The scene suddenly fell into a weird silence. In this house, time seemed to stop circulating.

Until the Warring States slowly stood up straight.

"By the way, you ate the devil fruit before, right?" The Warring States detective moved his wrist, and could hit an unmatched shock wave at any time.

The marshal raised his right hand suddenly, and pointed it like a knife to the door: "Remember to find Sakazuki for special training. Okay, you can go back to the dormitory, and we have to continue the meeting."

"Wait, don't you arrest me? Sinner's blood is flowing in my heart!"


Ace looked at a group of generals with all the faces written [What are you talking about?], they were caught in the short circuit of their brains.

401. Mr. Sa of the Burning Legion is bullying Ai Jiang again (middle)

Staring at the little boy who was clearly confused, the Warring States period did not give this guy a clear explanation of life and philosophy. He only raised two fingers: "The old man only asks you to verify two questions.

Ace, have you ever done anything to hurt the people?

Have you ever turned your back on your fellow comrades? "

Seriously thinking about the inquiry of the Warring States Period, Acechan, who had done a little bit more than bullying his younger brother since childhood, swayed his head like a rattle.

Such a bad thing as hurting civilians, but any big pirate with a little style would not do it. What's more, he is still the navy directly under the headquarters?

As for betraying his comrades, it is even more nonsense. Daily digging pits and being sand sculpture comrades has happened, but in every war, isn't he always on the front line of the assault?

The uncle Warring States spread his hands in a rather helpless manner, and looked at Ace with an expression of [then what do you want to do]: "Then it will end, and you have done nothing wrong."

The fact that the few powerful tycoons present were really confusing and grateful.

The boy stammered and organized his speech, but the mixture of sorrow and joy attracted a lot of thoughts. He opened his mouth several times, but was unable to sort out the words. He only apologized in vain, "I'm sorry, life experience ,sorry!!"

"Ace, you don't need to apologize to anyone, no one can control their origin, but people always want to graft the resentment of the previous generation to this generation." Zhan Guo shook his head, feeling a little distressed.

He could imagine the fear and collapse of the child when he learned of his life experience.

But because of the emotional explosion that was enough to make people lose reason, the child did not yell loudly, question sharply, and never said a word of foul language from beginning to end.

The most heard throughout the Warring States period, only the three words "Sorry".

Even in the pain and confusion, the teenager who was afraid of causing trouble to everyone choked and buried his head lower and lower: "I'm sorry, I caused everyone trouble."

This child, who is called the devil, is warm as an angel.

There was a warm smile on the corner of the Marshal’s mouth. Since he took over Brother Kong’s squad and succeeded as the marshal in charge of the entire army, he was constrained by his job duties and has not shown this in front of others for a long time. With such a forgiving smile.

But today, the old man who is over seventy years old is determined to make an exception for the pitiful young man in front of him.

"Fool, no one cares about these boring trivial matters, and even the comrades who have had a fateful relationship with you will not care about them." The head of the navy headquarters who currently has the absolute right to speak walked around from behind the desk to the young man, he looked around. The generals who stood around him with a calm demeanor.

The Warring States suddenly raised his arm towards Akagi and made a tactical gesture. He raised his arms to the top of his head and twisted his elbows so that his palms were facing his head-this is the standard posture for the signal: [cover me].

"Sakazuki, this kid is a reserve member of your Burning Legion, right? It's handed over to you." The marshal strode past Ace's side, and made a fist with the palm that hadn't been put down, and then flexed his elbow. Raising the forearm and the forearm at a 90° interval, moving up and down-issued the instruction of "Follow up quickly" to several other generals.

After so many years of dealings with the Great Master of the Warring States Period, how could Sakazuki fail to guess what Buddha was going to do next?

I hope that the old Kapu can be attacked by the "King Ming anger" of the Warring States period and the shameless and shameless generals, so that he can comfort the little brother Ace-so that Mr. Sa can rush to make up a few dollars. !

Watching the Sengoku and others directly adjourn the meeting and walk away, he turned his head and stared at Ace, who was still a little at a loss: "You thought how would you end up after standing in front of us today and declaring your identity?"

Growing up in this department since he was young, Ace has quite a clear grasp of military orders and regulations. Perhaps his past mischief has helped him strengthen his impression of naval punishment measures from the side.

Although he had been mentally prepared for this, the young man was still a little dull when he said this sentence and lowered his voice: "When the Navy treats the traitor, most of it will strip me from the military first and remove me. Maybe I will be thrown into jail, maybe... Yes. Was executed on the spot."

"Since I know that there may be such a heavy consequence, why do you want to say it?" The dark eyes of Sakazuki stared at Ace, as if to imprint his whole person in the depths of his mind:

"If you don't say this in front of the marshal and the generals, I believe your grandpa will keep it secret, and you can still live as if nothing happened... Why do you want to say it? Ace. "

The boy’s lips opened and closed, as if he didn’t know how to answer. In the end, he smiled: "Before I came here, I asked my grandpa if I really should live, but grandpa told me:'This kind of thing will be known if I live. '

But when I got here, I was not driven by impulse, because even if I die, my moral bottom line does not allow me to make choices that deceive my heart. "

"Really... So you think so" Sakazuki nodded, Ace's impulse to explode his identity was not beyond his expectation, after all, this kid has always been this hairy. The frizz can't be irritated.

But the answer that Ace blurted out made Sakazuki finally feel a bit of unexpected surprise.

Apart from feeling, he was also a little annoyed: "Have you ever discussed this matter with Karp?"

When asked about this, Ace was silent for a moment, and shook his head under the gaze of Sakazuki: "No, I didn't tell Grandpa about coming here."

A heavy slap fell on Ace's cheek. Although the waver deliberately suppressed his strength, even so, Ace staggered and fell back.

The abundance of power from the palm of the hand imprinted on the skin of the teenager, pressing the skin and muscles in the contact part to instantly deform.


With a crisp slap, Ace's ears buzzed and his cheeks gradually became red and swollen.

"Do you know why I beat you? Ace"

Sakazuki asked softly and seemed to whisper. Before Ace could answer, he asked and answered:

"This slap is for the one who loves you."

He slowly squatted down in a military posture, with one hand on his knees, watching the bewildered young man: "The gift of life is too precious. It is so precious that you can't refuse or give up lightly."

Perhaps as a professional butcher who takes the lives of others without authorization, Sakazuki is not qualified to preach all this to young people.

But as a parent, he hopes to understand as Ace grows up-there are still many things in this world that you should cherish and cherish, and there are people who silently watch you and cherish you behind you.

"Your mother finally gave her life to protect you," Chief Detective Sa pointed to the direction of the Warring States and others. "And Karp, Robin, and the big guys in the military department also regard you as relatives. Don't Make such a self-righteous move! At least before you act, listen to their opinions and ideas."

"Yeah." With a strong nasal voice, Ace sat cross-legged on the floor, curling up to the corner. He hugged his knees with his hands, lowered his head against his thighs.

"This is like a big kid." The middle-aged man, who has always been taciturn, sat side by side with the young man on the floor.

A high-collared white robe that represents his identity was dragged to the ground at will, and he was immediately crumpled by his tonnage, but the man who had already passed the age didn't care about it, and continued to lean against the wall casually like this.

He rubbed the juvenile's supple black hair, and then pulled out a military metal water bottle commonly seen in the army from his overcoat pocket. As soon as he unscrewed the bottle cap, the pungent smell of alcohol smoked out.

The rough masters picked up the kettle and gurgled three sips, then comfortably raised their hands and wiped the remaining wine stains on the corners of their mouths: "The unsatisfactory things in life are nine out of ten. But there is still a little left for us. Interest worth remembering and reminiscing."

From the point of view of Sakazuki, Ace can cry openly, which is good.

Even, in a sense, he was a little bit envious.

The battle with the Black Sail Alliance formed by the Four Emperors came to an end, and how to calculate the world government also made him exhausted. The tremendous pressure from all parties that has accumulated since the war, and perhaps will continue to accumulate, can sometimes be overwhelming.

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