If the eagle eye that has never drawn the sword is a high mountain peaks rising into the sky, now only a white rainbow stands between the sky and the earth.

The sword has not left its sheath, and the sword energy has already penetrated the sky.

The pitch-black blade, which seemed to have absorbed all the luster around it, traversed a path in the air, and swiped it freely, as if it were an outline of a splash-ink landscape painting, with a faint azure blue sword light flowing in the edge of the blade.

After a blow, the two of them staggered and exchanged each other's positions.

The "ding" sound of metal cracking came from Sauron's knife in his left and right hands, resounding through the battle deck that was once silent and extremely quiet.


Only then did Sauron's chest suddenly burst out with a blood arrow. Fortunately, the sword was blocked first, and the wound was not deep, but he had already declared the victory of the duel.

The East China Sea Swordsman with his back to the eagle eye solemnly placed the only surviving Hedao text into the sheath.

Under Hawkeye's confused gaze, he slowly twisted his body and stretched his arms, widening the empty door in his chest.

"What does this mean?" It seemed that he had guessed something, but Hawkeye frowned again to confirm to Sauron.

The man whose wound was still spraying and dripping blood smiled and opened his mouth:

"The sword in the back is a shame for the swordsman."

The pair of eagle eyes widened quietly, making a gesture to completely imprint the young man in his mind.

The eagle eye, who always had a solemn expression, made no secret of his smile, and sincerely applauded:


A sword slashed, and the blood was immediately filled on Sauron's chest.

There seemed to be a fascinating mansajuro blooming from his chest.

The first person in kendo turned and walked towards the entrance of the restaurant. When passing by Sanji's side, he pointed his backhand behind him: "The kid from the Vinsmok family, stop the bleeding."

Even with his back to Sauron, the winner did not conceal his satisfaction. He raised his head up to the sky and shouted: "Roronoa Sauron!! Become stronger! I will always be the strongest. Waiting for you on the throne."

Sauron, who fell in a pool of blood, was still looking straight at the figure that was starting to be somewhat vague. After a while, he finally asked:

"Sure enough, I still lost. What if you didn't keep your hands back with this cut?"

The great swordsman stopped gently, not wasting his tongue, and simply let the swordsman he was optimistic about in the simplest way.

In the next moment, the blue sword aura suddenly appeared, as if it was about to cut the sky.

The body of the black sword full of chaotic patterns reflects the sky, and under the darkness of ink, all the light seems to be swallowed by that black sword.

The clear sky is far behind, but the [night] curtain encompasses everything.

The strongest black knife-[Night] swung again, but the target turned to the other side of the sea.

In the eyes of outsiders, this may be a field that Mihawk has chosen at will.

In essence, he did it deliberately.

Perhaps Vinsmok Leijiu and others couldn't perceive the sense of peeping hidden away from a thousand meters away.

But for the perceptive eagle eye, it was a provocation that couldn't be more conspicuous.

Thousands of meters away on the sea, the fat black man who was happily playing with the high-powered binoculars looking out from it turned pale. He suddenly dropped the valuable binoculars and swiped wildly like a spasm. Oars.

The entire small boat is like a powerful motor, and countless small waves are splashed from the bow to the surroundings.

And the former crew member of the White Beard Pirate Group who was planning to take the opportunity to find the Straw Hat gang ran away without looking back.

In an instant, the sea surface not far behind him separated with a gap of tens of meters wide and appeared directly at the bottom of the sea.

The raging ocean currents are like a well-behaved child at this time. Each ocean current follows the trajectory of the sword energy, erecting the sea water on two walls, as if by the strange god's detective hand, it is shaped into a cleverly crafted blue sea wall.

It is said that the water will flow even more with a knife, but today the boundless Wang Yang bowed his head in front of others.

In front of this sword, nature is no longer majestic.

Hawkeye closed his sword and walked into the restaurant, no longer looking back at the heaven and earth vision he had created.

There is sword energy, and the sea breaks three thousand feet.

444. We are the navy, we will not be afraid (Part 1)

Seeing the eagle eye swing out, Xiliu, who was stepping on Bucky the clown, frowned imperceptibly.

Although he has been stationed in the Alabastan-Desert Kingdom on the great route during this period, and is responsible for deployment and coordination, it does not mean that he is ignorant of the movement of the headquarters.

In particular, the Decepticons belonging to the Naval Aviation Corps sent a squadron to **** the air fortress to the East China Sea two weeks ago. As a high-ranking navy, he has at least heard of such a big move.

And the previous line of sight mixed with maliciousness, although it was a thousand meters away, was easily caught by the two great swordsmen right from the beginning of the fight.

The strength is only the first line between Hawkeye, and such undisguised maliciousness will naturally not escape Xiliu's keen perception.

But Lao La's hunter pretended not to know, this was his usual method when leading a hundred people to hunt wildly.

After the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, in the end, the murderer only needs to sharpen his knife and wait for the prey to be snatched by himself.

Kexi's wishful thinking that he kept in her mind was completely vanished under the sharp sword aura that broke the sea three thousand feet.

This cannot be blamed on Hawkeye's reckless action, after all, there is no idea who the peepers are from beginning to end.

It's just that the deputy commander of the expeditionary army had a faint hunch that the navy headquarters who mobilized so many people to search for it is most likely the same guy who was taken away by the eagle eye cracking the sea.

"It's a bad thing..." Although Killing Embryo may seem reckless but not stupid, combined with the straw hat and the group embodied here, he always feels that someone has deliberately done it.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Xi Liu Ji came to his heart.

He turned his head and walked towards the chef of the Straw Hat Pirate Group who was dragging Sauron, and by the way, he threw the seriously injured into the convalescent cabin at will.

"Hey, Koyamaji, I'll ask you a few questions, and you will answer me honestly." Uncle Xiliu, who is rarely reasonable, lowered his voice.

To this man, the third son of the Vinsmok family seemed extremely cooperative with the calm idea of ​​"your uncle or your uncle": "Deputy commander, please say."

"Have you been aggressively attacking other pirates within the East China Sea recently?" Xiliu's tone at the moment seemed quite calm.

Sanji, who didn't know what the guy had planned, confessed: "Yes, and to ensure efficiency, it was divided into two teams to execute."

"..." For some reason, when Sanji's voice fell, Hiliu's eyes twitched slightly: "I guess, you did not deliberately conceal the public's attention, you even did it extremely publicly, right?"

"Yeah! Several pages in the newspaper are our news." Sanji replied without hesitation, but he recovered after confessing...Hiliu probably didn't know about this decoy operation. Right...how??

The blond curly eyebrow boy couldn't restrain his curiosity after all: "Huh? Why are you so clear?"

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