"...You guys? This!?..." Karp's eyes were wide and he stunned and interpreted the four characters vividly.

The refreshing old handsome smiled sullenly, and stroked his beard triumphantly: "The old man will not embarrass a posthumous child who has never seen his biological father before. The evil is not continuous because of blood.

See all the ugly things in the world, and often save sentient beings.

Besides, think about it, the son of the previous generation of One Piece can become the strongest combat power of the navy headquarters-the general of the headquarters.

Is there anything more that can inspire the world's hearts toward justice? "

For the first time in his life, Karp felt that...The Warring States is now so pleasing to the eye, it is really **** handsome!

Now that the Marshal called, the generals look at me and I will look at you, and finally cast their amiable eyes on Aini Road, which is walking on the far right.

"Hey!!! Don't go too far!!!" Although he was complaining angrily, Ainilu was already carrying two lunch boxes and fleeing towards the office.

"Well, since the juniors have all gone, we don't have to continue to give you politeness like this." With our own wrists moving, the smile of the Warring States Period at this time is almost to the extreme: "You don't pay attention to old things!"

After being criticized for no reason, Karp was taken aback for a moment, and then returned to his former scumbag: "Why don't I pay attention to it?"

The Buddha, who was irritated by Kapu's words, allowed himself to take a deep breath: "You bastard, are you really embarrassed to come back with the old man with confidence?"

When Sakazuki and Kuzan picked up Nicole Robin back, they reported to him clearly and plainly.

Telling the cause of the matter clearly and thoroughly, at least it didn't make the Warring States feel that he was being deceived. Very calmly accepted Robin, this lovable little girl.

Shop around, and people have to die.

In comparison between the two, the evaluation of Sakazuki in the minds of the Warring States is inexplicably higher without the former's knowledge.

Looking at this old guy with a dumb face and akimbo to show fearlessness in front of him, the figure of the big Buddha grows in the wind.

The warm golden light that illuminates the world and extinguishes the evil spirits burst out from the great light behind the Buddha's head, and the Warring States period, who embodied the wrath of the Ming King, raised one arm.


Author's message:

ps: The sensitive vocabulary has been strengthened and updated, and the mystery is strict. I didn't get to the sensitive point at all. .

403. The Way of Heaven Is Good Reincarnation

Anillu’s fast-paced rap sound came from outside the office to the ears of the two.

"President Sa! The Marshal ordered me to deliver the meal~ Ace also has a share!"

"..." With Ace sitting on the ground casually against the wall, Sakazuki couldn't help but want to drag in the mouse outside the door and beat it again.

Let you learn more skills in the use of abilities from Polusalino, a knowledgeable nature awakener and master of swordsmanship.

No matter how bad it is, it's good to learn some sleek and old ways of being a man.

Why did you learn 90% of the weird accent when the king of Saohua spoke?

It's also because this **** boy is currently transferred to the post of deputy commander of the army.

Otherwise, Sakazuki really wants to give him a set of articulation gymnastics: "The old man will give you a time limit of three seconds, and roll yourself smoothly! Come in! Come!"

God knows if this cat was possessed by Yatsuo Ki Rabbi? Or did he finally find out that his prototype is the rap king?

Xu Shi finally remembered that it was only three and a half pages of Euler in Sakazuki not long ago. Under the naked threat of the "black and evil forces", the rising star of the rap world lowered his noble head: "Come in, come in. Phew... What are you doing so loudly?"

The Thunder Fruit Ability person strode into the house holding the lunch box very heartily, and put it on the desk of the Warring States Period.

Although it was the unscrupulous Uncle Karp who was paying for it, as the so-called "Buddha" was borrowed from flowers, Ainilu didn't even mention that this meal was actually an overlord meal obtained by the marshal.

Seeing that Ace was picking up the food one after another, he still seemed a little sluggish, and Sakazuki didn't take it seriously.

The high-level navy's dedication to enlighten, even if it is to untie this kid's biggest knot.

But after all, there have been several changes in a short period of time, and even a middle-aged person with a more mature mind will be exhausted by these ups and downs.

Just as Sakazuki mentioned the conventional recovery method for Ace before [get a good sleep], he believes that tomorrow I can see the sunny and cheerful boy like fire again.

But on the other hand, Sakazuki must also admit that this kid is often a funny character with the characteristics of "monclerization"-halfway through eating, he suddenly fell on the plate and fell asleep. Pigs are no different.

[It seems that it should be possible to activate the unconventional vitality awakening strategy...] Sa always looked up and down the fruit-burning ability who was in a sleepy state, with a smile in his eyes.

Ainilu, who was standing on the side, shivered sharply, as if he was facing an enemy.

Just kidding, it's not the first day that he has dealt with Mr. Akinu. That look and respect are exactly the same as Robin's subtle changes in his face when he wants to blacken his abdomen with bad ideas?

Sure enough, under the horrified gaze of Ainilu, Mr. Sa smiled proudly.

"According to the feedback from sister and brother Vinsmok, the straw hat guys seem to be fleeing towards the West Sea..."

Ace, who was still asleep, jumped three feet high when he heard the news, how could there be any self-pity for a failed dog in life?

The escape incident committed by the stupid brother really made him unclear, but before Ace was trapped by his identity, so he didn't have time to take care of Luffy.

But now, the thoughtful young man finally regained his former vigor.

"Where is that bastard?" Ace asked with gritted teeth and turned his head. At this moment, as the eldest brother, he was gearing up, a sign that he was about to rush out to beat someone.

[Look, the vigorous Ai Jiang resurrected in situ]

With a few subtotals, he led a big game of chess, and Sakazuki couldn't help but sigh that Feng Shui turns around and the way of heaven is good.

Unexpected, unexpected... You have today in Monqi's home too!

How prestigious was the Iron Fist Karp back then? First, Knox, the last pirate overlord who was dominating the sea, was beaten to death.

Then he drove the Pirate King Roger to flee in a hurry like a mouse crossing the street, facing desperate situations several times, and almost desperate.

Now, Roger's son, who works in the navy headquarters, is going to hunt down the grandson of the naval hero who is a pirate.

This is more than just a face slap? If Roger Jiuquan knows, he can lift the coffin board with a smile.


"Luffy, you dare to flip the refrigerator without permission next time!!!" Sanji was still so angry that Luffy who was beaten on the ground was threatened by his sister.

Even if you make sufficient psychological preparations before departure, you will face various threats and crises on the sea, but on the tenth day of sailing, the Straw Hat Pirates encountered an unprecedented internal crisis that was large enough to cause serious consequences for the group’s destruction. .

The crisis originated from Monkey D. Luffy, the gluttonous Captain with a giant stomach who didn't control his mouth, sneaked into the freezer for storing ingredients in the middle of the night.

The consequences of this are undoubtedly devastating, consuming all the rations of the entire group.

From carrots that can be eaten raw after washing, to raw fish that is refrigerated in the freezer, Daweiwang is always picky.

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