Author's message:

ps: In the past two days, from 8:30 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, several meetings were held one after another. It's really a little haggard, let alone moving.

Plus one day for at least three receptions, and none of the two days went home before 11:00 in the evening.

I average about one catty a day, so I'm really Cai. . . .

So!! Although my head is still groggy today, I will still try my best.

The updates owed in these two days will be filled in next week

443. The First Person in Kendo (Part 2)

The eagle-eyed expression calmly stared at the young man who dared to stare at him fiercely, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

He did not consciously be offended by Sauron's actions, but was really pleased.

Those few famous swordsmen in the world would not mention it. In the weakest sea where the name is unknown, it is not worth the short period of time he has delayed for him to encounter such an insignificant talent by chance.

Perhaps the skills of this three-sword swordsman still need to be polished, but only from the perspective of his temperament, he already has the potential to be a champion swordsman.

Because the other person's eyes were filled with a belief that he couldn't be more familiar with-determination.

This made Hawkeye a hint of curiosity deep down in his heart [What is he swinging his sword for? 】

The words of Hedoichi who struck again in the blink of an eye drew close to him, and pointed at the world's strongest swordsman with an indomitable momentum.

The speed of handing the sword is not swift, but the victory is that there is no hesitation, simply, decisive, and there is no life.

It is like an ancient mythical narrative poem, ancient and tragic.

If Hawkeye had the intention, just aiming at the flaws in the tricks that were full of loopholes would be enough to kill this kid hundreds of times.

Just like a falcon flying high in the sky, it can easily perceive the path of its prey on the ground. Under the eyes of those eyes, any detail will be collected and mastered, and any flaws and subtle loopholes will be infinitely expanded.

This unparalleled visual talent has given Mihawk the ability to understand the essence of things.

Coupled with his freely retractable and meticulous swordsmanship, he has obtained a terrifying increase that is unimaginable by outsiders.

It is also one of the spirits of Hawkeye Mihawk who dares to completely suppress other great swordsmen, except for the Wushuang Kendo realm, who would be extremely high.

No matter what the enemy, he can analyze its flaws and weaknesses in his mind as quickly as possible, and make reasonable responses and countermeasures in the shortest time.

Hawkeye didn't even bother to avoid such a slash.

After all, this sword has long lost its accuracy, and only the continuous momentum continues to wash out.

He even glanced at a corner of the sea with Xianxin. Someone seemed to be peeping in the distance that was hard to reach with the naked eye.

The kind of malice that could still be captured by the insightful and domineering even if it was a kilometer away, made Mihawk a little unhappy.

The Great Swordsman stepped forward, flicked his fingers slightly, and lightly slid on the ridge of the word Hedaoyi, who was ranked in the [Big Sharp Sword Twenty-One Worker].

There was a clear metal buzzing, and Zihedao's sword body spread out, and the whole knife kept trembling from [Eagle Eye] Mihawk's previous finger until it knocked Sauron back and fell.

"Since I know I can't hurt me, why do I have to use this sword?" This great master, who is respected as the number one swordsman in the world, seemed to be puzzled.

"That sword can't hurt you, I know this better than anyone else." Sauron barely stood still with his sword, and this was able to stop the retreat.

But the color of determination that appeared in his eyes became more and more brilliant:

"But if I don't dare to shoot a sword because I know I will lose to you, then I will lose to myself."

As everyone knows, this sentence is exactly the itch of the eagle eye, he is never afraid of challengers peeping at his current throne of the most powerful swordsman.

But what troubled Mihawk was that after he showed the tip of the iceberg, most of the previously proud and smug swordsmen did not even have the courage to draw their swords at him again.

But it is undeniable that his Hawkeye has already released too much water in this contest called the challenge.

After all, even if he is regarded as the world's number one swordsman, he does not want to easily offend the giant navy headquarters.

For other people who are waiting to be cut off by Hawkeye, allowing them to show their swordsmanship like this can be said to have given the Navy and the Vinsmok family the face: "If I had a murderous intention, you might have died countless times. , Even so, do you have to talk about losing to yourself?"

What he said was just to remind this promising young man who needed to take care of and take care of his own safety while pursuing his kendo state of mind.

But the development of the matter completely exceeded Mihawk's expectations.

The swordsman who was sweating and even struggling suddenly laughed suddenly: "Yes, for me, it is more terrifying than life and death. I can't carry out my beliefs!!

If in a duel with your eagle eye, if you do not dare to carry the knife for the sake of surviving, it will be a nightmare that I will linger in my life!

Rather than living like that, I would rather die in the duel upright!!!"

For some reason, Hawkeye fell silent suddenly. He looked directly at this young man who was one round younger than himself, and even though the opponent was embarrassed at the moment, he made Mihawk truly feel a sense of awe.

The more you climb to the top of the world, the more things Hawkeye consciously needs to fear.

Because of awe, people realize that they are insignificant.

Because of awe, people will be more and more spurred to break through themselves.

"Boy, report your name!"

The world's largest swordsman asked in a deep voice while slowly leaning his right arm behind him - that was the hilt of the supreme sharp sword [Ye].

This is the first time [Eagle Eye] Mihawk has asked the opponent's name since the two clashes.

As a swordsman on the top of the swordsman, he hopes to give this swordsman the most solemn and respectful gift of swordsmanship.

It's not about being disdainful of those trash challengers, nor is it about giving some advice to talented younger generations.

But truly as an adversary worthy of awe.

"Roronoa Zoro!"

The swordsman in the East China Sea straightened his body and replied to Hawkeye's inquiry loudly.

The two knives he was holding tightly in his hands spun suddenly, as if to cut off all the space in front of him.

This is Sauron's most powerful move at the moment-"Three Swords Style Profound Truth·Three Thousand Worlds!!"

For such dazzling sword skills, Xiliu, who stood by and watched the battle, only muttered contemptuously: "What's the fancy?"

Because in the face of absolute gaps, all skills are in vain.

The supreme sharp knife, which was worthy of being regarded as a heavy weapon by a country, moved.

Mihok holding the hilt of [Night] seems to be the same as before, but Xiliu, who accompanied him along the way, narrowed his smile, kicked Captain Bucky, the "whetstone" with one foot, and looked at Hawkeye solemnly.

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