Under the gaze of this pair of eagles, even the most experienced warrior will tremble from the bottom of his heart.

Those who are enemies of Mihawk can't hide any secrets like naked, naked, or naked under their gaze.

"If you are really a first-class swordsman, even if there is no confrontation, you can definitely see the difference in strength between you and me." Looking at Da Kuai Dao [Hedao Yiwen], although Hawkeye agreed to the challenge, he At a glance, he could understand this little ghost who hadn't even touched the Iron Slashing Realm, and couldn't understand the strength gap between the two sides at all.

In the realm of kendo, it has traveled thousands of miles.

"Dare to face me with swords," Sauron's figure was reflected in the sharp pair of eagle eyes:

"Should you say that you are courageous, or is it because of ignorance?"

Questioning softly, Hawkeye Mihawk raised his hand and dragged down an orange cross hanging in front of his chest.

Feel free to pull this cross knife out of its sheath, the world's strongest kendo master still bears the supreme sharp knife that is unparalleled in the world, and there is no intention to use it at all.

"You...what do you mean?" Sauron, who was holding a knife about to attack from the front, couldn't help but stared at the cross knife in Hawkeye's hand with a look of astonishment.

[Is it possible...] A somewhat funny thought came out from the bottom of Sauron's heart [Does he plan to use this knife to meet my challenge? 】

However, Hawkeye's subsequent cold words confirmed Sauron's conjecture: "I am different from a beast that uses all my strength to hunt rabbits. Although you are a famous swordsman, you are not worthy of me to use a black knife. "

"Isn't it worth it?" Sauron would have been insulted consciously when he heard this, and was already furious.

But after seeing the powers that destroy mountains and seas, he calmed down on what Hawkeye had said before.

This is rather harsh and even arrogant speech to outsiders, but it is just an indisputable fact that Mihawk stated plainly.

Seeing Sauron heard the reply, he looked the same as usual, only to force him forward with the yin and yang steps of Kendo more and more seriously.

The world's largest swordsman couldn't help but raise this kid's evaluation from the bottom of his heart.

Facing yourself is one aspect, not being shaken by the words of others is the most commendable point.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, Sauron did not leave behind at all.

He changed from walking to running, and quickly reduced the distance between himself and Hawkeye with this explosive short sprint.

The East China Sea Swordsman estimated the difference in the length of the two weapons, and he was the first to enter the attack range.

Because of the strong continuity of the three swordsmanship swordsmanship, the three long swords give him a wide attack surface that is different from other swordsmen.

Although the three-sword style does not deliberately emphasize the large radian chopping range like the sword technique of Notachi, it even specially extends the blade length for the absolute advantage in the middle distance.

But at a certain level, Sauron's original three-sword style is similar to it.

After all, both of them are trying to give full play to their unique advantages of specialization, and infinitely magnify them in battle.

As the creator of this kind of sword technique, Sauron knew the powerful power of the three-knife continuity.

The offensive and defensive area composed of three swords is enough to cover all the space within 180° of Sauron's front, and even the defensive corners such as the arms and sides of the body can prevent water from entering.

This is also the reason why Sauron was unable to break through the Three Swords and Flowing Swords while he was obviously in an absolute advantage when he was fighting against Van Oka for melee combat ability.

The confrontation between swordsmen is more combative.

In view of the nature of the weapon that the eagle eye is more dexterous but lacks destructive slashing power, Sauron did not choose other complicated tricks, but to simplify the complex and rely on the frontal impact [Three Swords·Ghost Slash] 】Take advantage of it.

Sauron believed that even if the great master swordsmanship in front of him was unmatched, this kind of knife was destined to be unable to carry a strong enough slash.

Sauron won't let go of these fleeting opportunities.

[Ghost Slash] With a powerful impact energy, it instantly approached Hawkeye. There were countless pirates in the East China Sea who could not withstand this violent slash and were directly chopped into several segments, even those who are ordinary and powerful. Will also be knocked into the air by a decent impact.

It's near.


The sword blades that make an X-shaped cross can reach the point of force, and slash out this fierce slash.

A small knife less than the size of a palm lightly touched the intersection point where the swords just crossed.

No matter how hard Sauron used, he couldn't score half an inch forward.

However, the Three Swordsman Swordsman was also a turbulent person anyway. Seeing that his move was stopped halfway, he quickly changed his attack method in an attempt to break the deadlock.

With the waist as the axis, relying on the transmission of force from bottom to top, and the additional power exerted by the rotation on the chopping, Sauron is quite confident that this sword can disrupt the opponent's counterattack rhythm.

Standing on the sidelines and watching the battle, Sanji was the first to recognize the moves that Sauron had used during the match with Van Oka: "Oh...[Three Swords·Tornado]? It's a pity... the opposite is that. Hawkeye."

The East China Sea Swordsman does not expect a sword move that can lift ordinary opponents to make a single blow, but only hopes to slightly disrupt the balance of Hawkeye Mihawk so that he can continue to expand the range of advantages.

The three sword blades whistling and screaming and the black shadow instantly swung, just when Sauron thought that the attack plan he had drawn up in his heart was promising-the small knife was once again inserted into a combination of continuous blades at an unhurried speed. "Absolutely restricted area."

The small knife did not block the three long swords that were about to be cut, but relied on the tip or point or pick of the knife like lightning, and knocked on the shaft of each knife of Sauron.

The force was cut off midway, and with each cut, Sauron felt that he could not successfully complete the simple movement of slashing.

At first, the menacing slashes were easily intercepted before achieving the goal, and what the other party did was just flicking it several times with the tip of a small knife.

This feeling was very uncomfortable for Sauron, as if someone gave a speech but was interrupted frequently and pointed out the problem sharply.

Not to mention the sword momentum halfway, instead, his attacking rhythm was messed up by the opponent.

This is the suppression of the essence of experience and vision.

Only by swinging the sword a few times through the opponent, he searched for the advantages and disadvantages of this alternative swordsmanship.

Compared to the understatement of the great swordsman, the challenger seemed a little embarrassed.

Sauron's breathing became heavier and heavier, and his gasps gradually became louder.

Sauron knows his own family affairs, and of course Sauron knows best about his stamina and physique.

But under the majestic sword intent that seemed to divide the sky in two, he had to bear more than just the load caused by several swings of the sword.

Obviously that person was standing in front of him, but Sauron only saw a majestic "Peak of Sword Qi".

[Retreat?] If there is a whisper in his mind, the tight nerves and the muscles that have started to twitch constantly send alarms to the brain.

The abnormal amount of perspiration soaked his back, and large beads of sweat slipped from his forehead, blurring Sauron's eyes.

Between the opening and closing of the upper and lower eyelids, sweat beaded his vision, blurring the world that Sauron had seen.

As his consciousness became more and more hazy, he vaguely saw her bright smiling face in the open field where he had been defeated countless times, under the bright white moon.

"Come again!!!"

The embarrassed young man stared at Mihawk, staring straight at the deep eagle eyes that had seen all his moves.

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