissitudes, he raised his hand and patted Fujitora on the shoulder: "Zong said, ‘He’s going to pick up those great boys and go home.’"

There were singing voices coming from afar, deep and deep, like a memorial, like nostalgia, and also seemed to guide the children.

"The sea is watching, the beginning of this world.

The sea also knows the end of this world. "

The ashes in the sky slowly fell, seeming to be funeral for someone.

"So what it invites is the way it should go. So it guides where it is, the right world." The tragic song never stopped, and the burly figure fell in the dust, carrying a scorched human figure. Object, regardless of whether he would smudge the white coat on his back, step by step carried him out of the second front.

The deep singing never stopped, someone sang loudly among the ashes.

"Pain, suffering, all tolerate me

Broad and gentle, tolerant for me. "

Standing next to Lindemann, Fujitora smiled and turned to the second front, with a little surprise in his words: "This song is..."

"This is "Song of the Navy"." The fox opened his narrowed eyes and told him seriously.

Unlike the bright and brisk rhythm of the classic "Binks' Wine" that the pirates cited as the classic, this "Sea Guide" is full of sadness and sorrow.

Just like two contrasting songs,

The pirates can act unrestrainedly, but the navy bears the whole world.

The lieutenant admiral standing next to Fujitora also sang to the beat of the song, and more and more naval soldiers stood up.

Their bodies are covered with bandages, and their faces are covered with fatigue. But one by one, facing the direction of the second front, shoulder to shoulder, singing this song of their own:

"The sea is watching the beginning of the world, and the sea also knows the end of the world.

If I disappear from this world, the sea of ​​omniscience will also guide me. "

Big tears fell from the faces of these battle-tested marines, sending the final soul-suppressing song to the heroic spirits.

"Don’t panic because you are there

Don't be afraid, friends are also waiting.

Go forward bravely, the blue distance. "

381. Miracle Generation vs Injustice (I am very happy with this one)

As the frontal battlefield suddenly stopped, the news that the huge pirate army headed by the White Beard Pirates was hit hard by the navy and the King Qiwuhai camp also spread like wildfire.

From the beginning of the defensive battle in this new world, facing the aggressive and fierce offensive of the rampant and fierce pirate group, the war on all fronts was unfavorable.

In the early stages of the war, the world government was able to continue to assist the navy headquarters in sending multiple batches of reinforcements to the second half of the great route, and at the same time, it was also fully engaged in information blockade.

However, paper could not contain the fire after all. With a large number of refugees, including several kingdoms in the New World, flooded along the Chambordian Islands.

Many news about the decline and retreat of the front-line positions have been introduced to people's ears through various channels.

For a time, the hearts of the people floated, and there were divergent opinions about the battle and the situation on the frontline battlefield.

The news of [frontal battlefield defeats and retreat], [western battlefield position lost], and so on, are both true and false, covering everyone who cares about the situation of this battle, and presents an increasingly fierce posture.

When various gossips reached the ears of Wu Lao Xing, it has evolved into "big news" such as [Navy's third line defeated?] and [Blue pheasant lost in battle?] Such "big news" that can shake social order and destabilize.

The world government was forced to start dispelling rumors on a large scale and arresting those who wantonly spread false statements.

Although secretly cursing at these unscrupulous media and speculators with ulterior motives, the five old stars still spent money to do media public relations.

Immediately afterwards, many newspapers opened up special columns for this, inviting world government officials, the Strategic Countermeasures Bureau of the Navy Headquarters and other industry professionals to evaluate and analyze the current trends in the New World.

Although the world government barely pacified tens of millions of ordinary people under this series of operations, it has basically controlled the trend of public opinion.

Various media, newspapers, and interviews have tried their best to guide public opinion in the direction of the navy, but the turbulent situation in the new world still makes everyone feel a little uneasy from the bottom of their hearts.

In addition, a large number of pirate groups in the first half of the great route took advantage of the navy's deployment of elites to help the new world and the emptiness of various branches to attack islands along the route and disrupt the four seas.

Countless people once suspected [the world government eats jujube pills. 】

Rumors of New World pirates indiscriminately killing innocents and slaughtering civilians on front-line islands have exacerbated this atmosphere of panic and anxiety.

Frequent panic buying has also occurred in many franchise countries. Even if there have been several large-scale stampedes, it has not been able to stop people's mentality of storing emergency supplies.

Part of the islands near the G-1 base have had serious looting incidents. Residents dragged their families and fled to the "supposedly" most stable fisherman island.

Countless pairs of eyes are watching the navy, focusing on the defensive battle of the new world.

Whether the Navy will be defeated in this regard has become a hot topic of debate and tension in the world.

Finally, when the news of the ceasefire on the frontal battlefield and the retreat of the White Beard Pirates came back, after the official confirmation of the world government and the navy headquarters, the two major authoritative organizations, the major newspapers were finally able to learn from the shriveled analysis and lackluster data. Something substantial.

The world's strongest pirate regiment, which has been entrenched in the New World for decades, was intercepted outside the G-1 Expeditionary Force fortress by the allied forces of the navy headquarters in a frontal collision.

This undoubtedly gave countless panicked people a timely shot.

When people raced to tell each other, the careful ones also discovered the nuances.

The battle report did not give a special report on how strong the navy was and defeated the evil pirate army with justice.

In the past, the navy headquarters still had to make a fuss, and the world government was even blowing it to death.

When the expeditionary army wiped out all nations, all kinds of newspapers and news have been enthusiastically supported for nearly a year.

Not to mention the long praises of the expeditionary army, but also a lot of stinky and long praises.

However, this time the navy frontline sent back the battle report with only a simple sentence: the generals headed by the yellow monkey and the red dog on the front battlefield, led the army to severely inflict the white beard pirate group and force it to truce and retreat.

This brief battle report stopped here. There was no credit for the commander who contributed the most, no detailed report on the battle situation, and even the number of casualties of the Navy did not mention a word in the report.

Adhering to the consistent "law" of shorter news and more serious incidents, countless people who eat melons know that this time the navy front line has indeed severely damaged and repelled the Whitebeard Pirates, but the losses they have paid are definitely not small.

He didn't even dare to disclose the specific number of casualties in the official battle report, and the statistical list of deaths was temporarily listed as a first-class secret.

"Huh, the old man is grateful that the world government is still maintaining a state of war. It's just a truce with all parties in the new world, otherwise I have to be called back to the military court now." Sakazuki held a corner of the newspaper and read it carefully. To one of the columns.

He had no choice but to find that he had another name.

Hearing the self-talk of his comrades beside him, Polusalino was noncommittal: "Send you a word, naive."

According to the scale of humanity and sophistication, Polusalino, who is well-rounded and sleek, tends to see more deeply and thoroughly in this respect than pure military fighters like Sakazuki.

Huang Yuan, who was dispatched daily to guard the holy land to deal with the gang of Tianlongren, turned his head, and was quite disdainful of the military court previously mentioned in Sakazuki: "Don’t be funny, as one of the highest combat powers of the world government and navy headquarters. One, who would really care about your manslaughter? The Marshal of the Warring States period would not care, let alone the five old stars.

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