"Huh? It sounds like Captain Crowe is a strange one!" After listening to the story told by Zan Gao, the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates looked at each other.

To be honest, if the guy really wanted to live a peaceful life without being hunted down as described in the story by the hypnotist, then they might not set out to hunt him down.

But right now, the "dead" person who changed his name and surname is trying to summon the old ministry to seize the family business!

"Let's go, let's go and chat with Mr. Butler, who is pursuing peace." The Straw Hat Pirates, which have always had their own advantages, reached an unprecedented agreement on this matter.

418. Mr. Butler Longing for a Quiet Life (Part 2)

[The pirate is coming] This is the second time today that the cries of the pirates rang out in Silobu Village. The villagers only sighed secretly, and then they began to look for rolling pins, spatulas, brooms and the like at home. Varied.

"The pirate is coming!!!!" Usopp's recognizable voice once again sounded from the entrance of the village. His voice was full of panic and unconcealed panic, and even seemed a little broken because of his emotions.

Regarding the so-called "pirates coming", they have really been tossed almost numb.

From the very beginning, the whole town heard the same enemy and organized militias to hide good women, children, the elderly and the weak.

It wasn't until everyone was ready to plan to stick to the blockade plan and call the nearest naval branch for help-the **** kid of Usopp put on a look of the excitement, and laughed and explained this kind of not funny joke.

To this day, the villagers only muttered a few words about these "warnings" in the house: That kid pretended to look alike, and then immersed in the work at hand.

After all, if false news that "pirates are coming" comes from outside the village every day, even those who are frightened by the pirates will be treated indifferently.

Only this time, the kid outside seemed to get worse, as if making up his mind not to get people out of the house and beating him, he kept yelling.

"Everyone!!! The pirates are really here!!! Run!" Usopp shouted hoarsely. At this moment, he regretted his past behavior.

This game where the wolf is coming has completely destroyed the bond of trust between him and the villagers, so that now the pirates really come, but no one believes it.

The captain, who led the three little kids to form the [Usopp Pirates Group], is patrolling his so-called "territory" like a lion today.

On the high ground connected to a desolate beach outside the village, he had already really observed a black sail skull flag that was approaching the island.

The wanton black flag flutters above the sea, and the skull icon with a straw hat drawn on it reveals the identity of the visitor.

The Straw Hat Pirates group approached the shallow sand beach on this side without concealment and generously riding the wind and waves.

"Everyone!!! Open the door!" In a hurry, Usopp banged and slapped the villagers on the door panel, trying to gather them together.

The door was indeed knocked open by Usopp's nearly indiscriminate bombardment, but oncoming melee artifacts such as brooms and pans.

It is said that this is the only way an adventurer who is used to chanting "bad, bad" mantra passed by here many years ago:

In places full of vases, hanging pictures, curtains, or kitchen cooking utensils and other common daily necessities, you have to fight with enemies that are several times your own.

Punching and kicking? No, No, No

Pots and pans? Yes, Yes, Yes

Usopp, who was so scared to scurry around, was quickly surrounded by the villagers in the center of the crowd.

But he finally breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, even if he was hit by one or two broomsticks, he would admit it: "Listen to me! Run!! It is said that the legend can easily take over the naval base and defeat the famous seas of all seas. The thief's straw hat group!!"

Unexpectedly, the villagers didn’t take it seriously at all, but found many loopholes in Usopp’s "lie": "Come on, you have to choose a more decent lie. Also the Straw Hat Pirates? How could the Pirate Supernova appear in a small village on a remote island in our East China Sea?"

"Yes, yes, you can make it more ridiculous-please tell the group of big pirates who have not yet entered the village, here is the Burning Legion that stuns the seas and slaughters thousands of pirates." The other said this. A villager obviously didn't take Usopp's words seriously.

Usopp stared blankly at the backs of the people who had dispersed again, and for some reason, an absurd idea suddenly appeared in his heart: to protect everyone from the pirates... to protect Koya!

Although he used to beautify pirates on weekdays, he was actually just to claim that his father was a brave and fearless warrior in the ocean, but when things came, he also knew exactly what kind of **** most pirates are.

"I can't do it alone," said Usopp, a big liar who is good at fraud, clenching his teeth. He still has a general idea of ​​how many catties he has: "It is impossible to fight with them. You have to find a way. !"

He looked into the direction he had rushed to, and if he looked up from the bottom of the beach, the lush woods and shrubs formed a natural barrier, covering the scenery on the high ground quite tightly.


Located on the edge of the island is a piece of coarse sand. The white sand is rough, agglomerated, and extremely rusty.

This barren sandy land was originally not a place for people to play and enjoy the atmosphere of the beach. The wasteland that no one cares about has just become an excellent secret base in the eyes of children in the village.


Uninvited guests are welcome today on the beach where no one passes by.

The few people at the head seemed to be arguing around a telephone bug, while the two ladies living in the back were contentedly enjoying the surrounding scenery.

Suddenly added a lot of vitality to the deserted and lonely sand.

"I'm protesting!!! A big dog!!! Why are there so little catering funds on the island this time?" The speaker wore his trademark straw hat and stared at the orange phone bug with an aura.

Just listening to the voice, there seemed to be a young **** the other end of the phone: "Protests are invalid!! I know how to eat all day long, can I grow my heart?"

After Natong complained a little bit annoyed, and then she was a little helpless: "Furthermore, every time I go to the island, the funds are the same. Only a few super large islands I will ration extra! Stupid Luffy, when will I deduct you? time to eat!!!"

The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates group righteously pulled the swordsman who had just joined the group:

"But we have added another crew member!"

Sauron, who was abruptly pulled over, looked dazed, completely unaware of his role in this telephone dispute.

The three swordsman swordsman only cast his confused and confused eyes at Sanji.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you." Seeing the gaze from this green algae head, Sanji suddenly patted his head: "On the other end of the phone is the [Treasury Minister] of our team."

Originally, the angry female voice could be seen through the phone worm, and the conversation turned suddenly, changing his fiery temper to greet Sauron politely: "Sorry, sorry, did you scare you? I get angry when I mention that rascal.

Roronoa Sauron, right? My name is Nami, please take care of me when we meet for the first time. "

"Uh... hello," Sandaoyu swordsman hesitated for a moment, and greeted Nami who was so different before and after.

He couldn't help but wonder why, as the team [Minister of Finance], Nami was not on the ship?

This kind of online crew is really unprecedented and unheard of.

Just waiting for the initial communication with the other party, Sauron opened his mouth and was covered by Sanji's hand.

"There is someone on the high slope." The few people with keen senses all felt the sense of being peeped faintly.

The telephone communication was unilaterally hung up by the other side immediately. This action fell in the eyes of Sauron. It seemed that this woman named Nami didn't want to be known to others that she was in contact with the Straw Hat Pirates.

The swordsman narrowed his eyes, and found signs of the opponent's activity in the slight sway of the bush.

Shaking off the palm of Sanji's mouth covering his mouth, Sauron smiled indifferently: "Hey, Satoshi, it seems that we have encountered a rookie voyeur."

"Yeah, I'm still a little nervous for a moment." Heizu Shanji sighed speechlessly, the enemy was too weak this time.

Three years ago, when they landed on an island, they were caught by Firefist Ace, who was waiting for him. This is where the previous tension came from.

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