Zangao, as the current captain of the Black Cat Pirates group, is a little restless at this moment.

The whole pirate group was stagnant in this sea area for three weeks, all because of the sudden call of the incognito former captain.

Praise Gao, who was familiar with the original captain's temperament, didn't want to disobey the opponent due to the delay in time. He was a ruthless person who only regarded his subordinates as chess pieces.

The other party's silent killing technique called [Spoon] was extremely weird, and it still makes the hypnotist praise Gao shudder even when I think about it.

[But after three years, has that man still not forgotten to fight? Zangao secretly pondered the other party's mentality of summoning them to come, after all, the purpose of the Black Cat Pirates group was to cooperate with Crowe to seize the huge wealth of the rich man on the island.

"Boat... Captain!!" A loud shout filled with tension and anxiety interrupted Zangao's contemplation.

When I looked up, I saw the foremost combatants of the Black Cat Pirates-the brothers of the Cats, whose faces were earthy, and their foreheads were instantly filled with sweat beads as big as soybeans.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Zangao, who is currently the captain, asked inexplicably.

Because he found that not only were the cat brothers, but the facial expressions of most of the crew on the deck were not much better at the moment.

The crew members pointed their arms to one side of the ship's side and directed the direction for the captain: "It's the straw hat group!!! They are in the East China Sea!!!"

Following the direction of the guys' arms, Zan Gao looked up and saw that a small sailboat was advancing at high speed towards the direction where they were anchored on the sparkling sea.

The captain of the Black Cat Pirates group turned his head stubbornly, and smiled at his crew members who were looking at him in a state of fear and fear: "What, it turned out to be the straw hat group."



As if finally awake from the short circuit of nerves, Zangao was so scared that the heart-shaped glasses on the bridge of his nose fell off:

"Nani!!!!? It's the legendary straw hat group!!!!!"

417. Mr. Butler Longing for a Quiet Life (Middle)

"Wait!! Why did the Straw Hat Pirates appear here! Didn't the newspapers the other day say that they just entered the East China Sea?" The current captain of the Black Cat Pirates was almost soaked in cold sweat at the moment.

No one, only fear.

Faced with a supernova pirate group that has spread many achievements in various sea areas, especially they are also known for being fickle and unpredictable.

Anyone with a bit of head will be more vigilant for their arrival.

But now, what makes Zangao feel the most worry is the fact that the other party is driving straight towards them.

"It is estimated that the ships of both sides will have one minute to contact!!!" Seeing that the Straw Hat Pirates group was getting closer, the Cat Brothers who were measuring distances began to plan to act first:

"Zan Gao Captain! shall we fire?"

What greeted the Cat Brothers was Zangao’s extremely indifferent response: "You two must die and don't drag us down."

Hypnotists currently hope to find out their true intentions, and it is definitely not a wise move to rush to such a powerful pirate group.

On the premise that the opponent has never fired, if one cannot resist the pressure and attack first, the black cat pirate group will be all over.

"Put away the weapons! Pull all the cannons on the side of the ship back into the cabin! Do not point the muzzle to the Straw Hat Pirates!" As the brain of the Pirates, the captain made the most appropriate solution at the moment. .

"But! In case they attack..." a stubborn crew member couldn't help but worry, but he was interrupted by Zan Gao waved his hand when he was half talking.

Watching the pirate ship that started to slow down towards them, he sighed with praise: "If they really want to attack us, we would not be an opponent at all when facing a pirate group with a reward of over 100 million per capita."

Since it is doomed to fail, it is better to show enough kindness and positive cooperation attitude from the beginning.

In terms of judging the situation and assessing the situation, Zangao believes that he is no worse than Donghai's colleague, the [Clown] Bucky.

The two ships were about a hundred meters apart, and under the suspicious gazes of everyone in the Black Cat Pirate Group, two figures suddenly jumped from the deck of the small and exquisite pirate ship into the air.

The air was like an invisible step under them, and a few jumps stepped onto the Baiji Braku where the Black Cat Pirate Group was located.

"Well, who is the captain of this ship?" The young man in the iconic straw hat spoke with a very easy-going tone.

However, the members of the Black Cat Pirates, who stood opposite him like a big enemy, did not relax their vigilance because of this. After all, they were the heads of the Straw Hat Pirates who were famous for their unpredictable and weird behavior.

For example, now, the crew member who came with him turned out to be a woman!

We must know that the prevailing view in the world is still: when going to sea, women must never get on the boat, otherwise it will lead to bad luck.

This widespread maritime legend and superstition is subconsciously recognized by seafarers.

Even many pirate ships set it as a rule.

The eccentric and bizarre Straw Hat Pirates actually ignored these common sense and "retrograde" recruited female crew members who were not recognized by the mainstream.

This alone can let everyone in the Black Cat Pirate Group realize how outrageous the straw hat group is.

"I am the principal of this ship, [Hypnotist] Zangao." When saying this, Zangao kept an eye on him and did not directly claim to be the captain of this ship.

There was a faint hunch in his heart that the sudden visit of the Straw Hat Pirates was probably related to everything that was about to happen on the island.

Zan Gao said Fang Luo, and the female crew member who came with Straw Hat Luffy frowned imperceptibly.

Under the gaze of everyone's astonishment, the enchanting beauty whom they regarded as perhaps the captain's mistress, did not wait for the highest-ranking captain on the ship to speak, but first questioned:

"The person in charge? So, who is your captain?"

Seeing the woman with long pink hair opening a question, Zango first glanced cautiously at the captain of the Straw Hat Pirate Group.

In his inherent common sense, this kind of daring behavior of daring to grab the captain's right to speak is severely punished.

At the slightest it hits the skin and the flesh is broken, but at the worst it goes directly to the springboard and throws it into the sea to feed the sharks.

In order to consolidate their position on the ship, most of the captains will crack down on this rash move with majesty and right to speak.

Who knows, according to Zan Gao's secret observation of Straw Hat Luffy's face, not only did he not refute or anger the woman, he seemed to be somewhat dependent on it.

[Fuck, what kind of strange pirate group is this?] Although the hypnotist felt that the straw hat group was deviant from the bottom of his heart, he became more respectful on the surface.

After all, power is better than people...

Whoever has a big fist, who speaks.

This time, Zangao did not play any more word games, and admitted frankly:

"The captain is me, and I am the captain."

How clever is Lei Jiu? It stands to reason that the captains use titles that represent the status of the ship. Even in the naval camp, no one would just use the awkward title of [principal].

But now, Zangao, the hypnotist who was clearly the captain, claimed to be the [principal person] in the face of inquiries. This seemed a bit deliberate, as if he was specifically telling others that the real captain was someone else.

"Where is Hundred Kuro?" Luffy didn't think so much, and asked Xiang Gao straightforwardly.

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