"Landfoot Bai Lei!"

Luffy dodged the lasing air blade again, but it made him lose the rhythm point of successive attacks.

Lu Qi, who deceived his body, did not give the straw hat boy an opportunity to extend his rubber arm.

The young man in a suit and leather shoes smashed Luffy's arm with an elbow, cutting off the fist thrown by the opponent.

Almost at the same time, the knee kick he applied was quickly stepped on by the rubber man.

Although the extension of the arm was restricted, in the second gear, the heart was used as a pump to deliver high-speed blood to the limbs with huge blood pressure, which gave Luffy extremely fast speed.

The close combat of fists and feet has made the long-famous Chief Legion Assassin never take advantage of it.

Although once relied on high-speed resistance to suppress Lu Qi's successive attacks, the opponent was unable to make any progress, and was even repelled frequently.

But Luffy never felt complacent, because the guy in front of him hadn't used his true ability-the animal type ability to transform.

"Jet Rocket Launcher!" With a nearly nonsensical head bump and temporarily pushing back the killer, Luffy finally freed up enough space to show off his masterpiece.


And this time, Lu Qi, who had no time to dodge, had to cross his hands in a rush, but before he raised his hands to his chest, he was hit by Luffy's attack.

Beware of it for a long time, the iron defense that Lu Qi displayed finally came into play at the very moment.

Lu Qi, who retreated tens of meters away in an instant, plowed the ground into two mud marks that turned outward.

This time almost stunned the three swordsmen who watched the battle with squinting eyes.

The chief assassin of the legion that had been said to be magical was actually repelled by a pirate head-on?

Rob Luchi, who dominates the new world with physical skills and has killed many pirate masters, seems to have not gotten the least bit of a bargain in terms of fist and foot interaction.

Pushed into the distance by the fierce force passed from the fist once again, this six-style great master finally made a real fire.

In the past few years, in addition to being held down by the few figures who stood at the top of the world, it was also the guy who used a thousand hands and a thousand feet-these foul operations could knock him back.

"Although it is annoying to you kid, but I have to admit that the rubber fruit really fits the six styles." While talking, Lu Qi's body shape expanded rapidly, and the fit suit was stretched in the blink of an eye.

The assassin's entire height grew again within a few seconds, reaching about three meters.

The most exaggerated thing is that the golden ratio body, which originally appeared capable and slick, showed an inverted triangle shape that couldn't be more obvious in the process of beastization.

The trousers were lifted to the position of Luchi's knees by the sharp increase in height, and underneath, the strong, powerful but agile anti-articulated animal feet steadily stepped on the ground.

With a roll of flexible leopard tails slowly hanging down, Lu Qi completed the strongest form of the animal system-beastization.

"Jet·Tomahawk..." The word "Axe" was still brewing in Luffy's mouth, and the leopard man, who had successively liberated speed and power to a normal level, had already scratched it with one claw.

Luo Nandi, who was leaning on the fourth floor window of the command post, explained to Sanji with a pity: "Oh, it seems that Rob Luchi's warm-up activity is over."

Luffy's figure was reflected under those sharp and extraordinary beast pupils.

The big cat slowly fell halfway down, his powerful anti-knuckle pedaling on the ground, accumulating power for the next "shaving".

"Keep your eyes open, don't look away." Lu Qi's vertical pupils gradually converged into a slit size with the light of daylight, and the Legion Assassin, who was transformed into a leopard man, whispered to his opponent.

The long-planned raid came quietly.

Even if Lu Fei had his eyes wide open long ago, the guy who was more than 20 meters away from him was already close enough to see each other's reflections in the eyes of both sides.

Lu Fei, who was in second gear, was hit by a punch and fell out. Not waiting for the dexterous rubber man to turn over in midair, Lu Qi was already swaying and bullying him close.

It was another finger spear. With the greatly strengthened vigor after being transformed into a beast, it hit Luffy's body dozens of times in an instant.

Although the huge piercing force has not penetrated Luffy's rubber body, it has also beaten him to the back and bulge high on the spine.

The beautiful movements that are not sloppy at all are in line with the usual style of the killer king.

One hit kills, never do too much entanglement.

Luffy also tried to fight back. After all, it is reasonable to say that the rapid increase in weight will cause a corresponding drop in speed after the animal with the ability to be animalized.

And this is the biggest opportunity for him to get rid of Luchi's combo.

However, for some reason, Lu Qi's overall speed rose instead of falling.

If Sauron could vaguely capture their trajectory when the two were moving in mid-air before, then now they can only see a trace of the afterimage left in the line of sight after moving at a high speed.

And...the dull sound produced by hitting objects echoed one after another in mid-air.

As a figure slammed into the training field from mid-air, it smashed the ground inch by inch, and in the center of the shattered like a cobweb, there was a large human-shaped pit that was embedded several meters into the surface by a fierce force.

Lu Qi steadily landed on the edge of the pit and glanced down roughly. After seeing that the guy below was still breathing, he turned and walked leisurely towards the command post.

But several bystanders standing on a high place could see that Lu Qi had actually released the water.. No, it was released to the sea.

The two have been fighting each other until now, this expeditionary master who has long learned domineering has never blessed his fists and feet with armed domineering.

Luffy was defeated head-on by the quintessential physical power of the First Force of the Tenth Society.

"Hey hey hey hey!! Don't even mention the next little green algae head is staring at me, even I feel trembling!! Mr. Luo Nandi!" Yamaji-kun, who was the first to sell the captain, was frightened and sweated, although he said I probably knew that my captain would be severely hammered, but...

"This is too scary? It took only half an hour for the two sides to fight each other!! Luffy can deal with a lieutenant all day!!!"

Only Luo Xindi’s face was as usual. The man codenamed Raven shrugged and taught earnestly: "If life and death are fighting, the current Lu Qi will not take that long. After all, even Lieutenant General [Ghost Bamboo] Vergo is training. Shi always defeated him head-on."

Seeing that Sanji was still confused, the Silent Fruit Ability person bluntly gestured: "Ace, Luffy, Ainilu, and Lucci are all first-class talents in the world.

With the same talent and the same effort, but Lucki and Ainilu are eight or nine years older than your captain.

What's more, they are not wasting time. The golden period of other people's strength growth is spent on the top-level battlefield of the new world. It is strange that Lu Fei can play. "

413. High-level combat power (medium)

It wasn't until Lu Qi had walked back to the command post of the 153 branch and was no longer visible from the direction of the training field. The green algae head entrusted to keep the straw hat carefully moved to the edge of the pothole.

"Hey, are you still alive? Straw hat kid?" Sauron looked down toward the bottom of the pot while shouting the other's name.

Under the attack of that intensity, if the unlucky person who had been beaten before was replaced by himself, Sauron felt absolutely inevitable.

Seeing that there was no response from the bottom of the humanoid pit, the swordsman had to tentatively poked the opponent with the straw hat in his hand.

"Stop it..." Luffy, the straw hat that Sauron had regarded as a corpse in his heart, slowly moved.

He raised his hand listlessly to take the hat from Sauron, buckled it on his face, and then retracted his hand into the human-shaped pothole to keep it intact.

Apparently he was beaten to autism.

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