398. The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked, the bird is hidden in the bow (Part 1)

Seeing that the uncle of the Warring States period was so angry that his beards were blowing up, he pulled the few people in the office who were doing their own business to pass the leisure time back to the right path.

"Seven of you, which one is not a naval leader? Who is not the old man's comrade-in-arms, relatives and friends who dare to trust his life?

Take a look at your current headaches!" The Warring States, who upholds the health regimen, completely disregarded anger and hurt the liver at this time, getting more and more angry.

"When the old man took over the position of marshal from Big Brother Kong, he thought that the biggest enemy of the navy was the idiot BigMom, who destroyed the nations, and the Black Sail Alliance formed by the four emperors became a major concern for the headquarters. The old man is now more and more serious. The clearer it becomes, the **** who caused the old man's headaches is not outside, but inside the Navy, in this office!"

However, what an outstanding person in the Warring States Period, Kapu has already exercised extremely tough nerves under the torture of Karp over the years.

I am angry, but the work I should do is not lost at all.

Seeing that the Warring States period quickly adjusted his breathing rate, the wise Huang Yuan was sipping tea soup leisurely, and the corners of his mouth turned in a slightly exaggerated range as he spoke: "You must have gathered us here for more than just the flying legion. Prepare for the formation work, right?"

"Speaking of which, the Umit family, who relied on the large and small sea transportation that monopolized the hundreds of islands in the New World, must be familiar to all of you, right?" The admiral's words changed, and the turbulence in the dark world has been spreading recently. The incident revealed: "A few days ago, the old Umit, known as the [Sea King], died tragically at his home, and his whole person was torn apart by a bomb."

In response to this news, the navy's response was varied.


"That female fox isn't dead, right?"


Anyone who knows the dark side of the new world knows one thing: The reason why the dark world can maintain a relative balance has nothing to do with the control of the four giants.

Although in the eyes of Sakazuki and others, these so-called "giants" are just self-proclaimed clowns.

But it is undeniable that they have played an indelible role and contribution to the construction of the basic system of the dark world in their respective fields.

Together with the time-honored "hidden division" Gibson in the warehouse industry, and funeral home elder Drago Pyklow, etc., they have derived a set of unique rules for the underground illegal land.

[King of loan sharks] Luffield revitalized the capital chain through dozens of underground banks, and the amount of funds handled should not be underestimated.

Regardless of camp or influence, usury on-lending and private equity funds are especially famous for their profit and money laundering.

Even when Nami served as the chief director of the Umit Chamber of Commerce, she would seek the assistance of this financial giant in working capital.

News of the World [Big News] Morgans, on the one hand, runs the image of a decent and decent newspaper boss, while the bald eagle, who holds the news channels behind his back, is the top information seller in the dark world.

Provides clearly marked information for the pirates, navy, revolutionary army and other forces of all sizes.

Managing the world's largest skin and meat business, the Queen of Happy Street, Stracy, through the channel of "sexy seduction" to get information back to CP0, but also in charge of catering, tobacco and alcohol, high-end dresses, jewelry making... etc. More than ten industries that are fat and oily.

And [Ocean King] "Deep Ocean Current" Umit

Although they are all illegal transactions, the transportation of underground arms, smuggling, and cargo transportation are all inseparable from the maritime industry that he monopolizes.

Especially when his adopted daughter Koko Umit became the "dark intermediary" who dominated the arms business, relied on black and white, and demanded, the Umit family gained huge profits and living space!

Because of this, there are naturally many jealous people.

"The little white hair of Kou Kou is still alive. Although he was slightly injured, he took over all the forces, connections and channels of her adoptive father [Sea King] as soon as possible after the attack." There was a pause for a few people. In the space of thinking, the Warring States period has finished sharing information.

In the intelligence obtained by the Navy, all clues point to the king of loan sharks.

In the information released by the chamber of commerce to the outside world, it sharply pointed the finger at the underground bank that had always been incompatible with the old Umit.

After a moment of silence, Sakazuki commented: "That cruel little girl."

He knew clearly that the original intention of the Warring States to discuss this seemingly irrelevant intelligence on such an important occasion was not to seek justice for whom.

The underworld lawless forces that have been silent for a long time are finally about to carry out a new round of shuffling.

Raising his hand to receive the information handed by the Marshal, the specific content stated on the paper is consistent with the estimated guesses in Sakazuki seven or eight times.

"It is said that she is planning to unite the two giants of the dark world, the Queen of Happy Street and Morgans of the World Economic News, to attack the king of loan sharks with the momentum of three families.

In addition, it seems that the Seven Wuhais under the King have also participated in the competition and profit distribution within this dark kingdom. After reading the message, Sakazuki forwarded the information to Polusalino next to him.

He casually expressed his opinion:

"Morlia is a rare observer this time. Of course, he does not rule out his secret help in places we can't see.

The sand crocodile, who likes to dormant, changed its low-key sect. As a high-profile supporter of the [Queen of Arms] who assisted in the inheritance of the [Ocean King] inheritance, it seemed that he wanted to gain a greater voice in the future. "

His Excellency Huang Yuan, who was reading the information word by word, thought of another aspect: "Moreover... Currently, those who need to rely on the dark world to maintain resources such as capital chains, arms, etc., are not just pirates... This time, the marshal hopes that at the same time. Check and balance the forces led by that guy Dorag?"

The old spicy general nodded, not hypocritical.

If it is said that the dark world is causing trouble, whether it is stirring the water or integrating, it will not have a big impact on the pirate groups directly under the four emperors such as Kaido. These old forces have more or less their own weapon factories, think It is not very realistic to suppress the opponent with arms alone.

But for the revolutionary army that has just started, it is undoubtedly a blow.

"Kapu! Don't pretend to be dead! It's your **** who caused the trouble again!" The Warring States grabbed the navy hero's neckline, and he was in charge of a lot of bad things, most of which had nothing to do with Kapu.

"Your son was named as the most dangerous person by all the participating countries at the World Conference held in the Holy Land Mariagioa in the spring of 1516, no one!!!"

At this meeting, the yellow-shirts, who were insurgents, were listed by the kings of the participating countries and the five old stars as a rebellious army with the same level of threat as the Black Sail Pirates League.

The dragon was also given the notoriety of [the world's most ferocious criminal].

"Hahahaha, I can't be blamed for this, I can't hold my old bones for such a big mistake." With a big laugh, Karp skillfully threw the pot out.

Being numb by the daily rascal actions of this servant, the Warring States period only sighed and pulled the topic back: "No matter what, the navy must seize the gap of peaceful development in the next few years to completely revitalize the capital chain. Secretly let military spending fight for independence.

You know, the Vinsmok family seems to have signed a large order with the world's top government officials. "

Sakazuki and others may be unaware of the battle on the front line, but as a marshal, the Warring States period is a little uneasy.

Overtly and secretly, the world government seems to be beginning to downplay the existence of the navy, and in disguise it weakens the navy's influence within the world government camp.

Except for CP0, who served as the worship of the Dragonites, now all of the guards of the Holy Land of Mary Joa have been replaced by reformers.

"Furthermore, according to the general of the army, the army is planning to lay off staff. This large-scale personnel change even includes other troops from all parts of the world that are under the order of the world government."

Combining with the only intelligence data analysis at present, the calculation of the Warring States Period and Crane, the world government is expected to roughly complete the new military structure plan for the army and various systems in early 1520.

A terrifying army that says no to the orders of the world government and has no ambitions for the five old stars will basically take shape.

Sakazuki silently disapproves of this, and his conspiracy with Vinsmok Kage can only be heard by two people. When the general situation has not yet fully matured, the black-bellied old dog does not intend to inform others of his deployment.

The Warring States period rubbed the wrinkled skin between his brows. Although the navy is also under the authority of the world government, the five old stars are still a little bit shy.

At this time, it seemed that Kuzan, who had just woke up, snapped his head: "In other words, the world government is jealous of us, right?"

As soon as this statement came out, Sakazuki suddenly snorted:

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