He can only learn more about what he is after elementalization by actually observing the magma activity in the natural world.

Then Sakazuki was found to have been pitted by the old thief in Oda, because the rock berry is closer in nature to the high temperature liquid that is deep in the upper mantle and asthenosphere of the crust, and the fluid he uses and is exposed to the surface of the body. It's Te Niang's lava!

Lava and magma seem to be very similar words, but there is still a big difference.

He still remembered a refined sentence from the geography teacher, what is lava? It's the magma that erupts from the surface, but the lava is not real magma.

Lava magma will become lava when it comes into contact with air. During the eruption process, the lava flow will lose a large amount of volatile matter due to the sudden pressure drop during the eruption, which is only the substance closest to magma.

The two are in the relationship of inclusion and inclusion. Magma can migrate to different depths of the earth's crust to condense and crystallize with the activities of the earth's crust, or it can spill to the surface to condense and consolidate.

This curvy sentence made the traversers of the year still look dumbfounded, so the geography teachers took out the ultimate move-to give a vulgar life rationale: the second sexual characteristics of the men mature after puberty. Then, the tadpoles that are active in the rice clear liquid in your body can remain active for a long time, but once you shoot out, the tadpoles exposed to the outside air can theoretically live less than 20 minutes.

Sakazuki recalls the teacher’s indoctrination, that magma and lava are not good. He still doesn’t know, but the graceful and graceful geography teacher of the year was really dazzling.

The Lieutenant General lowered his head slowly and looked at his abdomen. In other words, what is in his body is lava. Once it acts on the outside, it is lava?

Earlier, he had wondered why the known moves of Hara Akagi could be simulated by him, a traverser, in just a few months.

But now it seems that it is not his unusual talent. First, Hara Akadog's moves are based on his completely original foundation, and he spends time to figure it out step by step.

And he, a traverser, is equivalent to just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, standing on the shoulders of giants and doing things. I simulated the existing moves in my mind through the fine control of the fruits and the comprehensive application of knowledge of geology, physics, and chemistry. Sorry, knowledge can really do whatever you want.

Those with natural fruit ability stepped on the surface of the magma lake, the sticky touch and firm texture of the lower temperature lava.

Indeed, the fact that the density of lava is two or three times the density of water and human body, the low-temperature lava buffer and unloading force are not bad, if it is built into its own offensive and defensive system, it would be a bad idea.

But, should he really have to learn from the four tails to wear a melting armor after Sakazuki? Cooperate with the armed color domineering to be a fight-resistant bastard?

"The temperature of the lava is different, it will give birth to different properties." He muttered to himself, suddenly stunned.

Although Sakazuki has a lot of animation and game skill ideas in his mind, he still needs to talk about the basics! !

He patted his head and couldn't help but feel a little grateful. Previously, he was limited to pure game animation, and he almost picked up sesame seeds and lost the watermelon.

To give a simple example: as far as he knows, the viscosity of magma and water is 100,000 times higher than that of water.

In other words, the development of his rockberry fruit should be divided into two main directions: internal magmatism and specific chemical and physical reactions, and changes in the temperature properties of external lava.

Moreover, this is only a consideration from the aspects of geography and geology, and it has not yet set foot in the fields of chemistry and physics for development.

Sakazuki suddenly produced a hint of understanding why rock berry actually exists as the upper fruit of the burned fruit.

In his impression, the essence of burning fruit is burning, and there were previous guesses that it could break the limit of temperature.

So why can rock berries, which are kept at a high temperature of 700 to 1500 degrees Celsius, stand on top of the theoretical limit of burning fruits that are almost enough to reach thousands or tens of thousands of degrees Celsius?

Rock berry is actually the highest and top natural fruit, and it not only possesses deadly high temperature and kinetic energy. It also invades the power of a volcano and easily simulates a volcanic eruption.

The most in-depth development involves the dual properties of mantle magma and surface lava, as well as the research of physics, chemistry, and geology.

It can be said that the more comprehensive the knowledge and understanding of this information, the more the power of the rock berry can be reflected. Animation games are based on scientific theory!

In the original book, Aka Dog obviously does not have the huge information flow brought by the 21st century and the theoretical research that countless scientists have explored and summarized. Sakazuki sighed slightly: Knowledge is power!

Author's message:

ps: Before writing this chapter, I visited the library about three times, and also checked a lot of geography materials on the Internet. But I still feel confused in some places. In the end, I asked a university professor who specializes in magmatic rock, combined with some of my own brains, hoping to describe the abilities of the rock berry fruit as truthfully and reasonably as possible.

After several days of hard work and dozens of hours of searching for information, in fact, my own knowledge has been continuously expanded and enriched in this process. I hope to write this novel better and better with a serious and responsible attitude, so that everyone can read it comfortably.

Three days off

emegency notice! ! ! ! ! ! ! Because this week’s weekend on April 22, the school arranges a graduation defense, so you really need to put aside the things in your hands and make serious preparations. If it is too watery, you will be asked to ask three questions, and you may not be able to graduate.

Only to prepare for the battle in these two days, the update will be resumed next Monday, sorry da da da da da da da da

81. Shurima, your emperor is back

"What are you talking about?" Dongli wore a helmet that resembled the Nordic style. This helmet with great Albuff national characteristics tightly protected the wearer.

The top cover with wavy borders extends to the back of the head and the fragile neck. The thick turbinate on the front of the helmet and the half-covered nail leaf are only vacant at the eye, leaving a gap for observation to ensure the field of vision.

The corners of Lindeman's mouth twitched slightly, and he had already seen the abruptly widened eyes of the opponent's battle helmet.

The school officer who kept smiling all the time bit his scalp and said the words of Sakazuki again: "The lieutenant general said that he is cultivating in the volcano. You are not afraid of death and go..."

Before the words fell, a huge sword with some mottled scars was inserted into the ground beside Lindemann. "In the volcano? What a joke? Not to mention whether the lieutenant imp can survive in the magma."

Dongli sneered at the remarks, but he readily accepted the navy's provocation. "Moreover! He actually dared to question Mrs. Elba's bravery? What is death?"

The navy colonel's coat was swayed backwards by the roaring air waves of the giant.

The drooling air flow made Lindeman unable to open his eyes at all, and he simply pointed back with his backhand: "Sakazuki, Lord Admiral is on the biggest volcano!"

Sakazuki maintains elementalization, slowly stepping on the fragile surface of the lava lake, walking like a fire on the gray-brown low-temperature lava

The lower the temperature, the greater the viscosity and the lower the fluidity, so the surface of the lava lake has a good load-bearing capacity.

But it's still too heavy for an adult's weight, especially for super heavyweight players like Sakazuki. As soon as he stepped up to the center of the lake, half of the body of the natural ability person was plunged into the hot lava.

Sakazuki attempts to gradually expand the scope of its own elementalization. The magma generated by itself can be completely controlled as he wants. He usually generates magma for attack and defense in battle, but the natural system can do more than just in this way.

The Awakened Devil Fruit of the Superman system can affect the surrounding things and make the fruit power. This is a skill that is known as the closest to the natural power.

But in the eyes of the natural type abilities, this is not a difficult task. The assimilation ability that requires the superhuman abilities to develop the fruits in depth is only a basic operation for the development of the natural devil fruit.

Kuzan can easily freeze seawater into ice, and Polusalino can capture free photons around them to gather energy at any time. In the original work, Krokdal can easily absorb water from objects and reduce dead objects to fine sand.

Even the natural marsh fruit like a rookie can easily turn a solid ground into a swamp.

Assimilation is also called assimilation and contamination. Because magma has a very high temperature and strong chemical activity, it can melt or dissolve the surrounding rock in contact with it. If the magma completely melts or dissolves the surrounding rock and makes it completely uniform with the magma, it is called assimilation.

Sakazuki attempts to use previous scientific theories to prove that he is by no means a mere producer, but a porter of nature.

Putting aside the effects of so-called assimilation, going home, this is the only feeling of a rockberry real ability person.

A steady stream of power pours in from the elementalized lower body, the natural devil fruit not only generates and evolves a natural substance, but serves as the embodiment of a natural phenomenon.

Sakazuki slowly raised his arm soaked in magma, and a huge crimson magma dog's head slowly emerged from the surface of the gray lava lake. The Lieutenant General was still expressionless, but his eyes were on his face. A touch of joy.

He hopes to evolve this huge, natural force into the trick he has created, "dog biting the red lotus", which is theoretically feasible from the current point of view.

And with the help of the majestic original strength, the range of moves and the kinetic energy contained in them are more than twice as large as on land?

But looking at the fuzzy-looking magma, Sakazuki sighed lightly. Compared with the lifelike hounds of the past, he didn't even portray the nose and eyes of his creation this time.

It seems that there is currently a limit to my deep control of magma. Too much energy is a waste for him if it cannot be used in a reasonable and meticulous operation.

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