Even if it seems that the smoke is filled with severe damage, it will not fall down since then.

However, a decline in stagnation power is already inevitable.

"It's not a problem to get beaten all the time." Ainilu sighed softly, standing by the main battery turret waiting for the orbit to change.

[Take a boat to fight with the island, even the best airship can't help but toss like this. 】

Jiu Shou must lose the truth, he certainly understands that it's good to have Fujitora to help intercept it at this time, but what if the master of gravity is caught by the golden lion later?

"Fire!! Fire!! Aim all the 406-caliber triple turrets at the islands!! Just by grinding, I also want these floating islands to be bombarded with a layer of skin!!" With the help of my own control of radio waves For the convenience of the [First Order], the deputy commander of the [First Order] can’t help but roar in the channel.

Even if the islands are not broken, under the justice of 406 caliber, the navy has the confidence to plow all the buildings and fortresses on the surface of those islands into flat ground.

Boom! Boom!

Even the huge fortress platforms such as the [Megatron], which were regarded as the ultimate war weapon, were obviously shifted slightly due to the aftereffect of the salvo of artillery fire.

Those tongues of flame that bloomed from the muzzle were connected into pieces, and the fortress was wrapped in a fan shape with the spray of gunpowder, like weaving a circle of beautiful and deadly dancing skirts.

Walking amidst the deafening artillery fire, Sakazuki slowly lifted its feet onto a special metal platform that was lifted across several decks to the surface of the fortress by mechanical wheels.

Only tungsten with a melting point above 3000° can bear the high temperature that is continuously released after the elementalization of Sakazuki. The magma of the big beach is poured from Sakazuki onto the tungsten gold platform. These semi-solidified forms The lava quickly piled up, completely covering the whole Sakazuki.

The red dog’s most iconic move-the Great Fire Demon reappears in the world. Although it cannot maintain this state for a long time without an endless supply of volcanic fire, it is enough to win a short-term counterattack opportunity for the navy.

On the platform that was dark and dimmed and refracted the cold metallic luster, two conveyor tracks were sending the "ammunition" stored inside with maximum power to the Balrog.

Those are obsidian stone **** several meters tall, quickly swallowed by the Balrog that maintains a large area of ​​elementalization.

Just like an airplane spreading inducer bombs, with the Balrog as the center, a series of dense lava fireballs flew in the direction of the island controlled by the golden lion in a fan shape.

When the Golden Lion first saw these swarms of Hellfire missiles, he couldn't help but sneered: "It's still the same thing. Only a few hundred [Hellfires] are enough to easily destroy a pirate fleet, which can be assigned to On ten islands, that's a big deal."

On average, eating dozens of hellfires on each island is a piece of cake.

After all, on these islands, there are many pirate masters who have long been famous in the New World sitting in various key places.

However, the contempt of the golden lion fell for less than a second, and the unfading smile on the face of the pirate hero solidified.

Because the Balrog giant in the distance did not stop for a moment, and once again ejected the second and third rounds...

"What!? Have thousands of hellfires stored on that naval air fortress?" Shi Ji muttered to himself, looking up at the starry sky of hellfire rain. Since the two sides fought in the East China Sea, he For the first time there was a misjudgment.

These hellfires, which were personally activated by Sakazuki, seem to be endless, and they are sprayed high into the sky by the Balrog giant without stopping.

Hellfire, this legion combat Hormitz creation jointly developed by Soul Soul Fruit and Rock Berry, first appeared on the decisive battlefield of the New World Defense Battle five years ago.

With that premeditated hellfire raid, it almost completely destroyed the more than 40 pirate ships of the White Beard Pirate Group, which was known to be the most powerful and most dependent at the time.

Since then, the Hellfire Legion dropped by the red dog has become the first problem that the Black Sail Alliance needs to solve and deal with.

However, after numerous discussions, the pirates still failed to find a suitable solution.

In the end, Baibeard can only launch large-scale seismic waves to deal with these lava boulders that have autonomous consciousness and can move freely.

After these five years of continuous updating and development, in the small-scale attacks of the Burning Legion, Hellfire has been frequently used in the war against the pirates.

With its practicability and universality, it has been unanimously recognized and affirmed by the whole army.

The people who also noticed the sky full of high-energy barrage were not only the Golden Lion Shiji.

Edward Newgate, who is sitting on the main floating island, is standing in a horse-stride posture at this moment, with his arms interlaced in front of his chest, accumulating shock power.

Click, like the crisp sound of glass cracking.

Following the actions of Edward Newgate, the air made an overwhelmed "groan" under the action of the shock waves from the earthquake man's arms.

The air sounded like a bubble burst.

The milky white aperture that was above the earthquake person's fists suddenly expanded, and the violent shock wave energy accumulated in it enough to easily set off a tsunami was released in an instant.

Ordinary earthquakes are transmitted to the ground through the layer-by-layer conduction of the mantle, asthenosphere, and lithosphere, as well as energy loss and attenuation, and it has the terrible power of destruction and decay.

So, what happens if these violent shock waves that occur 300-700 kilometers deep in the earth's crust are directly released into the air?

A high-intensity shock wave covering a range of 10,000 meters erupted from the center of the island, directly sweeping away the countless dense fireballs that fell from the sky, and tore the ground of the island where Baibeard himself was currently on.

Even several nearby islands have collapsed to varying degrees under the influence of the seismic waves.

This is already the case on the island, and the pirates who were active on the floating island were so scared that they lay down on the ground, waiting for the shock wave to pass.

Inside the floating island hollowed out by countless manpower, energy, and material resources, the solid walls are covered with cobweb-like pulling cracks. If most of the walls are reinforced by metal frames, it is not necessarily the case that they collapse into a ball.

"Newgate!! Are you tearing down your home??!" Seeing that allies almost beat their own home with one blow, Golden Lion couldn't help complaining: "Your ability deserves to be thrown into the navy by yourself. Go inside the fortress and wait to be beaten by the gang!!!"

But the good news is also quite exciting. The fire and rain in the sky was also torn into pieces by the unrivaled shock waves halfway through, and the hellfire near the islands directly turned into dust and fell from the sky.

Unfortunately, what Whitebeard and Golden Lion didn't know was that a certain severely fire-deficient patient had placed in the fortress an inactive hellfire full of divisions.

450. High energy front barrage (medium)

Skee couldn't help but slapped himself lightly. Obviously, the crow's mouth just now came true.

Ben relied on the superior pirates with intensive artillery fire, and it was rare to experience the joy of barrage washing the ground in the navy, but who expected the retribution to come so quickly.

Before everyone could relax from this shock wave that could not distinguish the enemy from us, the Balrog who was guarding the naval air fortress once again exerted its strength.

It's still exactly the same move, the old offensive routine-but the special cat can't help it!!!

Veteran pirates can identify and determine the approximate location where these hellfires descending from the sky will fall.

But seeing these small meteorite-like ghost things clearly does not mean that they can be easily prevented.

On the contrary, the impact and destructive power of these hellfires falling from a high altitude alone is better than most heavy artillery.

When these unaware of pain and indefatigable elemental creatures came to besiege in groups, ordinary pirates could hardly resist, even pirates with fighting ability enough to serve as captains were tired of coping.

The solid stone body wrapped in lava is difficult to be destroyed by swords and bullets. On top of its excellent defensive ability, Hellfire even takes care of the high temperature attack that is almost the same as that of the red dog.

"Disgusting puppet army." Shi Ji's expression at this moment was exactly like his real state of mind at this moment, and he judged the Hellfire Legion with a bitter face.

These inferior soul creations that can be mass-produced and manufactured at will, do not play a decisive role in turning the tide of the battle.

However, the red dog was put on the battlefield on a large scale at the beginning of the war to consume the pirate's vitality. It can be described as an excellent consumable.

If you've made it clear to give you a fresh trick, are you angry?

Of course, the white beard guarding here can block you as much as you can, but Shiji estimates that if the world's strongest man releases a few rounds of shock waves, he does not need the navy to take action, his own floating island fleet will only Will disintegrate on its own.

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