Although he has won many battles and made a lot of credit, he asked himself that he was not qualified and qualified to command a large army, even if it was only a deputy.

Unexpectedly, Sengoku shook his head and solemnly declared: Sakazuki has transferred your military status from the expeditionary army. Considering the particularity of your devil fruit, this deputy is none other than you."

[Fruit... Does this have anything to do with fruit? Wait... I'm a telegram] Ainilu suddenly realized that he now somewhat understands the arrangements and plans of the Warring States Period.

The Thunder Fruit Ability person slowly turned his attention to [Fujitora] who was sitting next to him.

This new admiral, who was promoted through world conscription, has the ability to control gravity.

"General Fujitora will take the post of commander of the Fourth Army." The admiral stood up and handed a letter of commission that could be read in Braille to those with the Gravity Fruit Ability.

In this defensive battle with the forces of the Four Emperors of the New World, the Navy suffered heavy losses under the superiority of Golden Lion Shiji's air combat.

Concerned about the threat that the re-emergence of the Golden Lion and the flying pirate regiment led by him would pose to the navy, the well-thought-out Warring States decided to form an air defense force belonging to the navy.

The favorite named Sakazuki will naturally not let go of this rare opportunity. It seems that with a certain expectation, he said in a deep voice: "The Fourth Army is named [First Order], the Navy’s first air force. I'll leave it to you."

The Warring States was handed over to Sakazuki to explain, while taking out a stack of blueprints from the drawer: "There is one more thing to put on the agenda, the choice of our Air Corps aircraft."

Zhijiang hurriedly distributed the design drawings to everyone present: "Although we will rely on Fujitora's abilities most of the time when flying, we must ensure that they can function normally when Fujitora has no time to take care of the air fleet.

I would like to ask you to use a professional vision to select a suitable air battleship, but Begapunk gave the design drawings to the old man. "

Looking through the many drawings provided by Begapunk, the aircraft with its own characteristics dazzled people a bit.

When turning to a page, Ainilu's eyes suddenly lit up.

[It] The difficulty is not much higher than that of a hot air balloon.

The biggest difference from a balloon is also that it has a device for propulsion and flight control.

This design drawing called the airship broke their established thinking of designing the aircraft as a ship.

The airship is composed of a huge streamlined hull, a pod under the hull, a tail surface for stability control, and a propulsion device.

The airbag of the hull is filled with hydrogen or helium, which is less dense than air, to generate buoyancy to lift the airship.

Perhaps in terms of speed, these big guys who are like flying fish in the air are not as good as those airships that use spiral blades as their core in the air, but from other aspects, airships have shown a crushing advantage.

Because this kind of airship is specially designed for war.

The sturdy frame and heavy shell make it extremely difficult to destroy. Even if it is penetrated by artillery or sharp objects in the air, it can continue to fly stably without major problems.

The huge bomb bay is loaded with countless heavy aviation cluster bombs, which have become a reminder for ground troops.

If the electric-powered airship force is used to deal with the flying pirate fleet created by Golden Lion Shiji...

"What do you think of the airship?" Coincidentally, Sakazuki also holds a similar point of view with Anilu: "Other spacecrafts are expensive to build, but the mechanical structure that supports them staying in the air is complicated and unstable. Quite difficult."

The Warring States Period, who had never been exposed to three-dimensional combat in the air corps, hesitated. According to his inherent thinking, he was actually quite optimistic about another ship-like aircraft that was driven by multiple sets of propellers and electric power.

"Well... Old man Rong think again." The Warring States was caught in a difficult choice.

He kept comparing the drawings and listing the advantages and disadvantages of each aircraft in his notes.

Repeatedly chewing and thinking about the points put forward by Sakazuki and Anilu, almost forgetting the time.

It wasn't until the sound of clicks came to his ears that he kept thinking about it, and then finally awakened the warring States marshal who was in deep thought.

Turn your head to the side, disturb the person who is thinking about yourself, and avoid the accident of the Warring States period.

The busy marshal was already too lazy to take care of it, and just wanted to continue thinking about it.

But the complicated sounds continued to pass into his ears from all directions, and then into his mind.

The Warring States suddenly looked up, and the one closest to him was indeed Karp, the bastard.

For the old and disrespectful naval heroes, he is trying his best to challenge [Eat Donuts in One Breath], which has been constantly breaking the upper limit record so far.

On the other side, Polusalino, holding a teacup, took the chess puzzle like Chess into the office one after another.

While playing chess, His Excellency Huang Yuan sipped the cup of black tea and the earthquake shook the sky.

Opposite him, the [Red Dog] Sakazuki he played against was particularly dedicated, almost shielding other influences from the outside world.

Kuzan, who has been flushing since entering the house, is even more direct.

With his arm as a pillow, he put his coat on his body as a blanket, lying in the middle of the temporary office of the Warring States Period.

Sleep snoring like thunder.

The two newly recruited monster-level warlords are also not much better.

Obviously, he is a fierce man who can compete with the legendary big pirate golden lion in the front, but he does not show the mountains or leaks, and has been dormant in the folk for many years.

This guy who is said to be a self-defeating binocular, is holding a bowl of steaming pork bone ramen, sucking and smashing.

Another old man in a dark green shirt moved the chair to the window with the best light transmission and basked in the sun comfortably.

Seeing Zhan Guo's gaze swept to his side, Lu Niu vowed and kept explaining what photosynthesis was taking place.

This kind of lie that is just a ghost makes the veteran feel very awkward-if you want to bask in the sun, please tell it straight, don't use this kind of biological common sense that children know to perfuse.

The Warring States never expected that the guy who made the most noise would be the **** Ainilu.

Those with thunder fruit ability even spread the three metal thunder drums floating on their backs flat in front of them, playing with the Tesla electric circle.

Although it was indeed what I had previously requested [let me think about it], the current behavior of this group of calves made Zhijiang feel heartbroken.

Warring States coughed softly: "Order!"

Perhaps the sound is too low and the room is too noisy.

In short, each of these seven people was so busy that they didn't even listen to the greeting.

Zhi faintly bulged the blue veins on his temples, and he took a deep breath to raise the volume of his speech.

"Quiet (oooooorder)!!!"

His words were drowned in Kuzan's purring.


[My heart is so tired.. I want to retire. . . real. 】

The big Buddha with a dull look finally couldn't bear it. Suddenly it was a tiger and leopard thunder, and it suddenly reddened from neck to cheek at a speed visible to the naked eye:


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