Before the giant's words were over, Sakazuki had disappeared in place, and the lieutenant admiral who appeared again was already close to the giant's eyes.

A domineering punch attached to the armed color directly hit the opponent's helmet, and the huge kinetic energy knocked the giant backwards.

But it was only a fall back, and Dongli took a few steps back at the moment he lost his balance, reducing his strength to a minimum. The giant punched in the empty space with a backhand, Sakazuki jumped up and lashed the giant's unprotected abdomen with a sharp whip.

"Bang!" There was a loud bombarding noise at the place where the two of them were handing over.

As soon as the giant stepped on the ground, the attacks of Sakazuki followed. Tori, who had already begun to adapt to this style of play, blasted out a punch and knocked down Sakazuki, which was changing direction in the air.

"Boom!" At the place where Sakazuki landed, a huge amount of smoke was raised with the impact.

Dongli was not in a hurry to continue his hands, he must have done a lot with the heavy punch just now.

But judging by the moment he touched the opponent's body just now, he clearly felt it hit the steel.

In the big pit not far away, the smoke gradually dissipated. There was a man standing in the center of the impact pit with arms around him. Sakazuki was wrapped in purple and black armed and domineering. He looked up at the giant and mocked: "You don't have the strength to hit people. Are you really a giant? "

Dongli frowned: "Armed and domineering?"

He also saw a lot of domineering pirates in the new world, but there were not many pirates who could cover the upper body in one breath. He laughed loudly: "You are very resistant to beatings, navy kid!"

The strange power of the giants is really good, even the moderate giants like Sauluo can easily solve several naval battleships.

On the opposite side of Sakazuki, the elite of the Elbaff giants, the leader of the giant pirate group, whether in terms of resistance to punching, combat response speed, or punching power, is higher than that of the giants of the navy. cut.

Keeping the upper body armed and domineering hardened, Sakazuki analyzed a lot of things with that punch just now. This giant is very strong, the previous punch hastily struck that kind of strange power, but there is no trace of domineering.

If Sakazuki uses the fruit power, it is still just a living target.

Sakazuki simply changed its strategy and ran towards the giant.

To conquer this fighting nation, the evasive offense is obviously not in line with the opponent's taste, Sakazuki is afraid that he will fight a game without the fruit, and then get nothing.

Pure men still have to punch to the flesh

83. Nordic Fight (Part 2)

The battle is still going on. Giving up avoidance and choosing a frontal just means to withstand more concentrated and violent attacks.

The jungle has never been quiet, with insects, the light rustling of trees being blown by the wind, and the various low sounds of unknown beasts.

But at this moment, the noisy sounds in this area were covered by bursts of roar and loud noises.

Wild beasts and dinosaurs ran to the edge of the island one after another, avoiding the two monsters fighting in the middle of the island.

The blue ghost Dongli uprooted an obstructive tree in front of him and kicked it out, intending to push his opponent onto the opposite mountain wall.

Even with the huge difference in body shape, Sakazuki still cannot avoid it. He kept his armed color and domineering hardened, and slammed an elbow on the combat boots printed on the front.

With the loud sound, the lieutenant admiral was plowed by a huge force for several tens of meters before the castration was stopped.

The giant was also uncomfortable, and the huge body that was out of balance fell straight back. The huge figure and the astonishing weight overwhelmed large tracts of trees, bringing up bursts of sand and dust.

Sakazuki is secretly shocked. He asks himself that he is a power player, and he is also proficient in six-type iron and high-end armed color domineering. But in the head-to-head confrontation that has only lasted for nearly an hour, it didn't take the slightest advantage.

But he didn't know that the giant was even more amazed in his heart. In this kind of death of the two sides fighting for maximum strength, endurance and anti-strike ability, as an elite warrior of the giant clan, Dongli fought for the first time with humans for so long.

Even if he used to be in the village of Elbaff, Dongli wrestled hand-to-hand with his fellow clan. Counting down with heavy punches, even if the opponent is a giant, it's a bit overwhelming.

But the navy in front of him didn't have any evasive movements at all, and he forced countless fists and feet.

You punch, I will take a punch. You kick, I won't let it go, and shake you away with an elbow.

So far, Dongli feels that he has not hurt the opponent in a real sense. Every time a fist collided, he felt as if he was hitting steel and hard rocks.

And he did not forget that the lieutenant admiral was a natural eater of devil fruit.

Dongli got up quickly, with his left hand in front and his right hand in the back, accumulating strength, and assumed a fighting posture.

Until now, the giant's expression has become more solemn. He stared at the plowed soil on the ground: In other words, can the guy on the opposite side be tied with him just by relying on physical skills and domineering?

"What are you kidding?" Dongli was inexplicably angry. What face does he have now to fight Broki for the title of the strongest warrior?

He also counted on getting the latest news about Elbaff and the specific content of the agreement with the world government from the other side. As the navy opposite said: "The weak, there is no need to know."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The giant warrior stepped forward and ran towards Sakazuki.

The dull and hasty footsteps are like fierce drums on the ground,

The rhythm is fast and exciting.

"Lieutenant General of Sakazuki..." Lindemann, who stood in the distant treetops and fought intuitively, showed a trace of worry. He didn't know why the chief did not use elementalization, but used domineering and physical skills to fight against the giants again and again.

Didn’t you talk to the head general about the promise to communicate and surrender the giants? ? ? ? ?

Sakazuki rose to the ground against the violent giant, combined with the iron part of the arm to mobilize the strength of his whole body, and hit Dongli's cheek severely with a punch.

At the same time, the giant slammed him with a fistful of fighting spirit and rage.

Dongli's hard helmet was shattered by a blow, and his left cheek was deformed by a huge force, and the muscles on his cheek were pulled inward by force. The giant's entire head was pressed into the soft soil by this punch.

He didn't have the time to get up to see the result of his punch, Dongli's ears were humming. My vision is a little blurry and I can't focus immediately.

The giant wanted to stand up, but his consciousness still felt a little blank. He was soft, and fell to the ground.

Sakazuki was in the air when it attacked the giant. He had some assessments of the giant's previous strength, but he never expected that Dongli's power in the violent state would directly increase a step.

The Lieutenant General was a little caught off guard, but he reacted swiftly through the years of battle. He directly did his best to strengthen the domineering to the maximum range, and the defense of the iron block also tightened the muscles to the hardest stage.

Then, he was blasted off, and slammed into the volcanic wall in the center that they had beaten all the way out.

The elementalization of Sakazuki slipped from the cracks in the stone, feeling that his whole bones had been shaken all over, the lieutenant general was breached for the first time.

The iron block and domineering defense in time resisted most of the damage, and Sakazuki, which was restricted by the huge impact in the air, subconsciously turned on elementalization to minimize the secondary damage caused by the impact.

Dongli stood up swayingly, and threw his torn helmet on the ground. The fragments of the battle helmet pierced the giant's forehead, and blood ran down his cheeks.

He wiped the corner of his eye vigorously so that the blood would not interfere with his vision.

The leader of the Giant Soldier Pirate Group felt that his sight was still a bit ghostly. That punch was almost comparable to the old punches of the two elders of Albuff, Yalulu and Chalulu, when they were angry.

He watched Sakazuki approaching once again from the sky, staggering and staggering to continue fighting. Laughed and said: "Good fight!"

The old-fashioned Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters stopped on his shoulders, Sakazuki put his hands in his trouser pockets, shook his head and said: "I didn't win, let's tie for the time being? Our Navy's supply fleet is here, and have a drink in the evening. how?"

"Okay! Wait until we have a good rest, come back again!" Dongli promised boldly, "I haven't tasted wine in a long time, hahahahaha!"

A good man who can fight is a good friend. After a fight, if you are willing to sit together and drink a glass of wine, you are good friends. The logical thinking of the giant is very simple and rude.

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