Lindemann tried to imitate the handsome sitting posture of his boss but almost broke his ankle. To no avail, he had to put his foot down honestly and said sincerely: "I also hope that the lieutenant general in Sakazuki will give instructions."

"It's a small thing to find giants, but if you are really the leader of the Giant Pirates, according to the habit of the giants to worship the strong, the blue ghost Tori will undoubtedly have a huge reputation in Elbaff." Sakazuki said nothing. Too many subordinates "According to the government’s habit, we definitely require our navy to ban killing each other, and at best we can only capture him alive. But if he can be recruited to the navy, his iconic character will bring a huge impact. The impact, let alone, will at least double the number of giant troops in the navy headquarters in the future."

Lindemann smiled and looked at Lieutenant Admiral admiringly: "You deserve to be a lieutenant general in Sakazuki. From this little information, you can think about so far-reaching. In this way, the five old stars will definitely look at the adults. , Presumably the Marshal is also proud of it."

Five old stars? Sakazuki completely sneered at the verbal praise of these politicians, and could help their navy to add more warships, sophisticated weapons and devil fruits than anything else. However, most people in this world still have awe of the highest authority of the world government. What Lindeman said is not a flattering politician, but his own worldview limits his vision.

"Don't take the credit to me, Lindeman. This time from discovering the giant to collecting information, your team did it completely. I will report this to the marshal truthfully." Although I know Linde Man's kindness, but he can't put the credit that belongs to his heart on his face.

Although he is strong in his actions, he is not yet so fond of fame and power. If you didn't get it by your own hard work, you wouldn't be qualified to enjoy it with peace of mind.

This time Lindemann was really stunned, Sakazuki had previously analyzed the impact of this information so thoroughly. Knowing that the merits are enormous, he also handed over his eyes to the subordinate who looked at Po Tian's great merits. When Lindemann was under the major general, the ghost spider was arrogant and not greedy for credit, but he would not deliberately let his subordinates get commendations.

Lindemann felt for the first time that he was the right person. He stood up solemnly, and sincerely and respectfully bowed to Sakazuki: "The lieutenant in Sakazuki cultivated love like this, and Lindemann will never forget it!"

Author's message:

79. There is no peace of mind in the navy 2.0

Lindemann felt for the first time that he was the right person. He stood up solemnly, and sincerely and respectfully bowed to Sakazuki: "The lieutenant in Sakazuki cultivated love like this, and Lindemann will never forget it!"

Lindemann’s gratitude is utterly in the expectation of Sakazuki, although in the 21st century, this kind of nepotism and the support and maintenance of superiors and subordinates are a chronic poison for the military.

But in this world of a navy composed of a small number of elite officers and a large number of trained ordinary soldiers, the military will improve the commander's control over the army.

He slowly put his legs down, stood up and walked towards the phone worm on the table. How to deal with the leaders of these two giant pirate regiments is related to the future layout and policy of the navy and the world government. The marshal, the general, and the staff of the military jointly discussed the matter.

"Oh! Sakazuki, have you arrived at the Taikoo Island?" Sengoku sitting in the office leisurely drinking matcha, it is rare for Karp to mess around and slow down his office efficiency. On weekdays The military summary that took half a day to write and sent to the five old stars for review, it actually took only one hour today.

Um, shit, Karp! Warring States took out his pocket watch to reconfirm the time, and took the time to check his own report. The atmospheric and steady calligraphy combined with the meticulous report structure of the article was completely two things that were written under the interference of the old man. Um, shit, Karp! The general sighed secretly.

The general who was drinking matcha even cared about the little guy who made people feel pity and love: Sakazuki), how about little Robin? Is there seasickness? There are many ancient creatures on the Primordial Island, you can I have to show it to the old man. If there is anything wrong with that child, I will ask you."

...I'm probably a fake adoptive father. Before I had time to report, Sakazuki was directly threatened by my boss.

Lindeman, who stood behind Sakazuki, couldn't help but curled his lips. It's no wonder that Sakazuki threatened him to tell the dinosaurs about the espionage behind enemy lines five hundred times before he reported. It turns out that this issue is really a matter of inheritance.

"Mr. Sengoku, I have a military report here." The corner of Sakazuki twitched, and the subject changed abruptly, "Do you know the Giant Pirates?"

The Warring States Period picked up the cup and sucked the tea soup with a loud noise: "Of course I know that the Giants and Pirates Group was a thorny annoyance to the navy and government back then."

"We encountered the pirate who claimed to be the leader of the original giant pirate group, Tori, the blue ghost." Sakazuki turned sideways and motioned to Lindeman to transmit the photos from the camera via the videophone worm. Go to the navy headquarters.

"Puff!!!" The Warring States suddenly spit out a sip of tea, "You didn't kill him!!!!!"

The heart of the Warring States is tightened. His subordinate is indeed an excellent soldier, but basically none of the pirates who were hit by him have the opportunity to enter the Judicial Island to drink tea, let alone advance to the city of Impelton. The soup is hot. Don't just kill that Dongli directly, this old killer will have fun! !

Sakazuki put the ear close to the phone worm, and waited until he could almost hear the heartbeat of the warring states of the phone worm, and then slowly gave the chief a reassurance: "We are currently in peace with the giant, please Peace of mind."

Oh shit! Sakazuki! Warring States calmed down for a while, and asked carefully: "What's the specific situation?"

"The situation of the giant Tori was detected by my subordinate Lindeman, and he also used spy methods to detect and hear a lot of useful information." Sakazuki praised his subordinates without hesitation, "except the blue ghost Tori on the island. There is another member of the giant pirate group, the red ghost Broki, who is said to be able to equal the strength of the giant leader Dongli."

"Wait a moment, Sakazuki." Sengoku's expression became serious. He stood up and shouted to the outside of the office, "Come on!! Give all the information about the Giant Soldier Pirates that the headquarters has collected. I'll find it! Immediately! Remember all the information!"

This navy Buddha, who made the pirates awe-inspiring, picked up the clear picture that was only passed from the Primordial Island, and wanted to compare the giant figure sitting on the ground with his cheeks meditating in the photo with the rewards of countless pirates in his memory.

"Yes, this is indeed the blue ghost Dongli, even the leader of the giant pirate group that can reach 100 million Baileys in the bounty of the year! And the red ghost Broki in your mouth is also worth 100 million Baileys!"

"General! This is all the existing information about the Giant Soldier Pirates in the archives!" Several major generals rushed to the office with a few large stacks of paper bags in their arms and "shaved" them. Reward order.

Although the wanted paper has turned yellow, the appearance of the pirate wearing a battle helmet and a dark blue cloak on the screen is exactly the same as the appearance in the photo from Sakazuki.

"Sakazuki, I order you not to conflict with him, even if the worst happens, you can only catch him alive! This character is of great use to the unit!" The Warring States Department ordered in a deep voice.

"Order! In addition, Mr. Warring States, Lindemann's intelligence showed that the blue ghost Dongli was completely unaware of the alliance between the world government and Elbaff. Because of its huge influence and reputation in Elbaff Village. , The subordinates proposed to recruit the other party to join the navy!" Sakazuki brought out his own thoughts.

Zhijiang nodded: "Well, you and I want to go together. Regarding the reward of the Giant Soldiers and Pirates, the world government has cancelled the wanted. If the two can be convinced, then those giants who are still in a neutral wait-and-see state will They will make their choice! The combat power of our navy is bound to skyrocket."

He promised to the other end of the phone: "Give me this task clean and beautiful! Just ask if you need any support. I will let the nearby naval base send it to you in the starry night!"

Sakazuki has long been caressed in his mind, and he is not welcome: "Beverage, big barrel of wine, a lot of wine!" He thought of the characteristics of the Elbuff giants, but he was quite emboldened in his heart.

Looking closer at the bear, looking at Nordic Nord from a distance, and pulling a little further away, the unrestrained barbarians of Skyrim, who have a sufficient understanding of the way of thinking of these giants, Sakazuki have already figured out countermeasures when they left behind the ships.

Isn't it Foz~Lorda~? No, it's Lok\'taro\'gar!

After finishing the call, Lindeman, who was listening to the exchange between the two, watched Sakazuki with some admiration. Combining the previous call with the lieutenant general and himself, Mr. Sengoku seemed to have guessed everything about Mr. Sengoku's plan.

"Lord Admiral, are you ready to negotiate with the giant now?" Lindemann quickly followed the Sakazuki that had opened the hatch.

"No, Lindeman, diplomacy is the best thing to do!" Sakazuki stopped, Lindeman could only see the other side's majestic back, "Then what are you?"

"Go back and tell Dongli that the chief in charge is cultivating in the volcano. If you are not afraid of death, let him come to me!"

Author's message:

ps: I didn't expect that the reaction from everyone last night was so great. In fact, because everyone's living environment and growth environment are different, our stand, angle and even level of viewing issues will be different.

There is no need to start spraying just because we disagree with the other side’s point of view. Seeking common ground while reserving differences also allows us to consider from a new perspective (except for, just look at it in a friendly manner. There is no need to make everyone feel upset because of a small matter. Not pleasant. I deleted the interim posts that everyone discussed from the backend (for the sake of the book guest, you don't want the book guest to be highly concerned by xxx, right?)

Finally, this is the end of the topic, please give me a face in Sakazuki (laughs)

80. Sorry, knowledge can really do whatever you want

Magma, magma, Sakazuki As a natural system rockberry, he is familiar with this natural substance. His development of fruit ranges from killing people and setting fires in battle to the subtleties of cooking noodles and coffee in life.

Even compared to Kuzan, who is proficient in fruit ability micromanipulation, it is evenly divided. Even Polusalino, who relies on the shining fruit ability, is full of praise for the fruit ability development of Sakazuki.

The extremely destructive hot magma is a nightmare for the enemy, whether it is close combat or long-range confrontation.

With the fist of the fruit ability, the high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius and the terrible adhesion, even if the enemy has mastered the domineering, he has to weigh whether his own armed domineering has reached a higher rank.

Rockberry can also exert a strong suppression effect at medium and long distances. Whether it is to control a large amount of lava gushing out of a lava giant fist, or to simulate a volcanic eruption after charging, it is an extremely terrible move. From a military point of view, emmmm is air defense and ground.

But Sakazuki currently regrets that I was not an excellent geography teacher, physics teacher, or chemistry teacher before crossing, because magma is involved in many aspects, and the operability is greatly improved.

The moves he currently masters, even if they are powerful, can only be regarded as the basic use of the properties of magma.

Magma, magma, but don't take it literally as liquid.

Because this geological term refers to molten or partially molten rock below the formation, it is more accurately defined as a molten fluid.

Sakazuki stands on the crater of an active volcano and looks at the bottom, relying on himself as a fellow of "wild" magma. The elementalization of the natural ability person jumped from the mountain pass and slid to the surface of the dim magma lake.

In the past, even if there were volcanic attractions when traveling in my own world, I could only watch from afar, but I couldn’t do this kind of opportunity for zero-distance contact now.

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