After being asked positively like this, Zangao was not so nervous, he was even in the mood to show off his unique dance moves in front of the two of them.

Until this time, the two members of the Straw Hat Pirate Group noticed that Zangao was wearing a black dress, and the exposed white lining formed a sharp contrast with it.

The black cropped trousers make Zangao's legs look more slender, and the white stockings deliberately exposed to the outside look particularly irritating.

Following his dance steps slid on the deck, it gave people a magical visual impact of walking backwards.

"Oh! That's amazing, how does this dance do it? He's retreating!" Lobo, who was completely attracted by his attention, kept applauding, without any intention of getting to the point.

Seeing this, Lei Jiu couldn't help sighing lightly, which is why she had to accompany her master captain to come.

The eldest daughter of the Vinsmok family turned cold, and put pressure on Zangao, who was twisting her posture more vigorously:

"Where is Hundred Kellogg? I don't want to ask it a second time."

The cold sweat spread all over the body of the current captain of the Black Cat Pirate Group in an instant, and the horrible killing intent made it difficult for him to even breathe.

"Captain Crowe was arrested and executed by the Navy three years ago. Who knows about this." The hypnotist who knew the inside story slowly pushed the brim down: "That's why I became a member of the Black Cat Pirates. The second captain."

With beautiful eyes flowing, Lei Jiu suddenly chuckled. She had already guessed about it with great care.

The other party's move was obviously to test the intention and even determination of the Straw Hat Pirates' trip.

He didn't want to offend the Straw Hats, and he didn't want to confess people like this.

That's why the guy named Zangao was deliberately ambiguous.

But in case it was confirmed that they were really looking for Klo's whereabouts, he would directly use the [principal person] step to step down the donkey and confess the former captain.

With a swish, under the dull gazes of everyone in the Black Cat Pirates, the woman who had previously been regarded as a vase and mistress by them slowly retracted her legs.

They couldn't see the other party's kicking movement at all, and could only see a trace of afterimage on the retina.

As a crisp sound of wood cracking sounded above the pirates' heads, Zan Gao and the others hurriedly turned their heads in amazement.

It was only then that the main mast on the Baiji Braku carrying the Black Cat Pirates group seemed to be swept across by a blade, and its section was as smooth as a mirror, and it was divided into two sections.

"Excuse me, the [former] captain of the Black Cat Pirates, where is it?" The lady with pink hair smiled like a flower, tender and sweet.

Zangao was so frightened that he pointed his backhand directly: "Captain Crowe is on that island!!!"

In the eyes of everyone, the pink-haired beauty who is more terrifying than the devil slowly opened a charming smile from the corner of her mouth: "Then your Captain Crowe, is he dead or alive?"

"Alive!" Zangao immediately asserted, seeming to be afraid that Lei Jiu would ask his previous testimony that Chloe was dead, and he continued to add hurriedly:

"Some people are alive and dead, and some people are'dead' but still alive!! Cloe is a suspended animation!"

The deputy captain of the Straw Hat Pirate Group looked up and down Zangao: "Then your ship is anchored and moored here. Wouldn't it be that you want to attack this island with [Hundreds] Crowley?"

At this moment, let alone praise high, even the crew of the other Black Cat Pirates group also smashed their heads, repeatedly denying:

"No no!"

"We just stopped for a while and drove away right away."

"We are here for a long view, and this island is said to be the most beautiful from this angle."

Just kidding, don't you veto this kind of proposition as soon as possible, clear the relationship, and wait for it to be finished?

After stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to look for it, Captain Luffy, who had come to no effort at all, summed it up: "In this way, Zangao knows the inside story?"

"No, no, you say you know I know it, you think I don't need to know the inside story, then I don't know anything"

The current captain of the humble Black Cat Pirate Group instantly turned into a dog lick.

The little straw hat with a streak simply wanted to understand how Crowe fleeing from death, but now what is he thinking about?

But the words he uttered made Zan Gao's soul mad: "Yo Xi, let your captain use it, and I will return it later."

Before the hypnotist could come back to his senses, he had already been caught by the big pirates and jumped towards the Straw Hat Pirates' garrison ship, leaving a panic and desolate wailing floating in the air with the elongated tone——

"Wait, where are you taking me?"

"Let me ask you something, what are you doing with people back?" The crew of the Straw Hat Pirates group surrounding the deck stared at the stranger curled up in front of them with big eyes and small eyes.

Hearing their conversation, the mass of objects shivered more and more.

"He knows the whereabouts of Crowe!" Luffy grinned brilliantly, and showed a triumphant look: "And Sister Lei Jiu didn't stop me from doing this."

Master Captain seemed to have moved, and pointed to Zan Gao, who was trying to reduce his sense of existence: "He dances very well, emmm, it's very suitable for entering the Templar Watcher troops."

This statement offended the classmate Sanji who was the "Yellow Ape" in an instant. Heizu hit Luffy's head with a high cheating:

"Hey hey hey! Who do you think can join the Templar Warden troops!?"

Luffy, who was straightforward with Max, tilted his head, always feeling that he hadn't said anything wrong.

After all, is the leader of the Templar Watcher troops who is respected by the entertainment industry as "the superstar in troubled times"?

"Okay, Zangao, tell me everything you know." The captain kept getting off the line, but it didn't mean that the deputy captain would be so funny.

After being watched by a group of big pirates, the hypnotist couldn't help but think again, so he shared the memories one to five to ten.

It was an accidental encounter between a pirate and the navy three years ago.

"Navy? It's the third time this week, right?" The Black Cat Pirate Captain's Hundred Chi Ke Luo looked a little anxious when he learned that he was chasing soldiers behind him.

And the deputy captain Zangao who stood beside him shrugged helplessly: "This is no way. Who told us to do some deeds that will be hunted down! And it's still a little famous."

"Yeah, it was this fame that attracted them. Maybe the incompetent navy of the East China Sea could not kill me, but what if they seconded a team of wild hunts from the Great Sea Route?" Captain Crowe, who always seemed thoughtful, thought The land is particularly far-reaching.

"Huh, hum, praise, human power is ultimately limited." He suddenly sneered, and the words in his mouth seemed a little inexplicable.

The unidentified deputy captain immediately asked, "What the **** are you talking about? Captain!"

Unexpectedly, Clos, who has always been rational and calm, said a rather naive and willful remark: "So, I decided not to be [Captain Clo]."

Hearing that, Zangao just shook his head, and now he says to quit? Don’t you think it’s too late?

"You can really laugh, it's useless.

I think the navy will follow you until you die. If it was a wild hunt by the legion, how could those bloodthirsty wild dogs give up their prey! "

But the former captain of the Black Cat Pirates group raised a sullen smile on his mouth: "I just want to'dead'!"

"!? Could it be...but you are the captain of this ship?"

"You will be the captain, I have had enough of this noisy life." Krona's decisive eyes were deeply imprinted on the bottom of Zan Gao's heart.

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