The higher the temperature of the magma, the lower the viscosity and the greater the fluidity. Looking at the hound with "slobber" on top of his head, Sakazuki knows that I have been trained in the past few months.

When his elementalization has spread to the surface of the entire lava lake, Sakazuki closes its eyes to strengthen the perception, and the surrounding magma and lava are surging.

And the part of the magma that went deeper into the volcano seemed to be part of the body of the person with the natural fruit ability, and it seemed that as long as he was willing, he could sway this huge force on the vast surface at will.

The crater is shaking, and the energy of the volcano is controlled by Sakazuki, like a young child playing with his favorite toy. It's just that this toy can arbitrarily transform the landscape and destroy all creatures and civilizations.

Standing on the mountainside, Dongli naturally felt the tremor of the mountain, from the initial slight to the tremor that he could not perceive, to the intensified tremor.

The volcano was shaking, and some rocks and rocks that had been eroded by weathering began to collapse. Entrapped in soil and trees, the largest volcano in the small garden seems to be about to face the latest eruption.

"That kid didn't cause the volcano to erupt, right?" Facing the imminent natural disaster, Dongli raised his head and frowned at the top of the mountain.

As an elite fighter of Albuff, he does not retreat but advances, maintaining the frequency of his footsteps, and walking upward step by step.

He had decided to go to the crater to wait for the navy to come as agreed, even if it was just a huge magma wave facing him, he deserved it.

The blue ghost Dongli knew that the heroic soul of God of War was watching him.

Elbaff kept their promises, they never promised and agreed easily, but even if they were to fight for their lives, they had to do what they promised. To this end, they formed the Giant Pirate Group, a giant pirate group and mercenary organization.

On the sea, the pirate group formed by the giants of Elbaff continues to follow the spirit of Elbaff Village that advocates courage, values ​​honor, and has the courage to take risks.

Rough nerves, daring to take risks, and excellent HNA skills make them fearless of any severe weather and sea conditions. They are cruel and brave, but compared to the pirates who really like to raid towns and the weak.

The giants of Elbaff are more inclined to accept tricky employment, and even directly attack the powerful pirates, to prove to their companions and the heroic soul of the **** of war that they are the strongest fighters.

The giant walked up the volcano's mouth step by step. With the violent mountain shaking, magma was faintly gushing from the top of the mountain. Dongli knew that this was a sign that the volcano was about to erupt.

Dongli looked around, but found no one. At the top of this huge volcano that is about to erupt, only his huge and burly figure stands proudly.

"Oh, coward!" Standing on the edge of the volcano, the giant leader sipped at his feet. He already understood that the navy was definitely not an expedition member.

And the lieutenant general in his mouth is just a coward who used unknown means to trigger the stable volcano in advance. Using such insidious means to kill a prominent giant pirate is really in line with the style of the world government. !

The next moment the volcano's vibration subsided, as if all the previous signs were just Dongli's illusions.

An indifferent and low voice sounded from the bottom of the crater, with faint anger and dissatisfaction: "Why do you want to wake me up? Why bother me? Pirate!"

"!" Dongli looked down at the sound.

The head of a giant ferocious beast that was nearly ten meters away evaporated the saliva he had just spitted in midair. The head of the beast shifted slightly, and Dongli finally saw the man half of his body immersed in the constantly surging lava lake.

Magma, jumping beside him, cheering for joy!

The entire lake was rolled up from the outside to the inside with a terrifying magma wave, layer by layer against the gray-brown lava lake surface, as if playing a grand movement in rhythm.

The magma of the entire mountain range was restless, and the hot lava wave did not swallow him, but instead surrounded the person and worshiped!

The magma bursting from the depths of the lava lake dazzled the entire lava lake like a golden red mansa pearl.

The striped petals bloomed slowly, welcoming the king of magma!

Author's message:

ps: Everything goes well, thank you for your encouragement and support

82. Nordic Fight (Part 1)

The volcano is roaring.

The petals of lava naturally fell from a high altitude, and a fire rain fell on the hot and steaming lake.

The magma, twisted in a spiral around him, placed the burly body of Sakazuki in the center of the magma vortex

Sakazuki stared at the giant looking down, tapped his fingers on the surface of the lava lake.

The magma surged from the bottom of his feet like a fountain. When the first magma's climbing force was exhausted, the second magma continued to rise from the channel formed by the first lava.

The first burst of magma quickly dissipated in temperature, and the sharply cooled surface began to solidify the gray-brown rock mass. Through the gray surface, the dark blood red lava in the semi-solidified channel that began to bear the pressure of the column appeared and disappeared.

After a few breaths of effort, the lava rose extremely fast, and under the incredible horror of the giant's eyes, a mountain throne made of lava appeared above his head.

Only Sakazuki can form a miniature volcano at the bottom of the lava lake in the crater. The lava is finally shaped on the top of Sakazuki, slowly forming a mountain-like sharp chair back shape.

Sakazuki put his hands on the handrails of burning lava, looking down at the giant.

Dongli took a big step back, letting an astonishing craze rushing over his face.

The high temperature distorted the air, and the giant looked up at the incoming people.

The face of slashing stubbornness, coupled with an indifferent expression, is like an eternal mountain range. Silent, solemn, but awe-inspiring.

The lava ash-like navy blue tattoo under the slightly open collar and the strong muscles formed a perfect combination. Combined with the rough and sturdy shape of the lava throne, it formed a strong visual impact in Dongli's eyes, wild and majestic. .

At first glance, Dongli didn't hate the man in front of him. He was masculine and mighty, and he was a man.

Compared with those nymphs, these machos who go to the battlefield to carry knives and hack people, and go to the battlefield to drink booze are more appreciated by Mrs. Elba.

In Albuff, the men fight for momentum and who can fight better.

"The purpose of my trip is to find out what happened between Albuff and the world government?" The giant stood proudly, hitting the shield with a huge sword.

Dongli, who was born in the new world of Albuff, had a not narrow vision. The navy in front of him could drive magma, and it should be a rare natural demon fruit ability. But just relying on the power of a natural element can not scare him, the giant's voice is unusually loud.

"Naturally, I know the whole story, but what responsibility and obligation do I have to tell a weak person?" Sakazuki's stodgy face added a hint of contempt.

Blue veins burst into the giant's temples, and for the first time he was rejected for this reason: "What did you say?"

Sakazuki leaned on the back of the throne's chair, gently turned his neck, and made a soft crackling noise: "If you are a weak person, even telling you is of no avail. Then why should I waste my tongue."

"Oh? It looks like you think you are very strong, kid!" Dongli skillfully pulled up a sword flower, pointed the tip of the sword at the navy and smiled bravely, "You can try which one of us is weak!"

Lieutenant General's index finger tapped the armrest of the throne, and the calm hunter dropped the final trap: "Interesting, if you can defeat me, the answer you want, my head, should be offered."

Sakazuki really wanted to see how his physical strength was. Starting from the crossing, he was basically in a crushing situation by virtue of the power of rock berry. He was really unsure of what stage his physical skills and physical strength were at.

In the navy, Karp, Zefa and others, who relied on the domineering physical skills to dominate, struggled to find an excuse.

If you want to train against Karp, that old thing either often disappears, or performs tasks outside. This year, Sakazuki has never encountered Karp several times.

"Reassure, I won't use my fruit power to fight you." Sakazuki stood up, and the lava was automatically laid under his feet. Every time the Lieutenant General took a step, the lava was just right to cushion it forward.

Dongli stared at Sakazuki and said solemnly: "Are you pitying me?"

Sakazuki, who walked to the side of the giant, moved his hands and feet, and put on an offensive posture on the spot, and by the way, he corrected the other's language: "It is respect. Real men should do what men should do, compared to making barbecue. , I prefer to punch you out!"

"I like you a little bit, kid!" Dongli also dropped his saber and solid shield, and creaked his fists. "Come on! See who is stronger!"

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