"Wait! Mr. Red Dog!" Anilu, who was brutally blasted with a hammer, was still conscious: "Return the gold for me first! That miser is charged by the hour!!!!!!"

388. Life is finally on this cute little cat...

Although Sakazuki wants to find the next victim as soon as possible...Bah, rookies discuss each other, but he must first complete the "dying words" that Ainilu gave him.

"Tuk Tuk"

With the golden dummy under his arm, Sakazuki raised its hand and knocked on the door of an office.

The door panel was faintly poor and simple, and even no sentry was deployed at the door, indicating that this office is not an important department.

However, only by holding the overall house design drawing or walking around the entire building without restriction can you discover the tricks hidden in it.

Located directly above this humble office in the middle is Sakazuki's own office on the third floor.

Polusalino’s temporary residence was unbiased at the foot of this office.

Surrounding this inconspicuous financial room is the office area where the second-in-command such as Gion, Jiake, and Xiliu are seated.

No matter what emergency happens, the two generals living in this office can penetrate the partition as quickly as possible and join the defense.

"Please come in." A young-sounding female voice came from the room, politely responding to the previous knock on the door of Sakazuki.

Turning the handle away, in this financial room with a spacious and light-permeable internal structure, in addition to the owner of the previous voice, there are two gentlemen.

"Huh? Sakazuki, why did you come to pay back the gold? What about the stinky boy Anilu?" There are only a handful of people who can disrespect him in the entire navy camp and the world government sequence.

Facing the question of the old man in front of him, Sakazuki was rather respectful: "Teacher Zefa, I accompany Ainilu, Lucky, Drake and Monet to practice hand skills."

Hearing the word "training hands" popping out of Sakazuki, how could Zefa not understand. The sturdy old man immediately laughed cheerfully: "I think your hands are itchy and not fighting!"

Another man immediately joined the topic, and his words were full of schadenfreude: "Mr. Akadog, let me guess in the next, how many punches did Anilu get?"

This was a question of the point. Sakazuki narrowed his eyes as if he was thinking about how many punches Euler had made before.

In the end he shrugged helplessly: "I can't remember, but he must have played less than when Karp trained him."

The general of the navy headquarters who had just stepped into the office shifted his sight to this young man who was still gloating.

No matter when you look at the horns hairstyle on the opponent's head, Sakazuki with obsessive-compulsive disorder wants to trim it to an inch at any time.

Under the domineering glance, the huge office didn't even find a gold bar. Except for Sakazuki itself, there are only four organic creatures with breathing.

Nami, Zefa, Bruno, and a fat orange cat lying on the beautiful white lap and sleeping on all sides.

"Bruno, is the gold returned to you directly?" After thinking for a moment, Sakazuki handed the golden dummy to the person with fruit ability. In his guess, Bruno, who has an independent space to hide items, must be the [custodian]

He secretly said that the deployment of the Warring States Period is really cautious. If so much gold returned from the sky island flows directly into the market, not to mention the depreciation, the navy does not want to see the impact on the financial and financial fields.

It is the consistent style of the wise general to control it first and then slowly figure it out.

But Bruno interrupted the contemplation of Sakazuki with a slightly awkward voice: "That... Mr. Akainu."

The person with fruit ability pointed to the position behind President Sa: "The custody of the gold does not belong to me, you can directly return it to [Mr. Bigworth Guckoo]."

"Who?" Sakazuki almost didn't bit his tongue, turning his head in surprise.

Only Nami was there.

This young girl who is reading the financial statements of this season is one of the most unprovoked people in this department.

In terms of hard power, she is not top-notch among her peers, the six forms barely learn the two forms and no longer have any interest.

Not to mention Ace and others, even the rookie player Monkey D. Luffy, who entered the navy later than her, is much better than this orange-haired girl in physical skills.

But from the financial field, she is the most professional trader and visionary CEO. Even if you look at the entire world, there are few people who are more talented than her.

Looking down, Sakazuki focused his gaze on Nami's thigh, the orange cat who was sleeping.

Somewhat incredulously he shook his head, Sakazuki said again, seeming to want to reconfirm whether the information is wrong from Bruno: "Who?"

"[Mr. Bigworth Cuckoo], the orange cat lying on Nami's lap." Bruno, with a simple and honest appearance, didn't even speak at all.

Now even the exact goal is pointed out.

While frowning in Sakazuki, she also turned her gaze to Nami who was still in office: "What's the matter?"

[Bruno asked me to give the gold to this fat orange cat, and Zefa and Nami also looked like they were accustomed to] His mind turned sharply, and he could only make vague guesses from the only news—this fat cat must be abnormal.

In view of the fact that the headquarters is full of black technology products made by the scientific forces, he naturally thinks of the orange cat on the biochemical masterpiece of Bergapunk.

"This is actually a mobile living vault? It just looks like a cat?" Sakazuki asked tentatively. This appearance is easily reminiscent of a yuancheating beast.

The girl who finally finished reading the report will be [Mr. Bigworth Cuckoo] who is still asleep, holding it up and aiming at Sakazuki: "No, general, this is a cat, not a bunch of tech houses New products."

Seeing the fat cat staring at Sakazuki with full eyes, Nami tilted her head and continued to add: "Of course, what you said about the mobile vault is not wrong."

President Sa was a little confused by the contradiction between the other party's words, and his face was unpleasant: "Say the main point."

The girl's detective hand gently scratched the chin of the big orange cat, [Mr. Bigworth Coogu], a pair of cat eyes were nearly narrowed, and she let out a comfortable and satisfying purr.

After doing this series of actions, she smiled and responded to Sakazuki: "This is the cat sent by my collaborator Koko Umit. There is no genetic mutation, just a meal. Devil fruit."

There are so many devil fruits in the world, it is not surprising that there are one or two main purposes for storing and keeping objects.

This was regarded as satisfying the curiosity of Sakazuki. He stared at the stupid cat who was obviously unhappy with him, and joked: "You dare to swallow something so unpalatable as devil fruit."

Who knows that Nami is also helping to tease [Mr. Bigworth Cuckoo]: "Yes, you dare to swallow such a disgusting thing as marsh fruit."

Sakazuki shook his head, waiting to be criticized and educated, the orange hair girl: "You girls are always prejudiced. This kind of thing that can turn the land into a swamp...Huh!!? Swamp fruit? !"


The old-fashioned man raised his head and stared at Nami: "You mean, this stupid cat ate a natural fruit!!?"

"That's right!" The girl glared back at President Sa, of course, without any timidity: "Otherwise, how could it swallow a few ships of gold?"

This courageous little girl jumped directly onto the table, but unfortunately, with the height of the desk, she still couldn't get a level view with Sakazuki.

The "gold worship" girl with her arms akimbo stood on tiptoe and patted Sakazuki on the shoulders: "It's okay. Grandpa Sengoku and Grandpa Zefa reacted similarly to yours when they first learned the news. Gold is extremely resistant to corrosion. There won’t be any problems with the mere swamp."

[But how do you take out the gold...] When the words came to the lips, they became: "How to pay it back? Do you have to keep the cat's mouth open?"

He didn't want to be the horseman who was blinded by the irregularity of playing cats.

Tilting his head to look at the golden works brought back from Sakazuki, Nami, who has obtained the first-level appraisal title, commented on it: "Xiao Ai is really ugly, he really has no artistic cells."

Even Ainilu must rely on the high temperature generated by [Lei Metallurgical] to melt gold and deform it.

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