But in Nami's hands, the extremely stable nature and structure of gold seem to be in vain.

The gold, which has long been solidified and shaped into a human shape, twists with the orange girl's fingertips towards the half-empty point, winding like a living thing.

The excellent ductility of gold allows this angular piece of metal to be thinned and stretched in a slow but firm pace.

From the beginning of the dummy's arm, the gold-cast flesh instantly fell apart and turned into a golden liquid snake with the thickness of a wrist.

In a few breaths, the refined real gold turned into soft fingers, the gold filaments interlaced, and solidified again into full-weight gold bars.

"Mr. Bigworth Cuckoo, open your mouth~~~~"

Following Nami's babble, the fat orange cat opened its fat mouth very well. In Sakazuki, you can vaguely see the deep part of its wide open throat, and the pink flesh red gradually fades.

The gold bar sank deeply when it touched the throat, causing some ripples as if submerged in the water. Until the whole gold bar disappeared from its throat and fell into a bottomless swamp.

Only then did Mr. Bigworth's powerful muscle wall bounce up again, returning to its original form like a quagmire after losing the squeezing force of the foreign body.

"What if this cat doesn't cooperate with you?" The thoughtful admiral motioned to "Little Grandet".

If the cat owner is in a bad mood and runs away with a lot of money, then the Navy Headquarters really has no place to cry.

Nami nodded in satisfaction. Shouldn't she be called Sister Robin's adoptive father? It can always hit the nail on the head on details and key issues.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Bigworth really likes these glittering things and has a strong desire to collect." The girl smiled knowingly and spread her hands innocently: "I don't know who this looks like?"

She snapped her fingers softly, and even if the orange cat tried to close her mouth, it couldn't stop the gold bar that had just been sent in. It flew out of the cat's mouth and landed firmly on the palm of Nami's palm.

"It's a little miser who can't rob me." The girl straightened her chest proudly.

The bitter [Yuan] beast that had been robbed of his beloved toy, bowed his head dejectedly and stuck it on the ground, seeming to have lost his courage in life.

Today, today, it has been forcibly used by the minion next to it for the second time, and it has withdrawn the [Cat Food Cat Litter Purchase Reserve] without obtaining consent.

The world is cold, people's hearts are not ancient, life, life once again made a frenzied move to this little cat.

Only this slave girl can bring a trace of comfort.

The chubby orange who was sticking to the floor felt like he was being picked up. [Sure enough! Stupid humans will take remedial measures after they know they have made a mistake... Yes, it's the same as before, this gold is really white... Huh? Huh!!!]

A pair of powerful arms supported Mr. Bigworth Cuckoo. On the opponent's chest muscles as hard as granite, the kitten felt the joy of "stepping on milk".

The orange cat [Mr. Bigworth Cuckoo] stores gold in the bottomless swamp stomach, and most of the time, it can be concealed with the help of the door fruit [air door opening]. This is the caretaker carefully constructed by her. system.

Sakazuki has no intention of observing the orange cat desperately jumping down, putting on an unpleasant face at himself.

Instead, he stared meaningfully at the child who grew up in Marin Vandor: "Can you sense and control the gold hidden in it?"

Only he, who is of the same nature as the "Essence Devouring Beast", knows what this means.

For those with natural ability, the body is its own "domain", which is almost isolated from the manipulation of others from the outside world.

Except for one situation.

"Yes, gold is the most important thing. Of course you must ensure their safety!!!" The little girl said confidently.

389. One Piece Truant To School Diary (Part I)

Mr. Sa was sent away, and before Nami could seriously sink her heart to review the details of this season's report, she ushered in another guest.

"Crook! Is it Nami?" The phone worm meticulously imitated the smiley face of the guy on the other end of the phone.

"No, get out!" The golden fruit capable person who instantly turned into a grumpy old lady hung up the phone.

When it was someone else on the phone, she would speak softly and listen carefully.

But this young man was blacklisted by Nami La for refusing loans a few years ago.

Following the [Annoying No. 1], the [Annoying No. 3] of the Navy Headquarters has finally matured.

The phone calls come back tirelessly, in a posture of swearing you will not take the microphone up.

"Let's talk, what's wrong with you..." Can't endure the ignoring fatigue and tireless phone bombing, Nami picked up the phone from the table with eyes full of resentment.

Under the gaze of the girl's almost lost high-gloss eyes, the phone worm tried his best to tilt her mouth to one side, simulating the awkward tone of the bear child on the phone: "No...no...how could I get into trouble? Hahaha Ha ha."

After a moment of silence, Nami roared in a tone that was almost gritted her teeth, and the opening and closing of her lips even vaguely made the illusion that she had a mouth full of sharp fangs:

"...You almost wrote the word [causing trouble] on your face, bastard!!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh andhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh such this?" a rubber head in hindsight came to his senses.

Nami felt her IQ was insulted for coping with this kind of showy and wise problem.

"Luffy, what did you do in Marin Vando?

Let me guess, did you go to the kitchen to steal food again and be caught on the spot?

Or is it...you plan to escape from the headquarters again?"

The three consecutive words [you] popped out of Nami's mouth, which can undoubtedly explain some problems.

The rubber man who was the instigator nodded again and again, and praised in a tone of amazement and admiration: "As expected, it is Nami!!! This can be guessed."

Obviously received compliments and compliments, the girl did not feel happy at all.

If she and Robin Sister, Ainiro, Lu Qi and other outstanding navy upstarts had a little bit of wit, perhaps her heart would have been ecstatic like a cat at this moment.

But she just faced this idiot who had Monkey's mental retardation syndrome.

And the most terrifying thing is that this kind of dementia seems to be some kind of terrible halo that can be transmitted to others.

Anyone who has been with Luffy for a long time, whether he or she used to be a cold-blooded god, a wise tactician, or a cruel and ruthless assassin and a warrior who can fight ten thousand enemies on the battlefield, All of them can't escape the "Monkey" (Monkey) family's wisdom reduction method.

Regarding Luffy’s trajectory which is barely better than single-celled creatures, if she can’t predict and reason, it’s really hell! !

In a harmonious and lenient attitude towards the prisoner, since Luffy has already admitted that she caused the trouble, Nami smiled and continued to ask along the previous conjecture: "Then you can elaborate on what the trouble was?"

"I've done it!" Luffy, who was hiding in the monitoring room for remote help from his companions, grinned broadly.

Now Malin Vando has deployed at least half of his division to search for him throughout the island, and he can only be stabilized by hiding in the blind spot of surveillance.

"What!!!" Suddenly, Queen Nami, who was transformed into a human tyrannosaurus, really shocked Zefa and Bruno beside her.

Looking at Nami, who looked like the nameless fire above her head was about to materialize, the legendary old instructor who was a few rounds older than this little guy was afraid to provoke her.

The veteran silently made a tactical gesture to Bruno who was standing next to him-the wind screamed!

In front of the angry little miser, it is not good to be affected by the innocent.

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