And this ceremony, for the first time, made Karp feel an unspeakable sense of strangeness and estrangement.


The unfinished meeting was interrupted by a sudden intrusion.

Slightly long, but always clean black hair, also exuding a light shampoo fragrance.

The freckles on his face did not destroy his overall image, but instead made the boy's appearance more sunny and cheerful.

The naked upper body has well-proportioned lines, without excessively exaggerated deformed muscles, but overall it is sharp and angular.

And in the previous year, I learned from the light blue seagull logo carved on the smooth and broad back of the bad boy, Ainilu.

At a glance, the young man was exuding youthful hormones.

The Zeng Guo, who was sitting firmly in the middle, had smiled eyes and reminded him aloud: "Ace, your grandpa is not here. That unscrupulous old guy said he was looking for you. It looks like... just missed it?"

The calm-looking young man slowly raised his head and looked around at the generals present. His indifferent and hopeless eyes reminded people of a fire that would be extinguished for no reason: "No, I'm here to look for you."

Sakazuki then seriously looked at this extremely weird guy. The little guy who followed his **** and shouted Sakazuki, Sakazuki, grew into a handsome ratio in the blink of an eye.

Combined with Karp's slightly violating actions, Sakazuki also basically finalized the guess in his mind, intentionally or unintentionally blocking: "Naughty! Break in and get out during the meeting!"

If it were to change from the past, this rascal would surely disperse like a bird and beast with his head in his arms, but this time...

"Marshal, I came from the head." With her lips pressed tightly, Ace took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind.

"Oh? Let's talk, who did you hit? Or did you use it to obtain the natural ability and inadvertently give it to which house?" For this little **** who grew up under his nose, Zhan Guo completely I didn't take it seriously: "It's a headache...just report this kind of trivial matter to your immediate superiors!"

It wasn't until the Warring States period mentioned burning fruits that Ace's hollow eyes glowed, and he was quickly swallowed by helplessness.

Chasing a second-rate group of pirates intruded into the East China Sea from the first half of the great route. By coincidence, they got the burning fruit of dreams. It should have been the moment when Ace was overjoyed and one step closer to his dream.

until. . . After destroying the pirate group, he stopped by to worship his mother's tomb and found the diary hidden in a secret cell in the cellar.

The information recorded on the pages cannot be faked, and this dusty past ruthlessly reveals to Ace the cruelest side of reality.

He was not an orphan that Karp found at random, but the flesh and blood of Portgas D. Roujiu and Gore D. Roger.

For Pirates, the son of One Piece can be called a supreme existence.

Most of the pirates had already admired them when they heard that someone was a crew member of the One Piece ship.

Even the redhead who is one of the four emperors, many people admire him, it is because Shanks was a crew member of the original One Piece ship.

But for ordinary people who pursue peace, and for ordinary people who live in ordinary life, the son of One Piece is undoubtedly an existence that makes them fear and disgust.

Over the years, as the navy, Ace has cursed the **** era opened by One Piece countless times.

Because in these terrible years, he has already witnessed countless farewells to his comrades and colleagues.

He had sent a death notice for the expeditionary army, and he would never forget the desperate and sorrowful eyes of the family when he got the letter.

The wonderful sympathy that had been woven before was blocked in his throat, and the gorgeous words were extremely pale. In the end, how did he walk out of the family’s house in a trance and pinch another letter to ring the house of another household. Door, Ace's memory of this has been blurred.

But after he got his true identity, this long-awaited memory filled his mind all the time.

The voices and smiles of the former comrades-in-arms are vividly visible. The stubborn eyes seemed to be asking Ace: Why?

The boy told himself that the person who caused them to die on the front line of defending peace... is his biological father.

"Marshal, general, my father is Gore D. Roger." He finally said this sentence even if it was overwhelming.

The young man wanted to give them an explanation, he wanted to give himself an explanation, even if the price would be heavy.

The innocent people hated the One Piece, and the marines hated it even more.

They couldn't make another crusade against a dead person, and the pouring of hatred was naturally passed on to the relatives and friends associated with him.

Even they knew that this was not partly related to a possible posthumous child, but the love of the house and the black and evil others, the hatred was continued in an instant and was given a deeper meaning.

But can it be said that these people are wrong?

The era of the great pirate started by Gore D. Roger himself completely ruined the last trace of peace.

As if overnight, there would be no safe place on the sea.

Perhaps this was not Roger's original intention, however, countless originally harmonious homes were destroyed for this family.

It is not only the heroes and talents of all walks of life who are instigated by the great secret treasure, but also countless scum and desperadoes who are chasing the smell of money.

For ordinary people, great pirates are not common, but ordinary pirates who rely on plunder to make money and do harm have become a lingering nightmare.

The people who had been snatched by the pirates nearly all could only utter the weakest curse and the most vicious hatred in vain.

Point the finger at the culprit of all these unfortunate culprits-Gore D. Roger

Ace hates his own life experience, just like others hate Roger, the Pirate King, even... it's even worse.

His voice fell, like a heavy bomb exploded in the room.


"Hello, little Ace, this joke is not funny..."


"real or fake?"

"Does Roger's blood still exist in the world..."

The Warring States period figured out the joints in an instant. If this is the case, then many things that plagued the Navy can be sorted out: "It's here... Karp, you bastard!"

If you say that in the past, Ace felt like the bright sunshine at noon.

And now, just as the previous evaluation of the Warring States period.

Becoming completely like another person, Sakazuki seems to be able to see the little man hiding under Ace's body, guarding the lighthouse in the dark night, and protecting the only light anyway.

What kind of expression is this?

It's like a little beast abandoned by others.

"You said.. You are the son of Gore D. Roger? What is the evidence?" Zhan Guo asked with a deep voice, pulling his face down.

Ace seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and confessed: "Yes, this time I chased the pirate to the East China Sea. I read my mother's diary and learned my true identity."

"Well~ This makes sense~ Why this little guy has the domineering look and why he is [D]" I have seen Ace accidentally use the domineering yellow ape with one hand. He clenched his fist and hit his other palm with a hammer.

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