Seeing this guy's appearance of lying corpse, even as a bystander-Sauron is still worried.

Isn't he so?

Regardless of whether they win or lose, the two previously engaged in the battle can cut steel with the slash they kicked at will.

And his move with the help of a big sharp knife to do his best may not be able to do this.

Sauron said he was heartbroken and confused.

"The previous move that could make a flying slash...what was it?"

Having lived in Donghai for so many years, he has never seen a high-intensity confrontation comparable to today's level.

The two sides who rely on fists and feet to fight are more sturdy than the sword aura he wields by a professional swordsman. Such strange physical skills are simply unheard of.

Without waiting for Luffy's reply, someone rushed to answer from behind Sauron: "It's one of the six types of feet, green algae head, thank you for helping our captain get the straw hat."

Hearing this, Sauron raised his eyebrows and turned around. The person talking to him has weird spiral eyebrows.

He seemed to be of his own age, with light blond hair covering his left eye.

"It's not [our] captain, it's [you] captain, I'm not interested in joining the pirate group."

Immediately, Sauron's exit corrected the language disorder in the other party's speech.

The blond young man who was lighting himself a cigarette looked a little surprised. He looked at the autistic captain lying flat on the bottom of the pit in surprise, and then stopped his eyes on the Santoli Swordsman for a moment: "Huh? It seems that Luffy has not convinced him yet. you?"

In this regard, the misunderstood Sauron just shook his head: "I still have a promise that I must fulfill, so... I'm sorry."

Compared to Luffy's previous stalker performance, this guy who seemed to be the official crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates didn't seem to care so much.

After taking a sip of his cigarette, Sanji nodded in thanks to the green algae head in front of him and said, "Well, anyway, I still have to thank you for helping Luffy keep this straw hat. That is a very important spirit for him. Pin it."

"No thanks, it's easy."

Sauron stood up slowly, patted the dust on his pants and tried to leave.

As he passed by and was about to leave Sanji, he seemed to think of something again.

The swordsman and the cook turned their backs to each other, and finally couldn't help but ask Sauron, who was curious in his heart, softly asked: "You just said that the physical technique used by the two of them in the battle is called [Six-style · Arashiki]?"

At first, Sanji turned his head to look at the other person in confusion. He opened his mouth but finally stopped talking.

The name of the six styles is not a bad street in the great sea route and the new world, but it belongs to everyone's [common sense] at any rate.

Especially in the sea area called "New World" in the second half of the Great Route, some people don't know Type Six, just as strange as they don't know that firearms are firearms.

But considering that this is the East China Sea where news is relatively closed, Sanji thought for a while to explain it in a more acceptable way: "Accurately speaking, Lanjiao is only one part of the six formula.

[Chlorophyte head] It's normal if you haven't heard of it. This kind of physique is not common in the world. It is a six-stroke that combines the advantages of dozens of fighting skills and is tested in the war. "

However, Sanji's empathetic rhetoric still provokes the swordsman.

The East Sea Swordsman, who was calm and calm just now, slammed a lion's head and stared at the strange eyebrows in front of him: "What's wrong with my hair?"

Sanji, who had nicknamed Suo Rong without authorization, hadn't noticed what was wrong.

Although even Luffy felt that Sauron's head seemed to be covered with seaweed, Master Captain had never said such rude words during the previous solicitation process.

And Sanji... said it.

Not only did he say that, he was repeating it a second time.

"Green algae head, what's the matter?" [Blackfoot] looked at the Donghai swordsman who suddenly became angry for some reason with a confused expression, thinking that the other party had noticed that he was contemptuous of his rhetoric about the six forms.

"What's the matter?!!" Seeing this, the guy who didn't speculatively dared to pretend to be ignorant and continue to shamelessly sarcasm himself, causing the two green veins between Sauron's forehead to be like earthworms crawling under the skin layer— -Blow up the old high.

Since the other party dared to shave his own hair, the swordsman would naturally not be polite: "What do you mean by insulting me with curly eyebrows?"

Sanji, who was chatting across the server, thought carefully and reviewed his explanation of the six-stance exercise, and found that there was nothing wrong with it.

Sanji, who became more and more assertive, immediately replied, "I said, "The green algae head, which is normal if you haven't heard of it." This sentence is correct, but it does not mean to insult you a hillbilly! No one from Donghai. It’s a fact that a few know the Six Forms!"

"Where's my knife..."

The "East Sea Hillbilly Swordsman" who was commensurately known as "Green Algae Head" by Sanji for the third time was trembling with anger, looking around at the **** golden retriever who was trying to kill him with a stab.

Seeing the opponent looking for a weapon in his hand, Sanji was shocked.

He has explained so clearly, and the guy who has always claimed to be insulted intends to stab him with a knife?

Ever since, a tragedy happened.

The unbearable Sanji squeezed off the cigarette butt, and smoked from his nostrils straight out of his nostrils: "Your green algae head is a brain hole, right?"

He stepped on the moon step, jumped back to the window on the fourth floor of the command post, and rushed down with three swords that were deemed to have been seized.

"Come and come, give you the knife, I will kick the province away later and say that there is no handy weapon." Throwing three knives on Sauron, Sanji-kun was already eager to try.

Qiang Ran pulled out the knife and quickly set up his posture, and the swordsman who had been wrong with the cook complained vaguely: "Okay! Come on, I'm just trying to catch you [Blackfoot] and get the bounty!"

With swords drawn, the smell of this gunpowder was ignited. Suddenly, a head poked out from the window on the fourth floor of the command post: "Well, if I were the two of you, I wouldn't fight with each other. If Lu Qi, who had just come back, made the hunting heart happy..."

Luo Xindi's words were like a scoop of icy cold water, causing the two to shiver at the same time.

The guy who was interested in [Killing Weapon] was lying in the pit and shutting himself up. They didn't want to provoke this crusade army **** in any way.

It seems to have concluded that if he continues to fight with that green algae head bellyband man-it is a waste of energy.

Sanji glanced at the wounded lying dead in the pit:

"Luffy! Go, go back to the boat and follow me to eat meat."

The autistic youth responded and jumped up happily: "If every time you get beaten, you have meat to eat, that would be so happy hahaha"

Seemingly aware of something, Luffy turned his head and warmly invited him: "Hey, Sauron! Let's go to dinner together! You haven't eaten for many days, right? Let's together, the chef on my boat is a master of craftsmanship."

"I don't need it anymore." Even though the swordsman refused quite decisively, his hungry abdominal cavity made a humiliating cooing sound.

"If you are hungry, come here to eat," the blond young man with him changed his angry tone: "No matter how upset you are, as a cook, I will never refuse to give someone who has been hungry for many days. Provide meals."

Still not too inadequate, the blonde chef directly put on a disgusting face this time: "Remember! Get off the boat after you eat!"

Sauron, who also curled his mouth, refused to give up:

"Don't worry, I won't stay on the Pirate Ship for a long time!"

"Everyone retreat!" As Luffy put his hands on his lips and yelled like a trumpet, a few silhouettes quickly ran out of the command post of the 153 branch.

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