All the ingredients that can be gnawed with teeth are ruined under the mouth of Monkey D. Luffy. Or there may be food that cannot be chewed softly, but it is swallowed by the big stomach king.

The straw hat boy who shouted "I'm the one piece king" has already inherited the king's stomach in a sense.

However, such a short-sighted, lack of sea life experience clearly caused a lot of trouble for Luffy.

On the tenth day of his going out to sea, the future One Piece was almost sentenced to "walking the springboard" by all other crew members who passed unanimously.

It was Lei Jiu's words that ultimately saved Lu Fei from the crisis: Xiao Lu Fei can still be used as live bait for fishing.

This inhuman work was readily taken over by Luffy. The lowest-ranking captain of the whole group tied a thick hemp rope to his waist and was hung high out of the hull from the mast.

Seeing the direction that has not changed on the permanent pointer, the crew sighed with akimbo in unison.

According to the navigator's estimation and distance measurement, they will have ten days before reaching the next island.

That is to say... these days, except for the blind sea kings with extremely low probability, they are sent to the door,

In particular, Sanji was extremely frustrated.

As a top chef, the worst thing in life is that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

"Listen well, Luffy, here is no more than you stay in Malinfan. There is a kitchen that can be changed and eaten and supplies enough to supply the lives of nearly 100,000 people on an island." The blonde chef lit his cigarette, not yet. After taking two sips in time, the old sister Lei Jiu, who is strictly tutored, gave him a fierce look, and then stubbed out the cigarette obediently.

With a face full of tragic emotions "disgusted by my sister", Sanji angered someone who was hung in the air: "Next time I dare to run to the kitchen and flip the freezer, we will drive the boat back to Malin Vandor, you Just wait for President Sa to hang a flagpole to worship the sky!!!"

This threat is undoubtedly very effective, only hearing the terrible name of President Sa, the captain, who is not afraid of the sky, trembles with a frequency visible to the naked eye.

"This emergency situation proves that we lack strict management regulations," Nuoqigao, who serves as a navigator, couldn't help but sighed slightly: "I propose that we need to draw up rules that belong to my own pirate group."

The rules of the various pirate ships may be different, but they are always the same.

Some have different distribution ratios, some specifically emphasize the prohibition of stealing, gambling, or bullying women, and some have formulated very specific rewards and punishments.

But this Straw Hat Pirate Group is destined to be unique.

Taking a peek at the first draft of the Straw Hat Pirates rules drafted by several people, Frankie yelled:

"Hey!!!! I protest! Are we not a pirate group? Why do we have to follow most of the military rules of the expeditionary army on board? This is not cool at all~~~"

"Frankie, if you really intend to be a pirate for a lifetime, then I didn't say it." Nami, a member of the line crew of the Straw Hat Pirates of the phone worm and the finance minister of the whole group, declared in advance.

"Oh... let's go on." The most spineless men in the Straw Hat Pirates group were frightened in an instant.

Of course, a certain golden eyebrow licking dog betrayed the revolution early in the morning. Not only did they offer the only remaining black tea to the two ladies on the boat, but they also stood firmly on the side of the ladies.

When the captain was hung miserably from the mast, a set of ten rules of the team in pirate skins has been freshly released.

1. All important decisions must be voted on.

2. Anyone who steals or eats and is caught must act as a live bait for sea king fishing.

3. Keep all knives and guns clean.

4. Women are not allowed to board the ship. (This article is invalid)

5. When fighting on the deck, protecting the hull is the top priority.

6. All disputes between the crew are left to the shore for settlement. (Except for the captain)

7. All the trophies obtained go to the Minister of Finance, and all income and expenditure must be approved by the big dog.

8. The injured are compensated. Anyone who loses limbs in combat will be compensated by Germa Technology.

9. When the captain is dead, all crew members are obliged to stop

10. The rest of the regulations follow the expeditionary army regulations.

I chanted these rules word by word to the master captain hanging outside, ignoring the rules of Article 2, Article 6, and Article 9 that Luffy tried to resist with his teeth and claws.

The crew began to finalize the next sailing plan.

"Four seas? Do you mean I want to run all the four sea areas?" Luffy looked down at the companions on the deck in confusion.

Although he lacked the common sense of sailing, Luffy never heard Shanks mention that he had to travel all over the world to become the One Piece.

"Luffy," the orange phone worm still in communication flicked with a gentle tone: "[One Piece] This title means to have an achievement far surpassing the four emperors and the seven martial arts."

Nami smiled and gave Luffy an answer that was difficult to refuse: "Moreover, you need to be recognized by everyone. You must have enough strength and the courage to explore the unknown and venture.

The sea-building stone inlaid at the bottom of our ship is enough to allow us to cross the windless zone, visit the unique customs of the four seas, and then dominate the first and second half of the great route. This is [One Piece] as the greatest adventurer. . "

"Eh... this sounds like a bit of truth!" Lu Fei, who was hung out of the ship, scratched his head, with the iconic smirk on his face.

404. Worth the world

"You shouldn't have come." The tall man with short amaranth red hair concealed most of his cheeks in the high-necked fleece.

He slowly stood up and stared at the people ahead, hatred in his eyes.

Completely ignoring the sight of murderous and terrible hatred, the burly man in the blood-colored double-breasted coat looked calm and raised his foot into the house: "But the old man is here anyway."

"Especially today, right? Kata Kuri." Sakazuki looked at the interior of the house with interest. The walls of this small house made of glutinous rice and biscuits were covered with off-white photos.

It seemed that he had been stabbed in some painful foot, and a simple sentence caused the entire face of the former Minister of Totland to be slightly distorted.

Because the past and the present are the days when all nations became extinct.

On this day, he, Kata Kuri, was completely reduced to a subjugator.

The brothers and sisters were slaughtered by the demon-like man in front of them, and the mother who gave birth to him, the big pirate who once sat in the name of the [Four Emperors], was also beheaded by the opponent.

Under the flames of the Burning Legion, Totland, which was once dominated by the Charlotte family, suffered a disaster.

Most of the pirate forces attached to Big·Mom were directly killed on the spot, while the few remaining members of the Charlotte family carried their "national enmity" and went to jail.

Even after a few years, it still makes him unforgettable.

The happy smiles in the past [Tea Party] always appeared in front of the Minister of Fan Kata Kuri.

Even though he was immersed in a short and shallow sleep, he relaxed a little bit, trying to calm down the tense nerves in the day.

But whenever he closed his eyes, the sorrowful cry and cry for help of his brothers and sisters lingered in his ears, day and night without stopping.

After all, it turned into a nightmare that Kata Kuri couldn't break free. Under the monstrous magma rising from the ground into the sky, the desperate and horrified faces of the brothers and sisters seemed to question him: Why not save?

Why not save it?

Kata Kuri knows that all this may be the hardship he will bear for the rest of his life.

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