"What? Attack? Where did the attack come from??" While trying to avoid falling rocks on the hull, the captain of the pirate ship yelled: "Damn it! Why didn't the island guard give an early warning??"

This attack came too abruptly, and it was ridiculously quick to say nothing without warning.

They never found out where the shells came from.

"Hey! Captain, look!" The crew of the Pirate Ship raised their heads and yelled. The place where the shell was hit was even the metal layer that was wrapped in it. It looked like an ugly and ugly piece. The scratches run through the **** of the island.

"How is it possible? Even the navy train gun shouldn't have such a long range!?" The pirate captain was quite surprised. After all, the Black Sails Alliance is still frequenting the navy after fighting with the navy for so long. Many battle data have been collected during the war.

Among them is the data of the train guns assembled by the navy on the ship Moria, a member of the Seven Seas of Kings.

These life reminders on the battlefield have ranges ranging from 28 kilometers to 60 kilometers, but this destructive and weird shell has bypassed the 70-kilometer detection range of the radar station built by the Black Sail Alliance on the floating island. It is obviously Launched from farther away.

"Admiral Golden Lion! Island No. 4 is under attack, repeat, Island No. 4 is under attack." Needless to say, the pirates have already gathered up the information.

The legendary big pirate who has experienced countless storms is far more sensitive to war and crisis than ordinary seafarers.

Almost instantly, Golden Lion Shiji made reasonable judgments and speculations: "Hey, is it out of the radar range? What new gadgets has the navy headquarters developed?"

Naturally, Golden Lion does not know that, compared with traditional gunpowder-propelled cannons, the biggest advantage of electromagnetic guns is to increase the speed and range of projectiles.

According to conservative estimates, its range is 10 times that of the current conventional weapons of the navy headquarters.

However, the final actual combat target of the navy headquarters is a 64 megajoule-class electromagnetic gun, with a range of up to 200 kilometers, even beyond the reconnaissance range of the naval radar.

The power of its shells is comparable to the impact of a giant ship weighing more than 1,000 tons hitting at a speed of 200km/h.

Changing to an ordinary ship, just passing by the main electromagnetic cannon placed on the Megatron Fortress is enough to completely tear it apart and disintegrate directly in the air.

But if it is calculated and measured as an island, the damage caused by the main gun of the fortress is extremely limited.

"Adjustment parameters!"

In the main turret of the Megatron Sky Fortress, dozens of operators are re-correcting the parameters and firing angles based on the position of the previous shot.

The ability to complete the first round of hits at such a long distance sounds almost like a fantasy, but the thrust of the electromagnetic projectile in the barrel is very uniform and easy to control the electromagnetic force, the good stability of the projectile, greatly improved Hit accuracy.

On the other hand, it also depends on the fact that the more than ten floating islands are too large, and such conspicuous markings on one's radar make it difficult for Ainilu to miss the target.

"It's not good...it is definitely unrealistic to hope that the main artillery will smash these islands at a distance." Ainilu gradually frowned. If dozens of heavy artillery bombarded the same island, he pointed It can be disintegrated, but the orbit of the electromagnetic gun cannot withstand too many launches.

Because of the severe refining, the life span of the main gun barrel can be 200 rounds.

Even knowing this, Ainilu did not stop the frequent use of the main artillery bombardment again. The airpower and the navy did not have the advantage. Now that they can bully the pirates for insufficient range, they naturally have to maximize the firepower advantage.

After a few minutes of full firepower, the main gun was exchanged for almost at the cost of scrapping. At this moment, the processing team would cool down and change the launch orbit.

Unfortunately, those island communities are still advancing toward the navy like a city wall. The two sides are still shortening the distance, and now each other's radar can detect what kind of lineup the other side has arranged.

"I feel more and more that the war five years ago won a fluke." Taking advantage of the intermittent change of tubes, Ainilu let out a long sigh.

With one hand between the eyebrows and looking up, several meteorites dragged by Fujitor’s gravity, under friction with the atmosphere, slammed into the float led by Golden Lion Shiji, wrapped in a fiery tail flame. Empty island group.

Who expected the meteorite to fall apart before it hit the island.

Naturally, Baibeard took the lead, and Seismic Weili has done no harm in dealing with these stones.

These massive meteorites instantly turned into a burst of flint rain from the sky, sprinkled on several floating islands.

But Fujitora is not easy to follow. With a wave of a long knife, he started to compete with Golden Lion Shiji for control of several floating islands after a distance of tens of kilometers.

Suddenly, the formation of the Black Sail Alliance was disrupted.

Boom boom boom!

The giant artillery group displayed on the floating island finally arrived within range, and was gradually showing off, throwing and pouring terrifying artillery fire into the navy formation.

Boom! A heavy artillery from the pirate side slammed an airship that was guarding on the side, directly blasting the airship into the air for several times, burning thick smoke and starting to fall down.

Seeing that his squadron is being taken care of, Ainilu couldn't help but look a little anxious:

"Mr. Sa!! Sakazuki! Hurry up and use your invincible rock berry to find a way!!"

449. Front Barrage High Energy (Part 1)

This chance encounter over the East China Sea completely tore to pieces the brief peace that had been exchanged for five years of confrontation between the two poles.

And this may be the first large-scale air battle recorded in Pirate World. The fierce collision between the Navy Headquarters and the New World Pirates broke out, transforming the world's concept of war from being stuck on planes to a solid model. .

On the floating archipelago controlled by Golden Lion Shiji, fierce artillery fire is constantly squandering ammunition at the navy's aerial formation.

The caliber of these coastal defense heavy artillery can even be compared to the smaller train guns.

These heavy artillery shells fired from various areas of the island, intertwined with a dense barrage at high altitude.

"Smile!" Upon seeing this, Sakazuki couldn't help but loudly reminded the Gravity Fruits who were still competing with the Golden Lion Shiji for remote control of the island.

In terms of personal ability to withstand bombardment and scrubbing on a large scale, Rock Berry really can't do anything to stop it without any leaks.

Each has its own strengths, knowing that he is not perfect [Wuyu] This piece of Sakazuki decided to hand over the frontal interception to Fujitora.

It seems that no matter how urgent the important matter is, or how passive the situation is, this calm and reliable middle-aged uncle always looks calm and calm: "Received, Mr. Akadog."

Even though Sakazuki has persuaded many times, Yixiao still stubbornly insists on using honorifics for this colleague.

In a blink of an eye, he retracted his flat right arm, even if he was as strong as a vine tiger, he could not keep fighting the golden lion while intercepting so many heavy artillery shells.

Fujitora took the lead in giving up the previous move of remotely invoking the influence of gravity and trying to manipulate the balance of the opponent's island. He retracted his right hand and held the handle of the knife.

When the sword suddenly appeared, an invisible gravity wave spread out quietly.

Just a few kilometers away from Fujitora, the shocking shells were all planted to the surface of the sea.

Without waiting for the people in the metal fortress to breathe a sigh of relief, the dense fire from the muzzle on the distant islands came again.

"here we go again!!!"

Dozens of fortress observatories sounded almost at the same time, sternly warning of the coming second round of artillery strikes as prescribed by the Black Sail Alliance.

Not to mention Anilu, even Fujitora, who had always been steady, frowned slightly.

It has always been only their navy who used the advantage of firepower to catch the pirates with indiscriminate bombardment, and it was rare that they were suppressed and fought.

But now, the floating island community led by the Golden Lion makes the proud navy have to accept the fact that the artillery that can be carried on dozens of islands, regardless of the number or caliber, can easily Overtake and suppress the firepower assembled by [First Order].

The high-density firepower net pounced again, but was smashed again by Fujitora's sword controlled by gravity.

In the process of the Black Sail Alliance’s artillery fire test, the airships that were hit each suffered varying degrees of damage, but fortunately, due to the advantages of the airship’s internal structure, the closed cabins that were hit by the artillery shells leaked air. Only a small part of the entire area of ​​the airship.

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